I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1089 Shocking the world

Chapter 1089 Shocking the world
And just when millions of people in the audience were shocked.

An advanced and huge armed helicopter transport plane suddenly flew out of the crowd and flew over Wuling Mountain, and slowly landed on the dilapidated square.

Then the plane door opened.

In an instant, under everyone's shocked and inexplicable eyes.

More than a dozen young soldiers in black camouflage uniforms and loaded with live ammunition ran off the transport plane in a well-trained manner, holding assault rifles in two rows.

Immediately afterwards, an imposing gray-haired old man in a Chinese tunic suit suddenly stepped out of the cabin, and walked straight to the sapphire high platform.

And behind him, there are many majestic officers in military uniforms.Judging by his rank, the lowest is a major general!
Seeing the unimaginable scene, millions of people in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

They never expected that so many senior generals would come to the troops who came to carry out the "rescue mission" this time.

This is so flattering...

At this time, Chen Xuanxiao and other bigwigs in the martial arts world were even more shocked when they saw this.

God, what the hell is going on here?

Why are there so many senior officers of the Huaxia military here all of a sudden?

Has this event caused such a big commotion?

It's over, it's over, I can't hide it now.

The seriousness of this incident can be imagined for the Huaxia military to mobilize so many troops and send so many generals to carry out the mission.

If he pursues it, his new Lord Master may not escape the law!

And if His Excellency is so troubled that he goes crazy and takes action against these senior generals, the consequences will be unimaginable!

No, this tragedy must not be allowed to happen!

Immediately, Chen Xuanxiao and the eleven Supreme Realm ancient warriors rushed forward eagerly.

Relying on their pivotal status in the Chinese martial arts world, I believe these military officials will give a little bit of fluff.

"Isn't this General Chu Yuntian? I didn't expect the general to be present in person today. It really makes my ancient martial arts sect shine."

When Chen Xuanxiao saw the gray-haired old man in the lead, he immediately greeted him politely as he walked.

And hearing the name Chu Yuntian, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded, and their hearts couldn't be more shocked.

No one thought that the majestic gray-haired old man in front of him was the Great General Chu who was well-known in the entire China, and even more important in the entire China military!
This, this is really incredible!
And what is even more unexpected is why this high-ranking military official came to Wuling Mountain in person in such a mobilizing manner?
This is simply puzzling.

And at the next moment, the ten Supreme Realm ancient warriors also followed Chen Xuanxiao to come forward, greeted the gray-haired old man eagerly, and stopped the progress of those military officials for a while.

Seeing this, the gray-haired old man immediately frowned, and said in a low voice with displeasure:

"Get out of the way, the person we are looking for is not you."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuanxiao and others in the field couldn't help being extremely surprised.

They really didn't expect that these senior members of the Chinese military came to find someone today.

But who are they looking for?
My God, do they already know who the person who committed this heinous crime today is?
This is terrible!Your lord is really in trouble!
And just as Chen Xuanxiao and the others were stunned, the gray-haired old man had already led a group of senior military officials, overstepping these powerful ancient warriors of the Supreme Realm, and onto the jade platform.

A moment later, under the amazed eyes of everyone in the audience.The majestic gray-haired old man has already led the crowd, and came to the youth who is floating like a fairy in a menacing manner.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuanxiao and the others suddenly showed a look of horror, it's over, these military officials really came to settle accounts with the Lord Lord!

But at this time, Duan Gurou, Zhao Sihui and Qin Zixun in the field saw this scene, and they couldn't help but turn pale and be terrified.

If these military officials really offended Brother Wu You today, the consequences would be unimaginable!

And just when everyone in the audience was breaking out in cold sweat and panicked.

But I saw the majestic gray-haired old man with a majestic expression, bent deeply towards the calm young man in front of him in an instant, bowed respectfully and said:

"Disciple Chu Yuntian, pay homage to Master."

In an instant, the audience fell into silence, and a needle could be heard.

At this moment, everyone in the field seemed to be petrified, and they stood there motionless, with an unprecedented look of shock in their eyes.

This, how is this possible?

The Great General Chu, who was well-known throughout China and had unparalleled influence, would actually salute such a young boy and call him his teacher.

This is simply the most shocking thing they have ever seen in their lives!
"My God, Your Honor is General Chu's master?"

Chen Xuanxiao couldn't help exclaiming.

The other martial arts bigwigs present also showed unprecedented shock.

However, when he thought about Lord Master's superb power, it was not incomprehensible for Chu Yuntian to worship him as his teacher.

After all, even the immortals in Lingyou Wonderland flock to their lord, let alone the generals of the mortal army...

And in the next moment.

All the military officers behind Chu Yuntian suddenly straightened their bodies and saluted together, and said respectfully to the young man who was floating like a fairy:
"Hello, General Wu."

Seeing this unbelievable scene, the originally silent crowd suddenly burst into uproar one after another!

"Wu, General Wu? Did I hear correctly? That young man is actually a general of the military!"

"My God, this, how is this possible? How could the Chinese military have such a young general?"

"That's right, and even if Mr. Wu is really a general, there are generals among those military officials who salute him.

Could it be that his rank is higher than the rank of general? "

For a moment, the millions of people on the square were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

At this time, Chen Xuanxiao and other bigwigs in the martial arts world also had more violent storms in their hearts!
They never imagined in their dreams that their lord is not only the master of General Chu, but also a general of the Chinese military!
This, this is simply incredible!
It wasn't until this moment that they finally realized why the Lord Lord was indifferent to the arrival of the Huaxia military before, and was not worried at all.

It turns out that he is a member of the military, and seeing how respectful those senior generals are to him, their lord's status in the military must be extremely prominent!

(End of this chapter)

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