Chapter 1109
At this time, Wu You looked at Hu Yaohua and other bigwigs in the entertainment industry who apologized to him, suddenly shook his head, and said with a faint smile:

"You guys are really boring, forget it, but I don't bother to bother with you anymore.

Let's all get up. "

"Thank you, thank you General Wu."

Hu Yaohua, Marina and the others thanked each other very gratefully, and then slowly stood up respectfully.

Afterwards, Hu Yaohua looked at the youth who was floating like a fairy with eyes full of shock, bowed his head respectfully and replied:

"General Wu, if you want to buy all the advertisements for this year's New Year's Eve, there must be no problem.

If necessary, I can help you personally create this ad to atone for the crime. "

Hearing these earnest words, everyone in the audience couldn't help but tremble, showing astonishment.

It's really unexpected that a great director of China's national treasure level is going to shoot commercials for people.

But at this moment, seeing this scene, Chu Yuntian couldn't help but said:

"Master, are you going to promote Guhua Xianzong at this year's New Year's Eve party?
There is no need for any advertisement at all, and it can be announced directly to the people of the whole country at the party. "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was even more shocked.

Directly advertising to more than one billion viewers on the stage of the Lunar New Year Gala, this kind of unprecedented publicity is simply too terrifying!

"No need, this seat has already agreed to your so-called big shot, to keep a low profile and gradually expand the scale of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect in this year, so as to prevent the commotion of the people and the coveting of some external forces.

And in the next year, this seat will try its best to improve its own strength, and there is no time to care about other things.

So now play some advertisements, a little publicity is enough. "

Wu Youfeng said casually, then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"However, before the flourishing age of cultivation comes next year, I may be able to personally step onto the stage of the Lunar New Year Gala and officially announce the existence of the Ancient Hua Xianzong to the world."

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian was shocked, and immediately bowed his head and said in a respectful voice:
"What Master said is very true, forgive Yuntian Menglang."

Then he looked at Hu Yaohua, who was at a loss, and ordered solemnly:

"I will leave it to you to handle the advertisement of Guhua Xianzong. Afterwards, the military will contact you to jointly formulate a publicity plan."

Hearing the sound, Hu Yaohua immediately reacted, and hurriedly nodded his head flattered.

"Okay, today is my birthday, so you can stay and have a meal together later."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing these words, Chu Yuntian and a group of other military officials bowed to each other to celebrate the birthday of their Great General Wu.

Seeing this, Hu Yaohua, Marina and many other celebrities also hurriedly bowed down and bowed their heads to this wealthy and powerful birthday star, congratulating him repeatedly.

And Zhao Sihui, Bai Lulu and all the young people in the audience couldn't restrain the excitement in their hearts, and they all wished the transcendent and handsome young man a happy birthday.

For a moment, the entire banquet hall was filled with endless celebratory sounds.

At this time, Xiao Fuxue, the only one in the audience who still had a gloomy and chill face, was staring at the boy named Wu You.

Although he was also surprised that this little ghost with no spiritual energy fluctuations could become the general of a mortal army, he didn't take it seriously at all.

No matter how high and powerful you are in the mortal world, mortals are always mortals, and they are no different from ants in the eyes of their immortals, and they are not worth mentioning at all!
And a small ant dared to snatch the goddess he had a special liking for, this is simply unforgivable!
Just when Xiao Fuxue was full of anger and resentment, the congratulations in the hall gradually subsided.

"Brother Wu You, I wish you a happy birthday."

Duan Gurou looked at his side tenderly, his future husband, the love and admiration in his heart were beyond words.

"Silly girl, happy birthday to you too."

Wu You smiled indulgently, raised her warm and jade-like palm, and gently brushed the girl's dreamlike hair.

At this moment, the woman in her previous life who had been silently following behind her, and was willing to perish in order to save herself, reappeared in Wu You's mind again, overlapping with the girl in front of her.

Suddenly, jade-like fingers brushed across the ink-black silk, and gently lifted up the pretty face of the young girl.

And then kissed...

Seeing this, Duan Gurou didn't have any resistance, she stared at the young man's approaching face, and slowly closed her beautiful eyes, her heart was full of shyness and anticipation.

Seeing this extremely ambiguous scene, everyone in the banquet hall couldn't help being dumbfounded.

No one expected that the relationship between the boy and the girl would be so close.

However, such a match made in heaven, the young men and women who are talented and beautiful can be together, but it is also pleasing to the eye, without any sense of disobedience.

And just when all the guests were envious and blessed from the bottom of their hearts for the incomparably well-matched golden boy and jade girl.

A cold and urgent voice suddenly sounded in the field!

"Shut up for me!"

Suddenly hearing this, Wu You stopped his movements, raised his head and followed the reputation with interest.

But I saw a handsome young man with long hair wearing a gorgeous purple robe, walking towards the field with a gloomy face!
Seeing this, all the guests in the audience couldn't help but tremble, and their faces showed incomparable astonishment.

He never thought that Cheng Yaojin would suddenly show up when he was in the midst of deep affection.

After a while, the majestic young man in purple robe led the four other women behind him, and proudly came to the arena.

Seeing this, Wu You smiled slightly, and asked with great interest:
"who are you?"

"Who am I? I'm someone you can't afford!"

Xiao Fuxue snorted indignantly.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

Is this purple-robed youth crazy?How dare you speak such nonsense to the powerful Chinese general, you really don't know how to live or die!

At this time, Duan Gurou, who was extremely disappointed, also opened her beautiful eyes, and looked at the purple-robed youth with a slight frown between her brows, and an unknown fire rose in her heart for no reason.

Immediately staring coldly at the guy who disturbed him and brother Wu You, he asked indifferently:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Miss Gu Rou, please listen to me."

After Xiao Fuxue finished speaking, she pointed at Wu You contemptuously, and said coldly with a snort:

"This guy is not good enough for you!"

Then he looked at the long-haired girl who was as beautiful as a fairy in front of him, and said softly:
"Miss Gu Rou, since I saw you for the first time, I can't take my eyes off it, maybe it's love at first sight.

I have decided that Miss Gu Rou is the only partner in this life that I have been looking for for a long time, so I absolutely do not allow anyone to defile her! "

(End of this chapter)

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