Chapter 1138
But thinking about it now, Wu You really felt that he was a little impulsive.

Anyway, this little chicken is also my savior, without its help, let alone cultivating immortals, I am afraid that I would have turned into a pile of dead bones long ago.

"Chicken, no matter what the reason is, thank you for everything you did for me.

In order to repay your kindness, from now on, you will be my servant forever. "

Wu You smiled sincerely.

As soon as these words came out, Duan Gurou on the side suddenly opened his eyes wide, and couldn't believe his ears.

Brother Wu You, what happened?Is it a bit too domineering to let people be his slaves directly?

At this time, the flaming bird couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the boy's words.

When did I feel kindness to this young man whom I met for the first time?
Moreover, this young man felt so arrogant and arrogant, he actually wanted to let the grand descendant of Suzaku, the guardian of the cave-heaven realm, be his servant.

This, this is simply... In fact, you can also think about it...

After all, this boy is really eye-catching, handsome, and handsome.

Even if it is arrogant and bluffing, it still feels so individual and temperamental, it really makes the bird want to stop...

"Young man, as long as you are willing to return to the cave spirit realm with me, everything can be discussed.

And my name is Ling Guang, I'm not a little chicken. "

The Flaming Bird compromised without anger, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Okay then, let's go in."

Wu You smiled lightly, and then walked towards the cave.

Seeing this, Duan Gurou immediately reacted and wanted to follow up.

However, the next moment, he was stopped by the cold voice of the flaming bird.

"You ugly girl, stop me Xingjun! You don't even look at your own virtues, but you still want to sneak into the cave.

When I don't exist?It's horrible! "

Seeing this, Duan Gurou immediately stopped in her tracks, showing a look of extreme embarrassment.Then he looked at Wu You as if asking for help, not knowing what to do for a while.

"She came with me. If she can't go in, then I will leave too."

Wu You smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Ling Guang, the flaming bird bird, suddenly fell into a dilemma, and after weighing the left and right, he nodded helplessly and agreed:
"Okay then, let this ugly girl go with her to see the world, but she has to come out after she's done."

Wu You chuckled noncommittally, then moved on and walked into the cave.

"Brother Wu You wait for me."

Duan Gurou hurriedly followed and ran into the cave.

And when the little bird Lingguang also flew into the cave again.

The two-meter-high cave disappeared in an instant, leaving only a stone wall covered with moss.

For a while, the calmness of the past was restored in the small valley, as if nothing had happened before...

But at this time, in a dark cave, Duan Gurou followed closely behind Wu You, her heart was already full of panic and anticipation.

Just after the two walked one behind the other for an unknown amount of time, a handful of brilliant light suddenly shone on them!
The originally cramped space around him suddenly became brighter!
Stuck by the bright light, Duan Gurou closed his eyes reflexively.

After a while, she slowly raised her eyelids again.

And at this moment, a vast and lush prairie was impressively displayed in front of her!

At this moment, I looked at the boundless land in front of me, full of exotic flowers and plants, towering ancient trees, and all kinds of spirit beasts and birds.Duan Gurou couldn't help opening her eyes wide, her pretty face was full of disbelief.

What, what's going on here?Aren't they under the ravine?How could such a vast and boundless lush grassland suddenly appear here?

And at the next moment, waves of endless coolness came to his face.

In an instant, every time Duan Gurou took a breath, he felt refreshed and refreshed, as if he was in a hot spring.

Oh my god, how could the aura here be so strong?It's incredible!
"Brother Wu You, what exactly is this place? It feels like entering a legendary fairyland."

Duan Gurou couldn't help blurting out.

Then he looked at the young man in front of him, but he was surprised to find that Wu You was always looking up at the sky, not knowing what he was looking at.

Seeing this, Duan Gurou looked up in amazement.

But at the next moment, her whole body seemed to be frozen, completely frozen in place...

I saw that there were countless mountains of various sizes floating above this lush and incomparably lush land!

And on these floating, undulating mountains, almost every one of them is built with antique and beautiful pavilions.

For a moment, looking at the clouds and mist above the sky, and the countless floating mountains with a few cranes and egrets flying past from time to time, Duan Gurou only felt that he had come to the legendary kingdom of immortals...

"My God, is this the residence of the gods in ancient times?

It is simply beautiful and spectacular! "

Duan Gurou was amazed

"Hmph, it's ridiculous to see your ignorant appearance."

Ling Guang snorted and snorted coldly.

Then he didn't bother to pay attention to the human girl who made a fuss, and looked eagerly at the beautiful boy beside him.

But I saw that he didn't move after coming to Dongtian Lingjing, as if everything here was very familiar to him, and there was nothing new at all.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Xiaoniao Lingguang couldn't help but be amazed.

Could it be, could it be that this extremely handsome young man had really been to this cave-heaven spiritual realm?

But, how is this possible?It has been isolated from the world for countless years.

Since everyone in the ancient fairy gate left, no human being has ever set foot here.

So how could that boy have been here?

Isn't this beautiful boy putting on airs again?
This is really cute...

And just when the little bird's eyes were full of peach blossoms.

Wu You suddenly pulled Duan Gurou's jade hand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Go, I will take you to see my former practice place."

As soon as the words fell, Wu You snapped his fingers seemingly casually.

And in the next moment.

A rainbow-like arc-shaped light bridge shining with colorful halos suddenly appeared in front of the two of them without any warning!

But the other end of this miraculous light bridge is right on top of a floating mountain!
Seeing this, Duan Gurou was dumbfounded. Looking at the dreamy rainbow bridge in front of her, the shock in her heart was beyond words.

(End of this chapter)

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