Chapter 1171 Angry

For a moment, all the black-armored giants with bronze heads and iron foreheads around them showed unprecedented resentment.

I really want to tear that villain who bullied their brother alive with broken bones and cramps!
And in the next moment.

"shut up!"

Ji Chili, who was the incarnation of Chiyou Demon God, yelled, and immediately Thunder said angrily:

"If any of you dare to be rude to my lord again, don't blame me for destroying relatives righteously and denying you idiots!"

Hearing this, the 81 masters of the demon world in the audience were shocked immediately and completely froze on the spot.

They never expected that their elder brother seemed to be a different person, so he defended those who regarded him as a slave.

This, this is simply incredible!
At this time, Ji Chi naturally also saw the doubts in the hearts of his brothers, and immediately said solemnly:
"I'll tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the help of my lord, I can only live underground, and I will never be able to make it out.

And without the exercises and elixirs given by my lord, it would be impossible for me to recover my strength so quickly without a physical body.

So you remember that I am willing to serve as my master, and I am not forced to be helpless. "

Speaking of this, Ji Chi's eyes were filled with reverence.

Then he looked at the 81 stunned brothers in front of him, and said proudly:
"And more importantly, my lord is the ancient true immortal who once ruled the universe!
Even Patriarch Hongjun, who is said to have opened up the Six Realms, is as insignificant as dust in front of him.

I am nothing like the king of the demon world, it is a great opportunity to be my master's servant! "

As soon as these words came out, not only the 81 devil masters in the audience were dumbfounded, they were inexplicably shocked.

Even the army of the underworld in the sky and the people of the fairyland on the ground have created turbulent waves in their hearts.

Although they had heard from Mr. Wu's men before that her master was some kind of immemorial immortal.But everyone didn't take it seriously, they just thought she was bluffing and trying to save her life.

However, now that he has strong support from the demon world, he still praises Mr. Wu so much, which makes people have to think about it.

Could it be that Mr. Wu is really as powerful as he said?

"No, it's impossible!
It is now the age of doom, and the powerful human monks have long since disappeared, and it is impossible for them to reappear! "

The lord of the underworld, the Yaksha King, couldn't help shouting, completely disbelieving what the demon king Chi You said.

Hearing this, the people of Wonderland also deeply agreed.

The current world with thin spiritual energy is like a pond that is about to dry up. The big fish have all died due to lack of water, or have already fled here.

Only small fish and shrimps with low strength like them can barely survive in the muddy pond...

Therefore, when they heard about the birth of an immortal from the heavens, their first reaction was to doubt their identity.Then he came to the conclusion that Mr. Wu barely exerted the power of alchemy by relying on the holy weapon.

As a result, the various fairylands launched a "treasure hunt" activity...

Of course, this is also the main reason why the underworld invaded the mortal world this time...

"Hmph, ignorant fellow, my lord's power beyond the heavens is beyond the imagination of you idiots!"

Ji Chi snorted contemptuously, then stared coldly at the Yaksha King, and said proudly:
"So I advise you to go back to the underworld as soon as possible, and don't use any more brains, otherwise you will provoke my lord, and the whole underworld will be buried with you!"

Hearing this, the Yaksha King was startled, and then became angry from embarrassment.

If it weren't for the backing of the Demon Realm, it would have already torn the guy who spoke rudely to him to pieces!
Immediately, the Lord of the Underworld suppressed his anger, stared at the Demon King Chi You, and said coldly with a snort:

"Bluffer guy, if your master is really so powerful, why don't you dare to tell me his whereabouts.

It's not because of that ancient true immortal, you made it up at all! "

"Hmph, you naive guy, don't provoke me here. The reason why this king didn't tell you the place to wait for my master to retreat is because I don't want you to disturb my master."

Ji Chi snorted coldly, then fixedly stared at the Yaksha King, and sneered meaningfully:

"But you don't have to be so anxious to die, the rabbit should have gone to my master's retreat place to ask for help.

Before long, my lord will come here in person.

And until then, let me see how arrogant you are! "

As soon as these words came out, although the King of Yaksha was furious in his heart, he had nothing to do with that brazen guy.

After all, the strength of the Demon Realm is no worse than that of the Underworld, if it really fights, it will only hurt both sides...

Immediately suppressed his anger, the King of Yaksha, who had nowhere to vent his anger, stared coldly at the ground, and those human monks who saw his jokes ordered with grim faces:
"Swallow all those lackeys in the heavens for this king!"

Hearing these words, the countless fairyland people on the Xuanyuan Tomb were terrified and their souls trembled.

They couldn't find it no matter what, the Lord of the Underworld suddenly turned his spearhead on people like himself.

This is really a fire at the city gate and the fish in the pond...

And just when the four huge mountain-like Rakshasa and the army of Yakshas all over the sky were about to attack.

Yan Moye, who had been squatting on the ground with his head buried in trembling, suddenly jumped up.Recklessly, he ran towards the burly giant with six-armed hooves and two horns.

"Ji, Ji Chi, no, Demon King Chi You help me!
I beg you to quickly stop the evil deeds of those monsters from the underworld, and save the people of these fairylands! "

Yan Moye shouted while running anxiously.

Seeing this, the people in the fairyland who had fallen into despair were suddenly shocked, and they all looked at the king of the demon world with great anticipation.

Immediately, they all bowed their heads and begged with one voice:

"Master Demon King, please save us."

However, at this time, Ji Chi, who was the incarnation of Chiyou Demon God, was not moved at all, but snorted coldly and said:
"Didn't you guys want to kill us just now? Why are you asking me for help again now?
Hmph, a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, death is really not a pity! "

As soon as these words came out, all the people in the fairyland were stunned in place, dumbfounded.

Yes, just now they still wanted to kill all of Mr. Wu's subordinates.

Now that people don't retaliate, it's considered as the utmost benevolence, so how can they save people like themselves?
Thinking of this, all the people in the fairyland immediately blushed and felt ashamed...

It's over, it's over, today they will die in the mouths of those monsters from the underworld.

All of a sudden, countless fairyland people with their families and families on Xuanyuan Tomb fell into deep despair...

(End of this chapter)

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