I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1116 Foundation Building

Chapter 1116 Foundation Building
The medicine meets the qi and the prescription forms an image, and the combination of Dao and Xiyi is nature.

Swallowing a golden pill into the belly, I knew that my life was inexorable!

Looking at the long-haired girl in the mid-air, surrounded by haze, Xiao Fuxue felt as if she was in a dream, and everything became so unreal.

The girl who was only in the mid-stage of Qi training had already built a foundation in the blink of an eye and reached the same level of cultivation as herself!

If someone had told him before that a pill could instantly build a foundation from the mid-stage of Qi training, he would have scoffed and dismissed it.

However, the facts are right in front of him now, and he can't help but not believe it...

"I, I'm not dreaming, am I? She, did she really build a foundation?"

Ju'er blurted out with a blank face.

"This, this is absolutely impossible, there must be something wrong, this is simply impossible."

Zhu'er shook her head incoherently.

"No, that girl has indeed broken through to the peak of Qi training, and succeeded in building her foundation!

Generally speaking, if a monk at the peak of Qi training wants to build a foundation, it will take at least 50 years.

Even though our young master is very talented and has the blessing of Zhu Ji Dan, it took nearly 20 years.

But the girl completed this process in less than a minute, building the foundation instantly!
This, is this still the world I know? "

Lan'er murmured to herself with a bloodless face, eyes full of numbness...

"My God, how could that purple pill be so heaven-defying that it can allow people to break through three times in a row and build a foundation directly!

This, this is simply the most incredible miracle in the world! "

Mei'er exclaimed with a pale face, and her delicate body trembled like chaff.

At this time, Yan Moye stared dumbfoundedly at Duan Gurou, who was suspended in the air, with black silk fluttering in his clothes, like a fairy and goddess, he was already shocked beyond measure.

No matter what, she never thought that the cultivation level of her precious apprentice had already caught up with her at this moment!
However, the girl is only twenty-eight years old, but she is already over 100 years old...

"This, how is this possible? Could it be that Master's fiancée has really broken through the Ancient Martial Dao and became a legendary immortal?"

Chu Yuntian exclaimed in disbelief.

All the military officials around also gasped, and everyone showed unprecedented shock.

Who would have thought that a young girl who was less than 20 years old would turn into a terrifying immortal in the blink of an eye!

My goodness, General Wu really deserves to be a god descended from the sky, a grain of elixir can directly make a person become a god or become a saint!
This, this is simply incredible!
And just when everyone in the audience was deeply attracted by the long-haired girl who stepped on the void and looked like a fairy descending on the earth, they couldn't extricate themselves.

Duan Gurou in mid-air slowly opened her eyes.

A pair of scissor-like autumn pupils, shining like stars, suddenly shot out a dazzling light!
And just a moment later, Duan Gurou, who finally came back to his senses, looked around blankly, looking at himself.

Immediately exclaimed in disbelief:

"Oh my god, what's going on here? How did I fly?"

"Gu Rou, you, you seem to have become a fairy!"

Zhao Sihui blurted out dumbfounded.

Suddenly hearing this, Duan Gurou was shocked and said in disbelief:

"This, how is this possible? I have already broken through the Qi training period?"

"Yes, my precious apprentice, you have successfully established the foundation now, and I am really proud of you as a teacher."

Yan Moye shouted excitedly.

Hearing the words of confirmation, combined with the unprecedented huge energy in her seemingly reborn body at this moment, Duan Gurou was stunned on the spot, her mind went blank...

She, she actually built the foundation without warning!

God, this is too unbelievable.

After a long time, Duan Gurou slightly suppressed the storm in her heart, and then tried to control her body at the moment, wanting to land on the ground.

However, at the next moment, Duan Gurou who was in mid-air suddenly lost control and fell down at a very fast speed!

This could not help but make her face pale, and she closed her eyes reflexively.

In an instant, what greeted her was not the cold ground, but a warm embrace.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found a handsome young man looking at him with a smile.

But it was her only true love in this life, her future husband.

At this moment, looking at the handsome young man who caught him in time, Duan Gurou shyly said gratefully:
"Thank you brother Wu You."

Wu You looked at the long-haired girl with a jade body lying in her arms, with a doting smile on the corner of her mouth and said:
"Do you like this birthday gift from me?"

Hearing this, Duan Gurou, whose pretty face was slightly red, came back to her senses, and immediately nodded heavily with great excitement, saying:

"Well, I like it, Brother Wu You's elixir is really amazing, it's so powerful, it's like an elixir in myths and legends!
I'm still wondering if the elixir that Chang'e Benyue took at the time was the elixir of brother Wu You. "

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the hall agreed deeply and nodded.

Such a elixir that can directly make a person become a fairy or a god, what else can it be if it is not a elixir?
However, Wu You shook his head at this time, and said with a light smile:

"This is not some kind of elixir, but the Foundation Establishment Pill that I have spent nearly half of the elixir in stock during my retreat."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled.

Zhu Jidan?Why does it sound so familiar?

Immediately, everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on the purple-robed young man in the field, and everyone showed surprise.

At this time, after Xiao Fuxue heard the name Zhu Jidan, her eyes widened immediately, showing an unprecedented shock.

Immediately blurted out in disbelief:

"Zhu Jidan? This, how is this possible?

The Foundation Establishment Pill will only have a certain auxiliary effect when the cultivation base is about to break through.It is absolutely impossible for people to build a foundation directly from the middle stage of Qi training, this is simply a fantasy! "

"That's right, although the Foundation Establishment Pill is powerful, it is far from being as magical as Lord Xianjun's pill."

Yan Moye couldn't believe it.

At this time, the four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum couldn't help but look at each other, and everyone showed surprise.

How could it be the foundation-building elixir that allows people to continuously break through their cultivation and step into foundation-building in an instant?

For a moment, everyone in the audience fell into doubts, not knowing why.

And at the next moment, Wu You looked at the terrified young man in purple robe, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"The so-called Foundation Establishment Pill you called is nothing more than a defective imitation pill, so naturally it doesn't have much effect."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Fuxue was stunned on the spot, his mind went blank.

It turned out that the Foundation Establishment Pill that he regarded as the most precious treasure was actually a defective product, and it was also a defective imitation product...

This, this result is too unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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