Chapter 1166

In an instant, the terrifying and ferocious giant Yaksha, which covered the sky and covered the sun, came majestically in front of the black stone dwarf mountain.

Immediately suspended in the void, from the huge green pupils, bursts of soul-stirring light suddenly burst out, passing through the golden light curtain and projecting towards the densely packed human monks in the barrier.

And being stared at by this extremely cold and fierce light, the people in the fairyland immediately felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and they couldn't help shivering.

At the next moment, the huge and mighty Yaksha suddenly opened its mouth full of fangs.

In an instant, a thunderous, soul-stirring loud voice suddenly resounded throughout the Demon Suppressing Wonderland.

"I am the Lord of the Underworld, the King of Yakshas."

As soon as these words came out, countless Yaksha clansmen covering the sky let out a reverent and pious neighing sound.

Seeing this, all the people in the fairyland within the golden barrier opened their eyes wide in disbelief, showing unprecedented shock.

They never imagined that the terrifying Yaksha with a height of [-] meters in the air, covering the sky with one hand, was actually the legendary Lord of the Underworld!

This, this is simply too unbelievable!
Today, the king of the Yaksha, who rules the entire underworld and never sees the end of the dragon, actually leads an army to invade the human world, which undoubtedly shows the determination of the underworld to conquer the mortal world!

In the face of such a majestic and terrifying army, even if the reinforcements from the various fairylands arrived in time, it would be useless.

Could it be, are they really going to die here today?

For a moment, all the human monks in Xuanyuan Tomb were ashamed, and their whole bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

But at this time, the tall and mighty Yaksha King looked down at the tiny human beings hiding in their shells on the ground, and said solemnly:

"You humble lackeys of the heavens, now this king gives you a chance to survive.

As long as you wait to answer this king's question truthfully, you will be honored to become the boarding slave of my Yasha clan. "

Hearing these words, the people of Wonderland, who were like frightened birds, couldn't help but startled, showing incomparable astonishment.

Although I don't know what the so-called boarding slave is, but if it is really possible to save my life, it is more important than anything else.

As the saying goes, if you stay in the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as you are lucky enough to escape from death today, you will have a chance to make a comeback in the future!

Thinking of this, the people in Wonderland, who were originally in despair, couldn't help but cheer up, and a glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts.

Immediately, an old man with a long beard in a gray robe stepped out from the crowd, and said tremblingly to the Yaksha King through the golden light curtain:
"If I, if we answer your question, won't you really kill all the people in my fairyland?"

"Hmph, that depends on whether your answers satisfy me."

The King of Yaksha snorted proudly and contemptuously, and then his dark green pupils narrowed, and he asked in a deep voice:
"A year ago, it killed many of my Yasha people in the mortal world, killed my underworld demon general Rakshasa, and destroyed the exit of the underworld that my family had planned for a long time.

Who is the murderer who even kidnapped the king's daughter?

Where are you now? "

As soon as these words came out, the Yaksha army densely packed in the air was immediately excited, and all of them showed extremely ferocious resentment.

Originally, they were able to come to the mortal world as early as a year ago and become the overlords of the entire world!

However, who would have thought that their great plan, which had been prepared for a long time and was almost successful, would fail at the last moment, which is really unacceptable.

According to the stories of some clansmen who managed to escape back to the underworld, the person who defeated their advance army and destroyed the exit of the underworld was actually a human monk!
Upon hearing this news, the entire underworld suddenly fell into an unprecedented panic.

The only human beings who can have such powerful power in this world are monks in the alchemy stage of the heavens in ancient times.

Could it be that the heaven, which had disappeared for a long time, came down to the mortal world again?
Realizing this, the Yaksha tribe was terrified, and their souls were all terrified.

If the person who destroyed their plan is really a heavenly king, let alone invade the mortal world, the entire underworld may suffer unprecedented catastrophe!

After all, in the face of a powerful monk in the alchemy stage, almost no one in the entire underworld can compete with him.

And if the Immortal Lord of the Heavenly Realm really came to kill him, the consequences would be unimaginable!
Because of this, the King of Yaksha immediately ordered to completely seal all the entrances to the underworld.

However, as time went by, no one came to provoke and retaliate.

Afterwards, the Yaksha clansmen, who were frightened at first, also passed some clues and came back to their senses.

Back then, the reason why the human monk was able to destroy the army of the underworld and destroy the exit of the underworld was entirely due to the power of the magic weapon.Its own real strength is not as powerful as imagined.

Therefore, at that time, all the people of the Yasha tribe suddenly realized that they believed that the murderer who killed the army of the underworld must have a supreme and powerful magic weapon in his hand!

However, because of any restrictions or harsh conditions, it cannot be used at will, so it has not dared to use it to mark the underworld.

However, if this powerful magic weapon falls into the hands of the people in the Heavenly Realm, the underworld will surely face annihilation!
Immediately waking up from a dream, the members of the Yaksha tribe unanimously decided that they must first obtain the treasure at all costs before the fairyland reacted.

In order to achieve this goal, the King of Yaksha did not hesitate to condescend to discuss countermeasures with the demon world, which has always been hated.

In the end, they reluctantly agreed that after occupying the human world in the future, half of them will be controlled by the demon world. Only then did the two sides reach an alliance and jointly lead an army to invade the mortal world!
That's why there was this shocking battle today.

The goal of the Yaksha tribe is very clear, first of all, they must obtain that powerful magic weapon to completely eliminate their worries.

Even after obtaining the supreme magic weapon, the underworld will surpass the six realms and become the true overlord of the entire world!

Because of this, the King of Yaksha came to the mortal world for the first time to inquire about the whereabouts of the murderer from the human monks in this fairyland...

But at this moment, the people in the fairyland in Xuanyuan Tomb couldn't help being startled after hearing the question from the Lord of the Underworld, and then reacted.

It turned out that the person the Yaksha King wanted to find was the monk who defeated the army of the underworld in one fell swoop a year ago in the mortal capital.

It seems that these Yasha clansmen have also come to their senses. The so-called Celestial Monarch at the time relied entirely on the power of a magic weapon to create such a miracle.

And now the purpose of the Lord of the Underworld is undoubtedly to find the person who has a powerful magic weapon, and then take the magic weapon as his own!
However, what the Yaksha Lord doesn't know is that the masters of the great wonderlands have already embarked on a journey of "treasure hunting"...

(End of this chapter)

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