I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1147 Simple Requirements

Chapter 1147 Simple Requirements
Immediately, Xiao Zhenyu, the Lord of Demon Suppressing Wonderland, looked at the boy who looked like a dog, and asked in a deep voice unceremoniously:
"Are you that Mr. Wu who pretends to be a fairy from the heavens?"

"Hehe, this seat has never said that I am a celestial fairy, it's all just made up by you guys."

Wu You shook his head and smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhenyu and many other immortals couldn't help but tremble.

Sure enough, as they expected, the so-called Mr. Wu did not come from heaven.

In this case, it will be easy to handle!

Immediately, Xiao Zhenyu snorted coldly, and said sternly:
"Old man, no matter who you are, those of your subordinates dared to steal the treasures of my great fairyland, and even stubbornly resisted, wounding countless people in my fairyland, and causing my fairyland to be filled with sorrow.

Such a heinous person should have been sentenced to death, as a warning to others.But for the sake of you and others fighting against the underworld, we will temporarily spare the lives of those demons and goblins.

However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the huge losses suffered by my many fairylands must be compensated.

So today I wait here to ask you for an explanation! "

As soon as these words came out, the fairy masters from all the fairylands in the field also stared at the young man who was floating like a fairy, and everyone showed greed that could not be concealed.

"Really, what compensation do you want?"

Wu You smiled lightly.

"It's very simple, since this is the place left by the ancient fairy gate, it naturally belongs to the common heritage of all monks in China, and it must not be taken by one person.

So from now on, this place will be under the joint control of our major fairylands, and hand over all the magic treasures and medicines you got here, as well as the cultivation techniques left over from the ancient fairy gates, and all other resources, and work with our generation of monks share.

Of course, the most important thing is that the sacred weapon that defeated the army of the underworld must be strictly controlled by my fairyland, otherwise the consequences of falling into the hands of alien races would be disastrous.

As long as you agree to these conditions, I will let the past go, and even let you become a member of my fairyland, and we will grow together in the future. "

Xiao Zhenyu said with a proud disdain, stared coldly at the young man who was calm and calm, and said in a deep voice:
"With such a reasonable request, I believe that Mr. Wu should have a deep understanding of righteousness, so he won't have any objections?"

For a moment, many powerful masters of the fairyland in the audience were also staring at the young man who was carrying a heavy treasure at this moment. If he dared to do anything unusual, he would be struck by everyone's thunder!
But at this time, Huyouzi immediately flew into a rage when he heard the shameless and despicable request from the Lord of Demon Suppressing Wonderland.

These so-called immortals who claim to be righteous are even more shameless than hooligans. They are really hateful!
And just when it couldn't hold back the anger in its heart and wanted to yell at it.

Wu You nodded suddenly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"This seat can agree to your request."

As soon as these words came out, all the fairyland immortals in the audience couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the cultivation level of the young man in front of him should not be as good as theirs, but after all, he possesses many magic weapons left by the ancient immortal sect.And with the help of the holy weapon, he defeated the army of the underworld in one fell swoop.

Therefore, even if they have the confidence to capture or kill it, they may have to pay a very high price.

So at this moment, seeing the young man surrendering and agreeing to their request in a timely manner, the immortals felt at ease.

It seems that this young kid is quite self-aware.Knowing that he was not their opponent, he readily bowed his head and confessed, which saved them a lot of trouble.

Immediately, these immortals from various fairylands looked at the young man like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and all showed even more greed.

At this time, Xiao Zhenyu was equally excited. He didn't expect this Mr. Wu to agree to his conditions so easily. This is really a surprise.

Immediately, the Lord of Demon Suppressing Wonderland nodded in a deep voice and said:

"That's right, you little doll is quite knowledgeable about current affairs, so let's hand over that holy artifact first."

After speaking, Xiao Zhenyu's eyes flickered with uncontrollable greed again.

But under the gaze of all the immortals in the audience, the boy suddenly shook his head and smiled:
"Don't be too happy, I can agree to your request, but there is one condition."

Hearing this, all the immortals couldn't help but startled, a little confused.

"What conditions?"

Xiao Zhenyu frowned.

"It's very simple, as long as you all kneel and kowtow now, and swear to be my servants forever, then of course it's okay to reward you with some benefits."

Wu You smiled indifferently.

Suddenly hearing this, all the people in the fairyland present widened their eyes and couldn't believe their ears.

No matter what, they never thought that the little devil who had become a softie in the urn would say such arrogant and domineering words.

This, this is too unbelievable!
At this time, Xiao Fuxue was even more stunned, beyond shock.

God, is Mr. Wu crazy?

How dare he humiliate his father like this, as well as the fairy masters from all the fairylands.

This is simply asking for death!

But at this time, Xiao Zhenyu, the Lord of Demon Suppressing Fairyland, couldn't help being startled when he heard the young man's brazen words, and then flew into a rage!
That shameless mortal brat, not only did not agree to his request, but even humiliated himself in public, he really deserves to die!

"Hmph, you bastards are lucky enough to be my master's servants, what a goddamn luck.

What are you still doing?Hurry up and kneel down to thank my lord for his grace of not killing! "

Hu Youzi glared at those so-called immortals and shouted arrogantly.

And upon hearing this, Xiao Zhenyu, who was already burning with anger, added fuel to the fire!
Immediately staring at the young man in the field, he gritted his teeth angrily and said:
"Alright, alright, since you don't want to drink a toast, I'm going to see today, where do you have the guts to speak out in front of us!

Formation! "

As soon as the words fell, all the fairy masters in the audience who were also furious, without the slightest hesitation, burst into a majestic momentum!

At the next moment, beams of light of various colors shot up into the sky from all the masters of the fairyland, including Xiao Zhenyu!


In an instant, a huge light tiger with colorful colors and a height of [-] meters was displayed in front of the world!

For a moment, Hu Youzi couldn't help being stunned and inexplicably shocked, looking at the mighty and ferocious giant Guanghu.

By virtue of its instinct, one can clearly feel how powerful the formation in front of him, which was jointly cast by many foundation-building peak monks, is!

(End of this chapter)

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