I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1094 7 days later

Chapter 1094 Seven Days Later
Whether you are a wealthy businessman, a high-ranking official, or a powerful martial artist, you must follow this rule!

Without exception!
However, there are no restrictions on age, gender, education, ethnicity, occupation, etc. requirements.

All those who participated in the trial of the Ancient Hua Xianzong had only one requirement, and that was Huaxia people!

As soon as this regulation came out, the originally chaotic millions of people gradually became orderly.

In addition to the 20 people queuing up to enter the Ancient Hua Xianzong, there are also nearly [-] troops who gather from all over the country every day to participate in the Gu Hua Xianzong's apprentice trial.

It is precisely because most of the people who participated in the trials of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect were warriors and soldiers, their quality and perseverance were much stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, among the more than 30 people who enter the main altar every day, almost 1 people can successfully pass the trial and become disciples of the Ancient Hua Xianzong!
And regardless of success or failure, everyone who participated in the trial of the Gu Hua Xianzong's apprenticeship was deeply shocked by the trial of miraculous skills.

Especially the most important test of perseverance, the process of overcoming countless tribulations and fears in one's heart, is even more unforgettable for one's life.

Even those who have not passed the trial feel that they have benefited a lot and that the trip is worthwhile.

After a week like this, the number of disciples of Guhua Xianzong increased by 10 to [-], reaching nearly [-]!

Fortunately, the main altar of Guhua Xianzong is large enough, even if it can accommodate a hundred times more, it will be more than enough.

And this is just one floor of space.

There are a total of ten floors in the main altar of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, even if hundreds of millions of disciples are crammed into it, there is no problem!

And at the time when the trial event was in full swing in the provincial capital of Liuzhou.

After a week has passed in Huaxia Capital, the people who are running around for their lives have long forgotten the terrifying vision of heaven and earth in the northwest mountainous area seven days ago.

Everything returned to normal again, as if nothing had happened...

In the evening, the sun sets.

The huge capital city is dyed with a layer of red glow by the afterglow of the setting sun, showing the vicissitudes and tranquility.

Until this time, the office workers who have been busy for a day can finally walk out of the "dark" office buildings, come to the bustling streets exhausted physically and mentally, and take a breath of fresh smog...

And just when countless people started looking for food.

Several long rainbows suddenly appeared in the distant sky, quickly crossed the blood-colored sky and came to the sky above China's capital, and quietly landed in the bustling city full of high-rise buildings.

Just a moment later, a handsome, long-haired young man in a gorgeous purple robe walked out of the alley with fluttering clothes.

And behind him followed four elegant and graceful women in pink, blue, blue, and yellow flowing dresses.

"Hehe, I haven't been to the world for so many years. I can't imagine that the world has changed so much. It's really interesting, interesting."

The young man in purple robe looked at the tall buildings around him, and laughed with great interest.

"Yes, my lord, the houses in the mortal world were not so tall before, and the mechanism puppets flying in the sky and running on the ground that I saw on the way here were also amazing."

The woman in yellow, who looked the youngest among the four girls, looked around in amazement and echoed excitedly.

"Hmph, what's so great about it, it's just some mortal's extraordinary skills, it's not worth mentioning in front of us."

The proud-looking woman in Tsing Yi snorted coldly.

"Zhu'er, you really underestimate the mortals, but I always pay attention to the mortal world, the strongest weapon they can make now is comparable to the single blow of the formation of pills!
Even we have to avoid his edge, and can't resist head-on, how could it be some kind of strange and obscene technique. "

The unsmiling woman in blue said solemnly.

Hearing this, the woman in Tsing Yi retorted dismissively:
"Sister Lan, I know what kind of nuclear weapon you are talking about, but do those mortals dare to use it?

And even if they really use it, with our speed, we won't be hit directly at all. As long as we stay away from the center of the nuclear explosion, the damage to us is minimal, and there is nothing to worry about. "

And just when the woman in blue was about to refute, the oldest woman in pink frowned slightly and said:

"Okay, stop arguing, don't forget that we are not here for sightseeing.

It is necessary to investigate as soon as possible whether the invasion of the underworld in this mortal capital seven days ago is true, and report it to the Immortal Master as soon as possible. "

Hearing these words, the other three beautiful women couldn't help but straighten their faces, and serious expressions appeared in their beautiful eyes.

"Okay, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, you don't need to be so nervous. This time, you finally come out this time, so naturally you will come back with a lot of fun."

The purple-robed youth smiled slightly, then shook his head indifferently and said:

"As for the nonsense about the exit from the underworld being opened and the army of the underworld invading, it's obvious that the guys from Lingyou Wonderland made a mistake, and that is simply impossible.

And do you really believe that the so-called heaven, which has disappeared for countless years and does not know whether it still exists, will really send people down to save the world?
That is completely nonsense and ridiculous. "

Hearing these words, the four beautiful women who were flying out of the world couldn't help being taken aback, and then they all agreed.

If the exit of the underworld was so easy to get through, the army of the underworld would have already invaded, so why wait until now?
As for the immortal king from the heavens descending to earth, it is a fantasy, and it is absolutely impossible to happen.

"Young Master said that it was Mei Er who was worrying too much."

The woman in pink bowed her head in respect.

"My son is wise."

The rest of the women also respectfully praised.

"Hehe, so it's a routine thing to go out this time, I just have to have a good time in the mortal world, and finally go back to deal with the old man."

After the purple-robed youth finished speaking, he strode forward vigorously.

The four graceful and beautiful women also followed closely behind with fluttering robes.

And when these five handsome men and women in ancient costumes came to the bustling street, they immediately attracted countless eyes.

"Hey, watch it quickly, are those people filming costume TV dramas?"

"Tch, it's terrible to be uneducated. It's called cosplay. It's really rare."

"That's right, but that little brother and those young ladies are so good-looking, they are even celebrities!"

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. If I make a short video and post it online, it will definitely become popular!"

"It's better to act than to be excited, you all get out of the way, don't block me from taking videos, my dozen or so fans are already hungry..."

All of a sudden, many pedestrians on the street stopped, talking to the five detached and handsome young men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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