I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1164 Peerless Catastrophe

Chapter 1164 Peerless Catastrophe
When a group of people just walked out of the gate of the fairy prison, there was a lot of noise and chaos, and the sound of screaming and shouting in panic rushed over!

"Quick, run away! The fairy array has been completely destroyed, and the army of ghost demons is coming!"

"Oh my god, why is this happening? Is the sky going to destroy my fairyland?"

"It's over, it's over, everyone is going to die here today."

"Escape, escape from the fairyland, go to the fairy master..."

For a moment, accompanied by mournful howls full of despair, long rainbows of various colors streaked across the sky without stopping, fleeing in a hurry towards the other end of the fairyland.

And just behind them in the sky, a boundless, black and red majestic cloud and mist spread overwhelmingly!

Faintly, one could still hear the creepy howls and hisses coming from the distance under the black cloud and blood mist.

Seeing this terrifying scene that seemed to be the end of the world, Yan Moye and his party were shocked.

This is the end of the day, the Heavenly Immortal Formation, the biggest reliance of the Demon Suppressing Wonderland, has been broken through and destroyed.

Now there is no longer anything to rely on, and no one can stand against that terrifying combined army!
"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go, let's escape!"

Ji Chi frowned and said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the four of them unfolded their bodies and flew towards the only exit of the Demon Suppressing Wonderland.

Along the way, although many people in the fairyland discovered the four outsiders, they didn't care about so many, and the priority was to escape...

At this moment, although Ji Chi and the others escaped from the prison, the three monsters had already been seriously injured, so the speed was not very fast.

And just when a group of people rushed halfway in a hurry.


The billowing black cloud and blood mist that were getting closer and closer in the sky suddenly began to condense at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, a huge grimace formed by the condensation of black air in the sky suddenly appeared in the sky!
At this moment, looking at the terrifying grimace covering the sky and covering the sky.The countless people who were fleeing for their lives were dumbfounded, showing unprecedented horror.

My goodness, what the hell is that in the sky?It's just horrible!

Just the next moment.


The gigantic terrifying grimace above the sky suddenly opened its huge mouth.

Immediately, it descended from the sky with an earth-shattering might and power, and slammed straight towards the only exit of the Town Demon Fairyland!
After a moment.


With an earth-shattering, deafening bang.

The hideous and terrifying gigantic grimace that covered the sky and the sun, like a meteorite from outside the sky, had already hit the other side of the Demon Suppressing Wonderland with a majestic and majestic power.

In an instant, earth and rocks splashed, and air waves churned!
The surging shock wave suddenly exploded in all directions!
All the beautiful fairyland buildings nearby were instantly reduced to ruins!
Many people who had fled to the exit also died instantly...

Seeing this unimaginably terrifying scene, all those who escaped stopped in their tracks, terrified and stunned on the spot.

And right now.


A shocking roar that seemed to come from the Nine Serenity Hell, which did not belong to this world, suddenly resounded throughout the entire world!
Hearing the roar that hit the soul directly, countless people couldn't help trembling, showing unprecedented panic.

In an instant, under everyone's staring, heart-rending gaze.


A huge red ghost with a height of hundreds of meters, like a mountain, suddenly stood up from the smoke and dust!
At this moment, all the people in the fairyland could not help but be terrified and terrified looking at the ferocious ghost that covered the sky and covered the sun and was full of death.

"Oh my God, it's another underworld demon general, Rakshasa!"

Yan Moye stared in amazement at the gigantic and terrifying evil spirit standing proudly among the ruins, and immediately exclaimed uncontrollably.

At this moment, all the people in the town of Zhenmoxian fell into extreme panic at this moment.

Rakshasa, the demon general of the underworld, is a terrifying existence second only to the Lord of the Underworld, the King of Yakshas!
It is rumored that Rakshasa's strength is one of the strongest in the entire underworld!

Even the masters of the great fairylands have three points of scruples about him.

Without the restriction of the Celestial Immortal Formation, almost no one in this world is a match for this Underworld Demon General!

But at this moment, this extremely terrifying Rakshasa ghost has already blocked the only exit to the Demon-Suppressing Wonderland, completely blocking everyone's escape route.

Seeing this, countless people in the fairyland suddenly lost their souls and turned pale.

At this moment, they have become the turtles in the urn, and there is no possibility of escape.

For a moment, everyone fell into deep despair and couldn't extricate themselves.

At this time, the three of Ji Chi also showed unprecedented expressions of fear.

They have seen the same kind of Rakshasa with their own eyes in Wuling Mountain in the capital of China, and they know that their strength is at least above the peak of Foundation Establishment!

But at this moment, the only fairy master in this fairyland who can compete with him has been going out and never returned.Now that there is no one in the entire fairyland to be his opponent, it is impossible to reopen the exit.

Could it be, are they really doomed today?
And just when everyone in the fairyland was terrified.

The majestic black cloud and blood mist above the sky have already covered most of the Demon Suppressing Wonderland!
Looking from a distance, I saw that under the overwhelming black cloud and blood mist, there was actually a dense mass of Yaksha army densely covering the entire void!
Above the ground are countless, all kinds of hideous and terrifying demon creatures!

Wherever this terrifying underworld demon army passed by, those fairyland people who had no time to escape immediately uttered screams of distress, and were instantly torn into pieces and swallowed up.

Seeing this incomparably terrifying scene, everyone in the entire Town of Demon Immortal Territory was frightened out of their wits and their livers were torn apart.

At this moment, they have nowhere to escape, they can only mourn and wait for death...

But at this moment, an anxious shout suddenly resounded through the fairyland.

"Quick! Quick! Everyone go to Xuanyuan Tomb for refuge!"

Hearing these words, the people of Wonderland, who had already fallen into despair, were immediately shocked.

Immediately, they stretched out their bodies without hesitation, and galloped recklessly towards a low black stone mountain on the edge of the Demon Suppressing Wonderland.

Seeing the people from the fairyland in all directions gathering in one direction, Ji Chi couldn't help asking:
"Xuanyuan Tomb? What is that place?"

Zhu Yan and Zhou Zi also showed doubts.

Hearing the sound, Yan Moye blurted out eagerly:
"Xuanyuan Tomb is a forbidden place set up by the heavens in the Demon Suppressing Fairyland in ancient times.

It is said that outside the Xuanyuan Tomb, there is a powerful enchantment left over from the heavens.Since ancient times, no one has been allowed to approach without authorization except the high-level people in the fairyland.

So now that forbidden area is already the last refuge of the entire Demon Town, let's go there too. "

(End of this chapter)

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