I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1124 Another Gift

Chapter 1124 Another Gift

As time went by, the happy atmosphere at the birthday party became more and more intense.

Nearly [-] beauties with their own characteristics, big and small, who are like immortals, surround Wu You, and the voices of Yingying and Yanyan are endless.

When it was approaching twelve o'clock in the evening, under the sincere blessings of everyone in the audience.

The birthday party of Wu You and Duan Gurou came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lulu and many other guests returned home with great excitement.

After receiving some instructions from Wu You, Chu Yuntian led many generals to bid farewell respectfully, and then left the restaurant.

And Xiao Fuxue, Mei Lan Zhuju, the immortals from the Demon Town, also bid farewell to the lord Xianjun with great reverence, and left the venue with extremely complicated emotions.

Yan Moye also reluctantly left the restaurant under Wu You's instructions about the ancient Martial Dao Sect.

For a moment, only Wu You and nearly thirty beauties were left in the huge banquet hall.

"Well, there are no outsiders now, and I want to tell you one thing."

Wu You said calmly.

Hearing the sound, all 27 beautiful women, including Duan Gurou and Zhao Sihui, fell silent for a moment and listened carefully to the boy's words.

"In the next year, I will lead you to a place for a long-term retreat.

During this period, all contact with the outside world will be cut off, so I will give you some time to go back and reunite with your family and friends to say goodbye.

Half a month later, we met at the General Altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong in the provincial capital of Liuzhou.

Well, now you can leave. "

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help but startled. Although they felt a little bit reluctant, they also knew that this was only a temporary separation.

Immediately, they bowed their waists in reverence and bid farewell to Wu You.

"Tao Xiaomeng bid farewell to Master."

"Han Shuangyue bid farewell to Master."

"Duan Jiaqi bid farewell to Master."

"Cao Yuxi bids farewell to Master."

"Li Yinan bid farewell to Master."

"Tang Liangying bid farewell to Master."

"Ye Muxue bid farewell to Master."

"Si Jinyan bids farewell to Master."

"Si Hongchen bid farewell to Master."

"Su Xiaoxi bid farewell to Master."

"Su Qiqi bid farewell to Master."

"Xu Zitong bid farewell to Master."

"Wang Boya bid farewell to Master."

"Tian Qiaoling bid farewell to Master."

"Gao Lili bid farewell to Master."

"Meng Qingru bid farewell to Master."

"Yuan Qianxue bid farewell to Master."

"Yuan Qianyu bid farewell to the master."

"He Mao Qinyin bid farewell to master."

"Sakura Yamaguchi bid farewell to Master."

"Betty farewell master."

"Christina Farewell Master"

After the words fell, the girls left the restaurant reluctantly, and went to their hometowns to reunite with their relatives.

Ying Ning, Xiao Yu and Da Yu Mengdie, mother and daughter, were also brought into the chaotic space by Wu You.

"Brother, then I won't be the light bulb for you and Gu Rou. In a few days, I will go to the provincial capital of Liuzhou. I must join the Guhua Immortal Sect and become a disciple of my little brother. See you later."

After Zhao Sihui spoke heartily, she bid farewell to Duan Gurou and left the venue.

For a while, the building was empty, only Wu You and Duan Gurou were left in the audience.

"Okay, let's go too."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Duan Gurou couldn't help being taken aback, and blurted out:
"Brother Wu You, where are we going now?"

"Where are you going? According to Grandpa Duan's order, it is natural to go to the place where you live now.

The old man really hopes that I can live with you. "

Wu You smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Duan Gurou immediately blushed and felt extremely shy.

Grandpa, really, how can you say that, it's really embarrassing.

But although I felt a little embarrassed in my heart, it was also full of sweetness and expectation.

I feel really happy to be able to live with my future husband.

Immediately, Duan Gurou, who was full of shyness, stepped forward and took Wu You's arm, and said softly:

"Brother Wu You, let's go then."

While speaking, the pair of young and young girls, who were floating like immortals, walked out of the hall and left the restaurant together, clinging to each other.

At this time, it was already late at night outside, and the streets were completely silent, with few people.

Wu You immediately stepped on the Ziwei Sword, soaring to the sky with Duan Gurou in his arms.

After a long time, a purple long rainbow streaked across the vast starry sky and quietly landed on a luxurious apartment.

After a while, the two stepped into the building and opened the door.

Immediately, a tidy and cozy apartment appeared in front of my eyes.

Looking at this room which is not very big, but well decorated and elegantly furnished, with a faint fragrance wafting through it, Wu You's mouth curled into a playful smile and said:
"This is your boudoir? It seems that the environment is quite good.

But it seems to be just a bedroom, where should I sleep? "

Hearing these meaningful words, Duan Gurou's pretty face blushed for no reason, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

At this time, there were only himself and brother Wu You in the room.

The current situation should be like the legendary lonely man and widow living in the same room.

This, this is really embarrassing.

But when she thought that the man beside her was the only true love in her life, although Duan Gurou felt extremely shy in her heart, there was also a strong sweetness in her heart.

If brother Wu You really wanted something tonight, then he probably wouldn't refuse it...

Immediately, Duan Gurou lowered her head and said shyly:

"Well, the bed in my bedroom is very big. If Brother Wu You doesn't mind, I, we can squeeze together."

At the end, the blush on Duan Gurou's face immediately spread to the base of her neck, as if dripping water...

"Really, this is quite in line with my wishes."

Wu You chuckled, then looked at the beautiful girl who was already extremely shy in front of her, raised her warm and jade-like palm, gently brushed her dreamlike hair, shook her head lovingly and said with a smile:
"Silly Rouer, now is not the time.

The most beautiful things should be left on the most important day.

I will adjust my breath in the living room tonight. "

As soon as the words fell, the jade-like fingers brushed across the ink-green silk, and gently lifted the girl's pretty face.

And then kissed...

After a long time, when the dazed Duan Gurou regained consciousness, she found that the boy was already sitting on the sofa.

"Silly Rouer, it's very late now, you should go to bed first.

This seat just appreciates your masterpiece. "

With that said, Wu You took out the beautifully packaged gift box.

After opening it, there was a thick notebook inside.

Gently flipping open the first page, the neat and neat handwriting appeared vividly on the paper.

Seeing that her future husband was about to read her first debut novel back then, Duan Gurou became a little nervous.

"Brother Wu You, then, then I'll go to bed first."

After finishing speaking, Duan Gurou walked into the bedroom embarrassingly.

But the door was not closed...

(End of this chapter)

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