Chapter 1104
"This must be Ms. Gurou, the Mr. Wu who was mentioned just now, right?

Nice to meet, my name is Hu Yaohua, I am a director, nice to meet you. "

Hu Yaohua was the first to introduce himself to the youth who was floating like a fairy.

Seeing this, Wu You's mouth curled into a playful smile and said:
"Director? The director of what? It can't be a cartoon, right?"

Hearing this ridicule, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned.

No one thought that that young boy would say such frivolous words to Hu Yaohua, he really didn't understand the rules.

Could it be that the young man has never heard of Hu Yaohua's name?
Or is he deliberately pretending to be stupid, playing tricks on this big director?
At this time, Hu Yaohua, after hearing the young man's joke, could not help but frown slightly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Why is this young man so impolite? Although his appearance looks incomparable, his character is really unlikable...

"Master Wu is joking again. Hu Dao is one of the most famous directors in China, and he is also the chief director of this year's Lunar New Year Gala. How can he make any cartoons?"

Bai Lulu quickly opened her mouth to ease the awkward atmosphere in the arena.

"The chief director of the New Year's Eve party? This is interesting."

Wu You chuckled, then looked at the black-haired old man in front of him, and asked with great interest:
"This seat remembers the annual Huaxia New Year's Eve party, there should be many people watching it?"

Suddenly hearing this, Hu Yaohua couldn't help being stunned, not understanding why the young man suddenly asked this.

Immediately nodded, proudly said:
"That's right. The New Year's Eve Gala is the highest-rated show in China. Every year, at least [-] million people, or even a billion people watch it at the same time. It covers almost half of the country's population. It can be called a national event!"

Hearing this, Wu You's eyes could not help but brighten, and he smiled meaningfully and said:

"Really, that's really good, but it can save me from wasting some time."

Hearing this, Hu Yaohua couldn't help being startled, he really didn't understand the strange words of this young man.

Then he suddenly remembered that he still had business to do, but he stopped thinking about other things, and said directly:

"Mr. Wu, you just came here today, and there is something I want to ask for your permission."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Wu You smiled lightly.

"I wanted to invite Ms. Gu Rou to participate in the performance at this New Year's Eve party, but she said that she must obtain Mr. Wu's consent before agreeing to it.

So please ask Mr. Wu to complete this matter and let Miss Gu Rou appear in the party. After all, this is a rare opportunity. It would be a pity if Miss Gu Rou gave up. "

Hu Yaohua said earnestly.

After hearing these words, Wu You smiled slightly, then looked at the beautiful girl beside him, and asked calmly:

"Do you want to go to that New Year's Eve party?"

"Brother Wu You, I really don't want to be watched by so many people."

Duan Gurou shook her head lightly, but then resolutely said:

"But if Brother Wu You wants me to go, then I'll go."

"No need, there are still important things to do in the next year, and there is no time to waste any more."

Wu You chuckled, then turned to the black-haired old man who was stunned on the spot, and said calmly:
"You've also seen it now, she won't go to that New Year's Eve party, so you should hire someone else."

Seeing this, Hu Yaohua was immediately disappointed, but still a little bit unwilling to give up.

"Mr. Wu, although I don't know what you're talking about, it's definitely not a waste of time to appear in the Lunar New Year Gala!
That is the biggest stage in China, the holy place for performances that countless people dream of!
And if Ms. Gu Rou can appear on the stage of the Lunar New Year Gala, not only will she be able to realize her self-worth, but she will also gain unparalleled influence through this performance.

Thus, on the road of life in the future, accumulate huge spiritual and material wealth!

So I ask Mr. Wu to think carefully, and not to delay Miss Gurou's brilliant life. "

Hu Yaohua was full of voice and emotion, persuading him heartbroken.

However, Wu You was unmoved at all, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Your so-called spiritual and material wealth are all bullshit in my eyes, not very attractive.

So you give up, don't waste any more time. "

Hearing this rude words, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

No one thought that that young boy would dare to speak such nonsense in front of Director Huda, it was really unbelievable.

But at this time, Hu Yaohua saw that the young man not only rejected him again cruelly, but also belittled his good intentions to nothing, even like shit...

This, all this is simply unreasonable!
Who did that brat think he was?Still look down on this, look down on that, it is really hateful.

For a moment, Hu Yaohua, who had always been calm, suddenly became angry, trembling with anger...

And at the next moment, Wu You looked at the black-haired old man with a livid face, and said with a slight smile:

"You don't have to be too disappointed, although this year's New Year's Eve party will not be able to produce anyone, but material wealth can still be provided.

That's good, all the advertisements for this year's New Year's Eve party will be named by this sect, what do you think? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

No one thought that that young boy would say such brazen words.

If you want to name all the advertising spots of the Lunar New Year Gala, let alone whether Huaxia officials will agree.Just relying on the astronomical advertising costs alone can make people daunting.

But at this moment, the boy actually said such unrealistic words, it was so childish that it made people unable to complain.

Sure enough, good-looking people generally don't have a good brain. The ancients really don't deceive me...

For a moment, everyone in the audience had a good impression of this nonchalant young man.

At this time, Hu Yaohua seemed to be unable to stand the kid's nonsense anymore, and laughed angrily:
"Hehe, can I ask first, what does this Mr. Wu do? Why is he always so loud, as if no one pays attention to him.

And you still have such courage, you want to buy all the advertisements for the entire New Year's Eve party, do you think you can really afford it? "

"What does this seat do?"

Wu You thought for a while, then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"On stage, they all called me Master Wu, as if I were a magician."

(End of this chapter)

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