Chapter 1175
Seeing this unbelievably shocking scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

Sure enough, as Ying Long said, the sudden phoenix is ​​really a sword array!

And the powerful formation that can defeat the Rakshasa of the underworld in one fell swoop is unique in the entire world.

Immediately, all the people in Wonderland suddenly thought of something, and their hearts were lifted.

The power of the green feather fire phoenix formation just now seems to be very similar to the white tiger demon formation jointly performed by the masters of the fairyland.

Could it be, could it be that the masters of the great fairylands have finally arrived at the Demon-Suppressing Wonderland?
And just when everyone in the audience was amazed and puzzled.




With the earth-shattering sword cries, the 27 blue-light giant swords in the distant sky suddenly shot back and disappeared into the entrance of the Demon-Suppressing Wonderland!

And in the next moment.

But I saw a majestic and majestic old man wearing a large and gorgeous purple-gold robe, who suddenly stepped on the void and flew out of the entrance of the fairyland.

And behind this calm and prestige old man, there are many men and women with fluttering clothes, men and women who fly out of the only entrance here in an endless stream.

Seeing this scene, all the fairyland people in the audience immediately opened their eyes wide, and they were beyond shocked.

These men and women who suddenly entered the Demon-Suppressing Wonderland are none other than the fairy masters from all the wonderlands!
And the majestic old man who arrived first was none other than their Lord of Demon Suppressing Wonderland, Xiao Zhenyu!
Oh my God, the Immortal Masters are really back!

This, this is going to happen!
Originally lost the suppression of the Celestial Immortal Formation, their Immortal Realm is no longer the opponent of the underworld army.

And now there is the ancient Yinglong, such a terrifying beast with alchemy strength.

Even if all the masters of the fairyland gather here, there is no chance of winning at all, they are just dying...

For a moment, all the people in the fairyland showed an extremely sad look.

Could it be that today is the day when their fairyland will be completely destroyed?
"Okay, well done!

Before this king went to settle accounts with you, you sent them to your door yourself.

This actually saved me a lot of time, so I will wait for you today to have a good time! "

The King of Yaksha stared coldly at the masters of the fairyland flying out of the entrance, and a cruel grin suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After killing all these fairyland masters today, there will be no one in the whole world who can be his enemy.

It can be said to be once and for all!
But at this moment, a hoarse cry suddenly sounded in the field.

"Old virgin, don't come here, my lords! Get out quickly!
The Ying Long in the sky who rebelled against the heaven has the strength of the alchemy stage, no one is his opponent, run away, run away! "

Yan Moye shouted desperately.

I hope that those fairy masters who have just come to the fairyland will evacuate this place as soon as possible after hearing what I said, otherwise they will never be able to leave again...

However, those men and women who came to Zhenmo Immortal Realm turned a deaf ear to Yan Moye's words.

Except for being slightly shocked by the golden dragon occupying half of the sky when he first entered the fairyland.All the fairy masters were still standing at the entrance of the fairyland, showing no intention of leaving.

Seeing this scene, Yan Moye turned pale in shock, not understanding why those fairy masters didn't flee after hearing his warning.

This, this is simply a way out!

But at this time, the King of Yaksha, looking at the masters of the fairyland standing quietly waiting to die on the spot, couldn't help but feel a little weird.

Are they crazy?Knowing that it is a dead end, but still jumping into it in a hurry?

Hmph, but no matter what tricks these guys play, they're all going to die today!

All of a sudden, the Yaksha King's huge pupils burst out with fierce and brilliant lights!

After a while, all the masters of the fairyland had passed through the entrance and came to the demon-suppressing fairyland.

But at the next moment, these fairyland masters suddenly turned around and bent slightly towards the entrance of the fairyland, as if they were waiting for someone.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but be amazed and puzzled.

I don't know what these fairyland masters are doing.
Immediately, countless surprised gazes focused on the entrance of the fairyland.

In an instant, dozens of mighty cyan rainbows passed through the entrance without stopping, and flew into the fairyland one after another!

And it wasn't until the end, when two earth-shattering peerless rainbows, one purple and one white, flew into this demon-suppressing fairyland, that everything stopped.

In an instant, the sky above the entrance of the Town Demon Wonderland.

A ray of light shines, and the majestic and huge sword column is displayed in front of the world!
And just above the fairy sword with the blue light flowing, there are nearly thirty beauties, big and small, wearing gorgeous ice blue dresses, floating like immortals.

Looking at the stunning beauties who are riding the wind with their swords, exuding dusty aura all over their bodies, all the people in the fairyland can't help but feel that they really saw the legendary Yaochi fairies, and they were extremely amazed.

"Then, are those women also people from the fairyland? Why do you feel like you've never seen them before?"

The old man with long beard blurted out in surprise.

All the people in the fairyland were also puzzled, wondering why the lords of the fairyland should be so respectful to those women.

And in the next moment.

On the distant sky, a purple light divine sword with purple energy coming from the east, and a holy and beautiful snow-white fairy sword suddenly came out of the crowd, floating in front of the sword row.

In an instant, above the Purple Light Excalibur, a handsome young man wearing a gorgeous golden blue robe with an extraordinary aura suddenly revealed his figure.

And on the snow-white fairy sword beside him, there is a long-haired girl in a gorgeous white dress, which is sacred and inviolable.

At this moment, looking at those two youths and girls who were peerless and ethereal, everyone in the audience couldn't help being astonished, and their eyes showed incomparable shock.

And at this moment, when Ji Chi incarnated as the Demon God of Chiyou saw the handsome young man who was floating like a fairy, he could no longer restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and shouted excitedly:
"Master, it's really the master!
My Lord has come at last, so good, so good! "

Immediately, Zhu Yan and Zhou Zi who were on the side also became energetic and excited.

"Xian, Lord Xianjun is really here!"

Yan Moye stared dumbfounded at the handsome young man with a fairy sword on his feet, who seemed to be born into the world, and couldn't help blurting out.

And hearing these words, all the people in the surrounding fairyland couldn't help being shocked, and everyone showed disbelief.

It turned out that the young boy was the rumored Mr. Wu!
This, this is really unexpected.

What's even more unbelievable is, didn't the masters of the fairyland go to attack Mr. Wu?Why are they so respectful now?

(End of this chapter)

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