Chapter 1130 ends (important chapter)
If you are depressed, how can you be happy?

If you don't enter Xiaoyao, you will fall into reincarnation forever!
Seeing that in this third life, what he thought was a seamless plan was ruined by him in the end, Duan Gurou was devastated and devastated.

But aware of his wife's abnormality and stagnant cultivation, Immortal Emperor Wuyou couldn't maintain any carefree heart.

Realizing that she has become a burden to her husband, Duan Gurou felt even more guilty and painful.

However, no matter how much she persuaded her, she asked her husband to let her go and focus on refining the mind of the supreme free and easy way.You must transcend the shackles of the universe and live a good life, but Immortal Emperor Wuyou flatly refused.

Resolutely want to spend the last time with Duan Gurou.

And this scene is strikingly similar to the first world, except that the two have switched positions...

"Silly Rou'er, in fact, we don't need to step into any happy state at all. When the universe is destroyed, as long as we have enough strength and make adequate preparations.

At the last moment, blowing up the crack in the singularity of the universe can keep the divine sense of the two of us in it!

In this way, we will all be reborn together in the new universe, which is equivalent to being together forever. "

Hearing her husband's consolation suddenly, Duan Gurou, who was in despair, was immediately excited.

Yes, as long as the husband and wife both keep their spiritual thoughts, no matter how the universe reincarnates, they can be reborn together in a new world and continue to live happily!
Although this kind of immortality in disguise does not transcend the shackles of the universe, it is enough for their husband and wife.

And with the passage of time, maybe the depression in their respective hearts will be gradually resolved, and thus formally step into the happy state, and completely get rid of this endless cycle of reincarnation!
So far, Duan Gurou and his wife have regained their strength and are doing their best for their common goal...

After an unknown number of years passed, the entire universe contracted extremely rapidly again as expected.

And at the moment of its return to the singularity.

Immortal Empress Gu Rou and Immortal Emperor Wuyou, who had been preparing for a long time, embraced each other and ended their third lives with self-destruct.

As expected, the singularity of the universe was blown out of a gap again!
However, the husband and wife tried their best, and the crack they created could only hold a ray of spiritual thought...

This result made Duan Gurou completely desperate.

And just when she wanted to give her husband the only chance to be reborn.

Immortal Emperor Wuyou, who had already prepared for the worst, recklessly pushed Duan Gurou into the crack of the singularity.

"Silly Rouer, see you in the next life..."

Afterwards, the spirit of Immortal Emperor Wuyou completely dissipated...

At this point, the entire universe is completely annihilated, and everything returns to eternal silence...

"Gu Rou wake up, what time is it, why did you fall asleep again?
Huh?again? "

Duan Gurou slowly opened her eyes, but her eyes were full of numbness and despair.

At this moment, she was reborn in the fourth life, and all thoughts were lost.

No matter how she tried to change the future, she couldn't save her husband in the end.

This bottomless despair had already made her exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted.

At this moment, she is extremely eager not to be reborn again, not to go through that hopeless reincarnation again.

Even at this moment, she really wanted to die to end this never-ending nightmare!
But before that, she has one last wish in this life.

That is to go see her husband again in the first life...


I don't know how many years later, Duan Gurou quietly came to a wild and huge planet.

This is where she first met her husband in her first life.

The stars shine in the universe, and the blue falls in the yellow spring.

On a vast expanse of land.

Standing an indifferent young man, surrounded by countless mighty giant beasts.

Facing such a horrific beast horde, although the young man was happy and fearless, he was also a little bit soft and powerless.

And just when he was about to get away, a long-haired woman suddenly fell from the sky and began to kill the giant beast.

Seeing this, the indifferent young man couldn't help being surprised.

With his cultivation base, he didn't find anyone intruding into his hunting ground, which is really surprising.

But looking at the appearance of the long-haired woman, she didn't look like she was here to snatch her prey, but she seemed to be here to help her.

Hmph, it seems that I have been underestimated.

The young man let out a cold snort, and immediately started killing the densely packed giant beasts!
Not long after, the blood flowed into the sea on the ground, and the evil spirit was overwhelming.

The ferocious giant beasts that were originally innumerable have been completely wiped out by these two people at this moment.

"What's your name?"

The indifferent young man put away the bloody long sword and asked expressionlessly.

Hearing this, Duan Gurou shook his head, but did not say his name.

In this life, she just wanted to quietly wait by her husband's side, but she didn't want him to fall into the same helplessness and pain as her because of her identity.

Immediately, Duan Gurou stared at the extremely familiar young man in front of him, and a gentle smile appeared on the face of Peerless Qingcheng.

Seeing this, the young man frowned slightly, but he didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left with a cold snort.

But not long after, he stopped again.

Turning his head, he looked at the long-haired woman who was always following behind him.

The next moment, a long sword lay across the woman's slender jade neck.

"What are you doing with me?"

the young man asked indifferently.

However, Duan Gurou still looked at her husband tenderly, without any panic.

"Follow me again, die!"

After finishing speaking, the young man withdrew his long sword and turned around.

However, before he had gone far, he stopped again.

Immediately, with supreme power, the long sword from before slashed at the long-haired woman who followed behind her!
However, Duan Gurou, who always kept a gentle smile, still didn't dodge or evade, and only had her husband in three lives and three generations in her eyes.

A few strands of blue silk fluttered to the ground.

The long sword did not cut off.

The young man took a deep look at the long-haired woman.

With a cold snort again, he recalled the long sword.

Transformed into a phantom, disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Duan Gurou smiled slightly, and disappeared in place in an instant.Then came to the other side of the huge star, and stood silently behind the young man.

"You are strong."

The young man nodded indifferently, then shook his head and said:

"But it's still not my opponent. My patience has a limit, so don't go too far."

And at this moment, Duan Gurou lightly moved her lotus steps, and stepped forward Tingtingly.

Suddenly a purple bamboo basket appeared in his hand, and he gently handed it over, smiling softly and saying:

"I made it, you try it..."


From then on, no matter whether it is the Holy Ruins of the Gods or the Underworld of the Demon Kingdom.

Duan Gurou always silently followed behind her husband.

In the meantime, no matter how the young man asked, she never said her name.

I don't know how many years later, the young man finally entered the tribulation stage smoothly with the secret help of Duan Gurou.

And until then, Duan Gurou, who was already satisfied, knew that it was time for her to leave...

Just when the celestial calamity came as scheduled.

Duan Gurou fulfilled her wish in her husband's arms, ending the long and sad life of the four lifetimes...

At the last moment, with a relieved smile, she slowly closed her eyes, and her body gradually turned into dots of starlight, which slowly dissipated.

Unintentionally, some starlight quietly merged into the young man's body and disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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