I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1140 Retreat

Chapter 1140 Retreat
Seeing this scene, Duan Gurou couldn't help being shocked.

It turns out that this is the real source of the Guhua Xianzong founded by brother Wu You.

Immediately, Duan Gurou couldn't help but asked:
"Brother Wu You, is this the place where you obtained the inheritance of Xianmen?"

"Well, it is precisely because this cave-heaven spiritual realm is the starting point for me to embark on the road of cultivation, so in order to express my respect and gratitude, I have designated the current sect as the Guhua Xianzong."

Wu Youfeng said lightly.

And at this moment, Ling Guang, the descendant of Suzaku who had been following the young girl and was already full of suspicion, could no longer suppress the shock in his heart at this moment.

Immediately flew in front of the transcendent and refined boy, and blurted out:
"Young man, how do you know this Cave Heaven Spirit Realm so well?
And the ugly girl just said that you have obtained the inheritance of the ancient Hua Xianzong, but how is this possible?

Ever since all the disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect broke through the void and left the earth, I have been ordered to wait here.

And in this incomparably long time, no human being has ever entered the cave spirit realm.

Moreover, the inheritance of the immortal sect in the ancestral land of the ancient Huaxian sect has remained untouched until now. Where did you get the inheritance from?

What the hell is going on with all this?Who are you? "

Hearing this series of questions, Wu You looked at the shocked red bird in front of him, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"This seat has been here a long time ago, and you brought me in yourself.

As for why, you will naturally understand at an appropriate time in the future. "

Hearing the young man's words, Ling Guang was even more confused.

And just when it couldn't help but wanted to ask something more, it saw the young man suddenly smiled and said:
"Oh, by the way, I will introduce someone to you, you may know someone."

As soon as the words fell, Wu You waved his sleeves.

All of a sudden, a beautiful woman with a noble and elegant demeanor appeared in the arena wearing a scale dress shining with ice blue light!

And seeing this blue-haired beautiful woman with a boundless aura, sacred and inviolable, Xiaoniao Lingguang's eyes suddenly widened, showing an unprecedented look of shock.

"Oh my god, this, how is this possible? How did that salted fish break the restriction in the sea and come to the ancestral land of Xianzong?"

The flaming bird exclaimed in disbelief, its small eyes filled with horror.

It recognized the identity of this blue-haired beautiful woman at a glance. It was Kun, the sacred beast of the ancient Huaxianzong!

And the strength of this ancient fierce beast is extremely terrifying, even the ancient Hua Xianzong, which was very prosperous back then, respected it and dared not neglect it in the slightest.

But when the members of the Ancient Hua Xianzong were about to leave the earth, for some reason they imprisoned this kun in the sea, and they would never be free.

However, at this moment, after countless years, this ancient ferocious beast that once destroyed the world unexpectedly got rid of the restraint and regained its freedom.

If he held a grudge against Guhua Xianzong, then today's Cave Heaven Spiritual Realm would be doomed forever!

And just when Ling Guang was terrified.

But I saw the blue-haired beauty who suddenly appeared in the field, as if hearing the words of the little red bird, she immediately said angrily:
"You silly little pheasant, who are you calling a salted fish!"

Hearing the sound, the flaming bird Ling Guang reacted immediately, and then the inexplicable souls of the dead trembled in horror, and hurriedly bowed their heads and said:
"Meng, Master Mengdie, I misunderstood, I didn't mean that, please calm down."

"Hmph, if you dare to speak rudely again in the future, see if I don't pluck your hair off, and give your stew to my daughter!"

The blue-haired beautiful woman snorted coldly, and then ignored the little red bird that was trembling like chaff.Lightly moving lotus steps to come to Wu You, bowed deeply, and kowtowed in reverence:
"Mengdie pays respects to the master."

Seeing the unimaginable scene, Ling Guang was dumbfounded and his mind went blank.

It never imagined that Kun, the majestic god beast of the ancient Huaxian sect who had looked down upon the world in ancient times, would offer such a big gift to a young human being, and even regard him as his master!

This, this is simply incredible!
You must know that even the head teacher of the ancient Hua Xianzong had never received such respectful treatment from this ancient beast.

Who is that young man?How could this Kun, who thinks so highly of himself, worship him so much and bow down?

And just when the little bird was shocked.

Wu You looked at the blue-haired beautiful woman in front of her, and said with a calm smile:

"Okay, get up."

After Dayu Mengdie got up respectfully, Wu You went on to say:

"The reason why I called you out is to give some instructions."

"Master, please tell me that no matter what happens, Mengdie will go all out and never let the master down."

Big Yu Mengdie vowed.

"Very good, from now on, you will practice in the ancestral land of the ancient Hua Xianzong, the returning to the source technique that I have taught you, and absorb as much aura as possible from this place.

In the next year, you will be the main force of this retreat. "

Wu You commanded solemnly.

"Yes, Master."

Big Yu Mengdie didn't have any doubts, and respectfully accepted the order.

At the next moment, Wu You waved his sleeves again.

All of a sudden, a vast and extremely huge iceberg suddenly appeared in this cave-heaven spiritual realm!
But it is the body of Big Yumengdie!

And as this huge monster fell from the sky, countless birds and beasts in the ancestral land of the ancient Hua Xianzong all fled in panic.

Fortunately, it was suspended above the ground in the end, and this did not lead to a tragedy...

Seeing this incomparably shocking scene, Ling Guang, the guardian of the cave spirit realm and a descendant of Suzaku, was completely stunned on the spot, his eyes full of horror.

Facing this ancient ferocious beast that blocks the sky, it can't resist at all...

And thinking about it again, that seemingly weak and weak human youth can subdue such a powerful and terrifying giant beast, and even make it obey.Xiao Niao Lingguang was even more shocked, and couldn't believe what he saw.

My God, who is that human boy?How can it have such a powerful energy?

But at the next moment, the boy was seen waving his sleeves again.

In an instant, a behemoth with a height of nearly 200 meters, a body as large as a mountain, a plump and plump body, black and white fur, stood impressively on the ground!

And seeing the round, furry black and white monster, Duan Gurou suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help exclaiming:
"What a cute giant panda, Brother Wu You, I didn't expect you to have a national treasure, it's really amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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