Chapter 1152
At the next moment, Xiao Zhenyu and others looked at each other, and saw the determination in each other's eyes at the same time.

In order not to cause trouble, they must subdue that nasty little devil with a thunderbolt!
Immediately without any hesitation, all the masters of the fairyland immediately formed a formula with both hands, and the many spiritual weapons above their heads burst out with precious light again, instantly blending into the body of the colorful tiger.


In an instant, the huge light tiger that covered the sky and the sun with boundless power suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

The next moment, this invincible colossus, which had no strong enemy to stop it, suddenly flew towards the young man in the field with an earth-shattering momentum, and was about to crush him in one fell swoop!
But at this moment, a snow-white figure flashed in an instant, resolutely blocking in front of the colorful light tiger.

But it was the long-haired girl with a fairy sword on her feet and as beautiful as a fairy!
Seeing this, all the people in the fairyland in the audience were shocked and shocked.

God, is that woman crazy?He actually wanted to be alone, resisting the strongest formation that they jointly cast.

This, this is simply suicidal!

The power of the many peak foundation-building monks they have formed together to form the white tiger demon formation is as powerful as the legendary alchemy stage!

There is no one in this world who can be an enemy alone.

So the girl who suddenly appeared must be doomed today!
"Father, hurry up, stop!"

Xiao Fuxue cried out desperately.

"It's too late."

Xiao Zhenyu shook his head helplessly, then looked at the calm young man in the field, and said in a deep voice:
"If you want to blame, blame that self-righteous brat, he killed his fiancée with his own hands!"

"Why, how could this be..."

Xiao Fuxue immediately revealed a look of despair.

And just when everyone thought that the beautiful girl who suddenly stood in front of Guanghu was about to fade away.

But she just waved her sleeves lightly, and a gorgeous and soft snow-white light and shadow floated out instantly.

The next moment, the moment the [-]-meter-tall and mighty multicolored light tiger came into contact with the snow-white light and shadow, its huge mountain-like body suddenly shattered!

Turn into dots of colorful starlight, slowly drifting into the wind...

In an instant, the whole world fell into dead silence.

Everyone in the audience seemed to be petrified, staring dumbfounded at the huge light tiger that had gradually disappeared, and their minds went blank...

After a long time, the dust settled, and the entire Dongtian Spiritual Realm returned to its former tranquility.

However, at this moment, the immortals from the various fairylands in the arena still stood motionless as if frozen.Staring blankly at everything in front of him, as if he couldn't believe his eyes...

No matter what, they never expected that the strongest formation that they jointly used would be shattered so easily!

God, aren't they really dreaming?
"How, how is this possible?"

Xiao Zhenyu looked blankly in front of him, that unimaginable scene had already set off an unprecedented storm in his heart.

The white tiger subdue demon array formed by all their peak foundation-building monks, plus many spiritual weapons and magic weapons, possesses the legendary power of forming alchemy!

However, at this moment, the colorful light tiger, which symbolizes the strongest combat power in all fairylands, suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

God, this, this is incredible!
And just when everyone was stunned, a voice of nature filled with anger suddenly came from the air.

"You bad guys, you actually want to hurt my brother Wu You, it's really unreasonable!"

Hearing this, everyone on the ground suddenly came back to their senses, and then looked up.

But the person who spoke was the girl with long hair who was wearing a gorgeous snow-white dress and was as beautiful as a fairy!
In an instant, everyone in the audience couldn't help opening their eyes wide, and their eyes were filled with unprecedented shock.

After a brief silence, these fairyland immortals suddenly fell into an uproar!
"Oh my god, I, am I dreaming? Was the white tiger demon formation really broken by that girl?"

"This, how is this possible? How could that woman have such a powerful force? To be able to smash the Guanghu with the strength of forming an alchemy in one fell swoop, this is simply a fantasy!"

"My God, how can there be such a powerful person in the world, is she really a goddess descended into the world?!"

For a moment, everyone in the audience was deeply intimidated by the girl's astonishing power, and there was an unprecedented storm in their hearts!
But at this time, Xiao Fuxue, who originally thought that the goddess in her heart would fall, was extremely sad, saw this shocking scene at this moment, and couldn't help being dumbfounded and dumbstruck.

He could never have imagined that the girl who entered the Foundation Establishment Stage with the power of pills a year ago already possessed such terrifying strength.

This is simply unbelievable and shocking!
And just when everyone fell into deep shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

Xiao Zhenyu, the Lord of Demon Suppressing Wonderland, stared in horror at the sacred and inviolable long-haired girl in the air, and exclaimed uncontrollably:
"Jie, jiedan, she is a monk in the jiedan stage!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, gasped, and shivered involuntarily.

Oh my god, alchemy cultivator!

That is a powerful existence that is unique in the whole world except for the heavens!
You must know that even the masters of the great fairylands are only at the peak of foundation establishment.

And that young girl has actually stepped into the legendary alchemy stage.

This, this is simply the most incredible thing in the world!

For a time, the shock in the hearts of these immortals from the various fairylands could no longer be described in words.

It wasn't until this moment that they finally realized that this superb girl at the alchemy stage was the real trump card of Mr. Wu!

No wonder he is always arrogant and domineering, and doesn't take people like himself in the slightest.

Having such a fiancée with earth-shattering strength is already invincible in the world!

"This, how is this possible? Miss Gu Rou just established her foundation a year ago, how could she enter the alchemy stage so quickly?"

Xiao Fuxue couldn't help blurting out, then suddenly thought of something, opened her eyes wide, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"Oh my god, if Miss Gu Rou has really been promoted to the Alchemy Formation, wouldn't the person who helped her practice be even more powerful!

Could it be, could it be that Mr. Wu is really an immortal from the heavens? ! "

Hearing these words, all the masters of the fairyland including Xiao Zhenyu immediately reacted, and everyone immediately turned pale with astonishment, shaking uncontrollably.

That's right, how can a person who can make others step into alchemy within a year have such low strength?

Then Mr. Wu's cultivation might have already exceeded their imagination!
My God, what kind of existence did they provoke...

(End of this chapter)

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