Chapter 1087
Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone including Hu Yu couldn't help being dumbfounded and shocked inexplicably.

No one knows what this young man with amazing skills wants to do.
But after a long time, the majestic and dazzling flame gradually dimmed.

All of a sudden, everyone in the audience looked over in amazement.But the black egg on the boy's palm was still intact, without any change.

And just when everyone was amazed and puzzled.

A dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the black egg!

In an instant, that dazzling white light fell in front of Wu You.

And wait for its light to converge.

A small pure white rabbit exuding a halo of holiness, is impressively displayed in front of the world!

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

This sacred and inviolable, petite and lovely white-haired rabbit, could it be the grey-haired rabbit with the wretched expression and slovenliness just now?
Oh my god, this, this is a world of difference!

"Rabbit, Uncle Rabbit? Is it really you?"

Hu Yu stared at the white-haired rabbit dumbfounded, and said in disbelief.

Hearing the sound, the cute little rabbit in the arena nodded excitedly towards Hu Yu, then opened its three-petal mouth, and uttered words like a child:

"Xiaoyu is really me. I now have a new physical body and have a new life!"

Hearing these extremely excited words, Hu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then opened his eyes wide, showing unprecedented surprise.

Immediately couldn't help but cheered:

"Really? Great, really great, Uncle Rabbit, you are finally free."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to have a physical body again. This is simply incredible!"

The lake wanderer who turned into a white-haired rabbit sighed, and couldn't help but look up and down at his new body.

Immediately, the shock and surprise in my heart intensified.

The aptitude and potential of this physical body are much, much stronger than its previous body!

At this moment, not only does it feel full of strength, but its consciousness and perception have reached unprecedented heights!
If the previous self could perceive treasures in a small village.Now that it has been reborn, it is sure to perceive most of the capital!
For a moment, Huyouzi was extremely excited, and his heart was inexplicably excited.

Immediately, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned his small, pure white body, bent deeply towards Wu You, and bowed down gratefully:

"Thank you for the kindness of the master's rebirth. The lake wanderer will never forget the kindness of the master, and will use his whole life to repay the master."

At this time, Hu Yu also recovered from the shocking joy, bowed his head towards Wu You without hesitation, and said gratefully:
"Master, thank you for everything you have done for me and Uncle Rabbit. Hu Yu will always remember your kindness."

"Okay, let's all get up, this seat is just fulfilling the original promise."

Wu You smiled lightly, then looked at the black egg in his hand, and said with a slight smile:

"Today, this ghost weapon not only absorbs a lot of death energy, but also has enough energy from the underworld, which is just enough for me to perform the technique of ghost reincarnation and recast your physical body.

This can be regarded as your good fortune. "

Hearing this, Hu Youzi was even more grateful and could not repay him.

"Okay, now you can try the new body and see if there is any discomfort."

Wu You smiled lightly.

"Yes, Master."

Hu Youzi bowed to accept the order, and his two long snow-white ears suddenly stood up. It took less than a moment, and he opened his mouth excitedly:

"Master, there are so many treasures here!"

As he said that, his ears pointed not far away, and the surviving giant sapphire statue excitedly asked for credit:

"Master, the treasure is under that stone statue!"

And at the next moment, a distraught voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Nonsense, don't you need to say that, those rare treasures were buried there by Lao Tzu!"

Preserved egg scolded angrily, then quickly came to Wu You, and said respectfully:
"Master, what I promised you back then, all the treasures of heaven and earth that I collected during my lifetime are all stored under the sapphire puppet. Please accept it with a smile, Master."

"Really, but the real treasures are not only those buried in the ground, this statue of yours is also a rare refining material."

After speaking with a smile, Wu You waved his sleeves.

In an instant, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

The [-]-meter-tall sapphire statue, along with the tens of meters of ground beneath it, disappeared in an instant!

There was only an empty pit left in place...

After collecting the sapphire puppet and all the treasures under it into the chaotic space, Wu You looked at the preserved eggs in the field again, and said with a calm smile:
"Today, the death energy absorbed by this ghostly ghost weapon is enough to give birth to the real body of the abyssal ghost dragon.

Now you can go into it and sleep in it to conceive your spirit body.

When I go to the underworld, it will be the day when you truly transform into a dragon! "

As soon as these words came out, Preserved Egg was inexplicably excited, and the excitement couldn't be more exciting.

He never thought that one day he would really become the number one beast in the underworld, the abyss dragon!
This is so shocking!
"Thank you for the master's grace. This old slave will never forget the master's kindness in rebuilding. From now on, I will serve the master wholeheartedly."

Preserved egg bowed deeply and kowtowed in gratitude.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go in and raise the spirit body now, and when I have time to go to the underworld and absorb more dead energy, you can hatch early."

Wu You smiled lightly.

"Yes, Master."

The preserved egg respectfully accepted the order, and then turned into a majestic billowing black air, all of which poured into the black egg in Wu You's hand!

And in the next moment.

Wu You released the Qi of Absolute Beginning again, wrapping the whole black egg.

However, this time it did not emit any light, and the Qi of Primordial Beginning silently and slowly merged into the black egg.

A moment later, when all the Qi of Absolute Beginning was absorbed by the Nether Ghost Tool, the originally oily black egg was covered with circles of mysterious and ancient gray lines!

And when you look closely at these lines, they seem to be alive, constantly changing and wandering on top of the ghostly ghost, like a dragon!

All of a sudden, the whole black egg couldn't help exuding a shocking feeling.

It seems that as long as you look at it for a second, your soul will be sucked in...

Feeling that the preserved egg in the Nether Ghost Tool had fallen into a deep sleep and began to nurture a spirit body, and there was no more movement, Wu You took it back to the chaotic space.

Then he looked at Ji Chi, Zhouzi and Zhu Yan in the field, and said calmly:
"This seat is going to retreat for a period of time before going to that ghost fairyland.

During this period, the few of you will accompany the rabbit to search for the rare treasures in the whole of China, the more the better. "

(End of this chapter)

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