I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1102 Shocking debut

Chapter 1102 Shocking debut
Hu Yaohua is worthy of being a great director who has experienced the world and has seen countless people. He is really scheming!
All of a sudden, many bigwigs in the entertainment industry were deeply impressed by Hu Dao's decisive courage.At the same time, I was inexplicably excited to witness the birth of a superstar.

Just when everyone was deeply moved by the long-haired girl's chance to soar into the sky.

Duan Gurou shook her head lightly, and apologized to Hu Yaohua:

"Director Hu, thank you for your kindness, but I just like to write something quietly, and I really don't want to be surrounded by people.

So I'm really sorry that I can't agree to your invitation. "

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but be dumbfounded, showing a look of incomparable shock.

In any case, they never expected that the long-haired girl would reject such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so resolutely.

This, this is really unexpected!
"Why, how could this be?"

Seeing that Gu Rou had just turned down so indifferently, Marina felt sore in her heart for the New Year's Eve party she had dreamed of.

This is really more popular than people...

At this time, Hu Yaohua didn't seem to have expected that the girl who was out of the dust would refuse his invitation, and couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

Then he hastily opened his mouth and said:

"Miss Gurou, please forgive my abruptness just now, in fact, I understand your mood very well.

It's normal for a girl who usually likes to be quiet to suddenly be under the spotlight. It's hard to accept for a while.

But I think it's a pity that a girl like Miss Gurou who combines beauty and talent is so content with being ordinary.

At the same time, this is also the loss of the general audience.

So please Miss Gu Rou think about it again, don't answer me now. "

"Yes, Miss Gu Rou, this opportunity is really rare. I really hope that my idol can be known by more people, so I ask Miss Gu Rou to think about it."

Bai Lulu persuaded from the bottom of her heart.

For a time, many guests in the entire hall also showed anticipation.

However, Duan Gurou at this time was still unmoved, and said apologetically:
"I'm sorry Director Hu, I've made up my mind and really can't accept the invitation.

And without brother Wu You's consent, I would never show my face casually. "

As soon as these words came out, all the bigwigs in the entertainment industry couldn't help being startled.

Brother Wu You?Who is that?

Why does Miss Gurou still need his consent if she wants to participate in the New Year's Eve party?

At this time, many young people from the Gurou National Book Fan Association and Kyoto University also showed even more puzzled expressions.

Who is that guy named Wu You?To make their idol care so much.

"Why is that Wu again? Who the hell is he?"

Xiao Fuxue, who was standing not far away, saw that the one whom he had finally met, and at this moment mentioned that Master Wu again, the bad premonition in his heart became more and more intense.

At this time, Hu Yaohua was equally astonished when he heard the girl's words.

Then he frowned and asked tentatively:

"Miss Gu Rou, in this way, if the brother Wu You you mentioned agrees, will you be able to participate in this year's New Year's Eve party?"

Hearing this, Duan Gurou was taken aback, thought for a moment, then nodded resolutely and said:
"Well, no matter what Brother Wu You asks me to do, I will agree."

Seeing this, everyone in the banquet hall couldn't help being stunned.

No one expected that the sacred and inviolable peerless beauty in front of her would actually obey that brother Wu You so much.

This is simply incredible!
"Miss Gu Rou, I still don't know who that brother Wu You you mentioned is? Where are you now?
If possible, I would like to talk to him personally about Miss Gu Rou's participation in the New Year's Eve Gala. "

Hu Yaohua excitedly asked inexplicably.

For a moment, everyone in the audience, including Xiao Fuxue, showed expressions of astonishment.

I eagerly want to know, who is that guy that Duan Gurou cares about so much?

And just when the whole hall fell into silence, everyone was looking forward to the answer.

A playful voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

"Are you talking about this seat?"

Hearing these words suddenly, everyone in the audience couldn't help but startled.

Then he turned around with a face full of surprise, and looked along the prestige.

But I saw a handsome young man wearing a gorgeous ice blue robe inlaid with gold, with a detached demeanor, walking into the banquet hall with a faint smile.

In an instant, all the people in the audience looked at the handsome young man who was so handsome that he was so breathtaking. They couldn't help but feel shocked.

In particular, the ancient-style robes on his body that were surrounded by green energy and faintly glowed with golden light were even more dazzling like fairy clothes, which made people lose their minds.

At this moment, regardless of men and women in the banquet hall, all eyes were deeply attracted by the young man who looked like a descendant, and he couldn't extricate himself.

"Oh my god, what kind of fairy face is that? How can there be such a good-looking little brother in the world?!"

"Yeah, I've never seen such a handsome male god, he's countless times more eye-catching than those so-called idol stars!"

"Am I dreaming? Does such an attractive man really exist? It's so attractive..."

In an instant, there was a sound of exclamation one after another in the audience.

Almost everyone was so shocked by that peerless, handsome young man who looked like a fairy descending on the mortal world, they couldn't help themselves.

Especially those young girls in the field, seeing this incomparably super handsome guy, couldn't help revealing an unprecedented obsession, and couldn't move their eyes anymore...

And many bigwigs in the entertainment industry, seeing the young man walking slowly, felt an unprecedented storm in their hearts.

Such an extraordinary and handsome young man is ten thousand times more charming than all the male stars they have ever seen in their life!
In front of this young man, I am afraid that all men in the world will feel ashamed and be eclipsed...

"What a handsome little brother, he is so charming."

Marina stared at the dazzling and handsome young man, and blurted out uncontrollably.

At this time, Hu Yaohua was also deeply shocked by the sudden boy.

He never thought that not only did he meet a stunningly beautiful girl tonight.At this moment, another handsome boy with looks and temperament comparable to that girl appeared!

This is simply unbelievable.

My goodness, what the hell is going on in this world?
How come there are so many attractive men and women all of a sudden?
(End of this chapter)

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