I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1112 Lord Xianjun

Chapter 1112 Lord Xianjun
As soon as these words came out, the entire banquet hall suddenly fell into a dead silence. Every guest seemed to be petrified, completely stunned on the spot, and their minds went blank...

In any case, they never thought that the young man would say such arrogant and domineering words in front of the legendary fairy.

This, this is too unbelievable!
At this moment, the four females from the Demon Suppressing Fairyland, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, couldn't help but widen their eyes, and couldn't believe their ears.

Oh my god, is that mortal kid crazy?
How dare they humiliate their young master like this.

This is simply asking for death!

But at this time, Xiao Fuxue, who was stepping on the void, couldn't help being startled when he heard the young man's words, and then flew into a rage!
That mortal kid who snatched his beloved, not only did not obey his order, but even humiliated himself in public, he really deserves to die!
And at the next moment, Duan Gurou looked coldly at the gloomy young man in purple robe, and said indifferently:

"I advise you to honestly do what my brother Wu You said, otherwise there will be no good end!"

And hearing these words, Xiao Fuxue, who was already burning with anger, added fuel to the fire!
Immediately staring at the young man in the field, he gritted his teeth angrily and said:
"Okay, okay, today I want to see, where do you have the guts to speak wild words in front of me!"

Saying that, Xiao Fuxue suddenly raised her palm, ready to slap and kill that nasty brat who dared to humiliate her!

Seeing this, the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

Now that little brat who has completely angered their young master is probably doomed!
This is really self-inflicted...

And all the guests in the audience were also inexplicably terrified at this time, their faces pale.

Could it be that General Wu?Are you really going to die here today?

However, at this critical moment, an urgent cry suddenly came from behind everyone.


As soon as the words fell, a majestic cyan rainbow suddenly flew into the banquet hall, blocking Xiao Fuxue's face!
Immediately, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience, the dazzling blue brilliance dissipated.

A stunningly beautiful woman wearing a cyan elegant ancient style dress, with an ethereal celestial appearance, is impressively displayed in front of the world!
Looking at the fairy Chuchen who was surrounded by green energy and glowing rays of light in the air, all the guests couldn't help being shocked, as shocked as heaven!

And seeing this sacred and inviolable beauty, she didn't rely on external objects, just stepped on the void, and her clothes fluttered in the air.Everyone was dumbfounded, beyond shock.

My God, this sudden woman is also a fairy!
"Yan Moye? How could it be her?"

Looking at the beautiful woman with fluttering skirts in the mid-air, the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were stunned and shocked.

Yan Moye in this ghost fairyland, although his cultivation level is not very good, but he often hangs around in various fairylands, doing nothing and cheating, which can be described as "notoriety spread far and wide"...

But his temperament of playing in the world and acting recklessly is just "smelling like" with his son.

Therefore, the two coincided with each other and became friends very early on, often making all the wonderlands a mess.

And under the influence of Yan Moye, Xiao Fuxue became more and more unrestrained, and became what he is today...

For this reason, the Immortal Master has repeatedly asked Xiao Fuxue to stop fooling around with Yan Moye.

He even put Yan Moye on the blacklist of the Town of Demons and Immortals. If there is no business, he will never be allowed to enter!

This made Xiao Fuxue restrain himself a little...

However, what I didn't expect was that after such a long time, they would meet this notorious "devil king of the world" today in the mortal world, which is really unbelievable.

"Swallow, why did you come here?"

Xiao Fuxue stared dumbfounded at her former buddy, and asked in amazement.

"Don't talk nonsense, if I was a step late just now, you idiot will be wiped out by now!
Hurry up and apologize to Lord Xianjun! "

Yan Moye yelled angrily.

"Master Xianjun? What Lord Xianjun?"

Xiao Fuxue was taken aback when she heard the words, and suddenly she didn't understand why.

The plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum maids also looked at each other, wondering what Yan Moye was talking about.

But at the next moment, I saw the woman in Tsing Yi floating down, hurried to Wu You, then bent deeply, and bowed respectfully:

"Yan Moye, Lingyou Fairyland, pay homage to the Celestial Lord."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fuxue and the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum all opened their eyes wide in disbelief, showing unprecedented shock.

They never thought that Yan Moye would give such a big gift to that mortal boy with no cultivation, it's simply unbelievable!
Wait, Celestial Monarch?
Xiao Fuxue and the others suddenly thought of something, they were dumbfounded and couldn't believe their ears.

The group of them came to the mortal world this time to investigate the invasion of the underworld seven days ago.

However, Xiao Fuxue didn't pay much attention to this task.

Always think that the exit of the underworld was opened, the army of the underworld invaded, and the nonsense of the heavenly emperor descending to the earth is completely nonsense.

However, at this moment, Yan Moye called that mortal boy the Immortal Lord of Heaven in public, which is really unbelievable!

And at the next moment, seeing Xiao Fuxue still poking there like a piece of wood, Yan Moye yelled angrily:
"What are you still doing in a daze, don't you understand what my old lady is saying?
This is the Celestial Monarch who defeated the army of the underworld in one fell swoop and annihilated the exit of the underworld.

You idiot dare to take action against Lord Xianjun, you are really tired of work, why don't you hurry up and apologize! "

As soon as these words came out, the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum immediately paled, and they couldn't believe their ears.

"He, he is the fairy king of the heavens? This, how is this possible!"

Ju'er looked at the calm young man, and blurted out in disbelief.

"No, no, that kid obviously doesn't have any aura fluctuations, so how could he be someone from the heavens!"

Zhu'er kept shaking her head, she couldn't accept this statement at all.

At this time, Meier and Laner are also full of suspicion.

It has disappeared for countless years, and now it is unknown whether the so-called heaven still exists, how could it send people down to the world.

This is simply a fantasy, it is absolutely impossible to happen.

However, at this moment, Xiao Fuxue was completely stunned, completely stunned in place, and her mind went blank.

He may dismiss others' words, but he has to think about the words of his buddy Yan Moye.

He knew Yan Moye very well, this heartless guy, even in front of the Lord of the Wonderland, had never shown such awe and respect as he did now.

It's unbelievable...

(End of this chapter)

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