I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1132 Verification

Chapter 1132 Verification
Hearing the sound, Duan Gurou suddenly came back to his senses, only to realize that the boy sitting on the sofa had opened his eyes and was looking at him strangely.

"Wu, brother Wu You, good morning."

Duan Gurou blushed, and said softly.

Finally, he thought of something, and said excitedly:

"Brother Wu You, you must be hungry. Gu Rou is going to make you some breakfast."

As he said that, he wanted to go to the kitchen with excitement to prepare breakfast for his future husband.

Seeing this, Wu You suddenly recalled those crystal glutinous rice cakes last night, and immediately coughed twice:
"No, don't bother, we'll go out to eat later, and now I have something serious to tell you."

Hearing this, Duan Gurou was taken aback for a moment, and asked in bewilderment:
"Brother Wu You, what do you want to say to Gu Rou?"

At this time, Wu You pointed to the notebook on the table.

"How did you come up with the story in this book?"

Hearing this, Duan Gurou immediately blushed, extremely embarrassed.

It was really embarrassing that his love for brother Wu You was discovered in the book.

"Wu, brother Wu You, this book was actually made up by me when I was a child, so you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

"Making it up? I don't believe that someone can make up things that actually happened."

Wu You shook his head.

"It really happened? This, how is this possible? The story in this book was indeed fabricated based on some bizarre fantasies in my dreams when I was young."

Duan Gurou couldn't believe it.

"Really, then I'll come and verify it."

Wu You smiled lightly, then stood up and stretched out a jade-like palm, and suddenly pressed it on the girl's head with a dazed face.

But at the next moment, Duan Gurou only felt that countless mysterious and ancient words and pictures that seemed to contain the Dao of the Universe suddenly poured into his mind and imprinted in the depths of his soul!
"Brother Wu You, what, what is this?"

Duan Gurou asked inexplicably in shock.

"This is a practice method."

Wu You withdrew his palm with a sluggish expression, and then sat down on the sofa, as if very tired.

Seeing this, Duan Gurou's heart tightened, and she hurriedly leaned over and said with great concern:
"Brother Wu You, what's wrong with you? Is there any discomfort?"

"I'm fine, now you can practice this exercise of my seat."

Wu You said solemnly.

Seeing the young man's suddenly serious expression, Duan Gurou couldn't help being startled, and immediately nodded without any hesitation:

"Okay, Brother Wu You."

As soon as the words fell, the long-haired girl immediately sat cross-legged on the floor, then closed her eyes, and began to perform the mysterious exercises that Wu You taught her.

I don't know how long it will be.


Duan Gurou suddenly yelled softly, and the calm aura in the dantian began to rotate at a high speed according to some strange law, like a nebula whirlpool.

As time passed, the nebula in the body rotated faster and faster, as if being pulled by some kind, the spiritual energy floating between the sky and the earth gathered involuntarily.

I don't know how long it has passed, the nebula vortex in the dantian has become extremely powerful, surging and astonishing.


The nebula vortex, which was rotating extremely fast, suddenly shrank and condensed under Duan Gurou's order.

In an instant, the majestic nebula vortex disappeared, leaving only a small cloud of inconspicuous gray air floating in the center of the empty dantian.

And at the moment when this cloud of gray air formed, a burst of ancient and distant breath floated out, and the whole world seemed to freeze for an instant!

Immediately, an aura that made all things awed and worshiped filled the world, and it was fleeting...

Seeing this scene, Wu You seemed to be petrified by the sofa, completely stunned on the spot.

My God, the girl in front of me actually condensed the Qi of Primordial!

"Returning to the Source Qi in the Beginning" is a practice method created by Wu You when he realized the power of the original source when the universe was about to return to the beginning.

The primordial qi cultivated in this exercise is the ancestor of all qi, and it can be said to be the strongest exercise in the universe!
And there is only one condition for practicing the main scroll of Absolute Beginning, that is, only those who have personally experienced the beginning of the universe can practice!
Originally, Wu You thought that in the entire universe, he was the only one who was qualified to cultivate the Qi of Absolute Beginning.

However, at this moment, a second person appeared!
It just made him unbelievable.

It seems that my guess is not wrong, the stories Duan Gurou wrote in the notebook are all true, she has really experienced the reincarnation of the universe just like herself!

Because only in this way can she be qualified to practice the main volume of Origin Qi of Absolute Beginning.

Thinking of this, Wu You couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

It turned out that all this was not a fantasy, he was actually a reborn person earlier than him.

This is really unacceptable for a while.

But just when Wu You shook his head and sighed, his eyes suddenly widened.

At this moment, a small gray ball with a long breath suddenly appeared in his dantian!

And this small gray ball that surrounds the Qi of Absolute Beginning like a satellite, suddenly appearing, produces traces of gray Qi from time to time, blending into the Qi of Absolute Beginning in the center of the dantian.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Wu You was stunned, and the shock in his heart could not be added.

That gray ball actually belongs to Duan Gurou's origin!
And different from other cyan source points, what this gray source point produces is not aura, but primordial qi!

This little gray ball can actually directly provide him with primordial energy!

This, this is really unexpected!
It seems that it should be because I am the founder of "Returning to the Origin of Qi in the Beginning", so even Duan Gurou can practice the main scroll of Absolute Beginning, but he can only become his subordinate, always providing himself with at least half of the Qi in Absolute Beginning.

Looking at it this way, it was a surprise.

If someone can directly offer their primordial energy, their cultivation will definitely improve faster!
However, the main scroll in the early days can be regarded as the number one exercise in the universe, and the resources required for practice are daunting.

In the early stage, it needs a thousand times the aura of ordinary exercises, and it is more than ten thousand times tens of thousands of times in the middle stage, let alone the later stage.

Therefore, if Duan Gurou wants to practice this method in the future, he must recruit as many disciples as he does, and teach them the Auxiliary Scroll Returning to the Origin Kung Fu, in order to obtain enough aura for the Qi of Absolute Beginning to devour, so as to improve his cultivation.

At the same time, it also directly provides oneself with an endless stream of primordial energy.

It seems that in the future, I will also recruit more disciples for my silly boy.

Wu You couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

At this time, Duan Gurou slowly opened Qiushui Jiantong's beautiful eyes, and immediately noticed something, showing an unprecedented shock.

"Oh my god, why did the aura in my body disappear? And my cultivation has also dropped from the foundation building stage to the early stage of Qi training. What, what is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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