I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1183: Earthshaking

Chapter 1183: Earthshaking
"It's almost there."

Suddenly, Ji Chi strode forward with slender and straight beautiful legs, stepped on the void and floated in front of Wu You, then bent down his sexy waist, and whispered softly:
"Since the master likes Ji Chi like this, the servant will never change."

Then he straightened up, looked at the little golden dragon who was looking at him strangely, and immediately shouted coldly:
"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman?!"

Hearing the sound, Ying Long suddenly came to his senses, then coughed lightly twice in embarrassment, and said with a strange expression:

"No, it's nothing, I just think the current appearance is quite suitable for you."

"Hmph, you have eyesight."

Ji Chi snorted softly, and then said to Wu Youjing again:
"Master, although this long worm is ugly and has bad conduct, it still has some strength.

If you are lucky enough to be a slave of your master, it will be of some use. "

Hearing this, Ying Long glanced at his former enemy gratefully, then hurriedly bowed his head to the young man in front of him, and sincerely asked:
"I also ask Lord Tianjun to fulfill Xiaolong's unfeeling request and accept me as a slave."

"Okay, I promise you that's it."

Wu You nodded, and chuckled indifferently.

Hearing this, Ying Long was overjoyed and couldn't be more excited.

Immediately without any hesitation, the strongest dragon god in ancient times resolutely faced the Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarch, and bowed his head devoutly and said:
"Yinglong pays homage to the master."

But at this time, everyone in the audience stared dumbfoundedly at the scene where the golden dragon recognized its master, and everyone couldn't help being shocked in their hearts.

Lord Tianjun really deserves to be a Nascent Soul cultivator. In such a short period of time, he has two more powerful subordinates in the alchemy stage.

This is incredible.

And just when countless people were deeply attracted by the unimaginable scene above the sky.

A cyan rainbow streaked across the void without a sound, and suddenly flew towards the other end of the fairyland.

However, at the next moment, a calm voice suddenly resounded throughout the world.

"Stop, will I let you go?"

As soon as these words came out, the blue rainbow suddenly stopped, and then a giant yaksha with a height of [-] meters, surrounded by black air, and flapping huge fleshy wings behind it, appeared impressively!

But it was the one who led the army of the underworld this time and united with the demon world to conquer the human world, the king of Yaksha!

But at this moment, this mighty and mighty Lord of the Underworld, whose face was ashen ashes and whose eyes were full of horror.

Everything that happened in this demon-suppressing fairyland today has already shocked the king of Yaksha to the point of scorching and trembling.

It never thought that its original foolproof plan to invade the human world would not only fall short at this time, but the entire underworld might face catastrophe!

But the culprit who caused all this was just a young human teenager.

It was precisely because of the existence of that boy that it turned against its allies in the Demon Realm.

It was precisely because of that boy that the underworld army led by it was completely wiped out.

It was precisely because of that young man, the ancient Yinglong he wanted to rely on, that he had no power to fight back, and even became his servant in the end...

Everything that happened here today has far exceeded its imagination.

If it had known that the human youth was the legendary Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarch beyond the alchemy stage.Even if you give it a million guts, it will never dare to appear in front of it...

Therefore, the King of Yaksha, who knew that he had caused a catastrophe, couldn't help but want to escape from this place.

However, he was discovered before he escaped too far...

Facing the order of a Yuanying Tianjun, it certainly didn't dare to disobey the slightest, and stopped immediately.

Then he turned around tremblingly, and his huge body knelt down on the ground with a plop, bowed his head to the handsome young man who was floating like a fairy, and begged for mercy:

"My lord, please forgive me!

Before, I blamed the little one who had no eyes and no pearls. I offended you by speaking rudely to you. I really deserve to die.

I also beg my lord to see that my underworld did not cause substantial damage to you and your subordinates, so just let the little one go this time. "

However, when it just finished speaking.


A soul-stirring dragon chant that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell suddenly resounded throughout the entire world!

Hearing this sound suddenly, not only the king of Yasha, but also all the creatures in the entire territory of Zhenmoxian couldn't help being shocked and turned pale with horror.

Immediately shocked and inexplicably followed the prestige.

A smooth black egg suspended in the void, covered with mysterious gray lines, suddenly came into view!
For a moment, looking at the black egg constantly changing and moving, it looks like the ancient lines of a dragon.

Feeling the shocking fluctuations on it that can't stop spreading to the surroundings.

It seems that as long as you look at it for a second, your soul will be sucked in...

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, not knowing what the black egg that suddenly roared was.

At this time, the Youlong egg, which is a ghost weapon of the underworld, has already fully matured after frantically devouring tens of thousands of underworld troops and producing a majestic death energy!

Just the next moment.




A vibrating sound like a heartbeat spread in all directions centered on Heidan!
In an instant, under the extremely shocked eyes of everyone in the audience.

The black egg, which was originally the size of a palm, instantly swelled several times in size every time it made a palpitating roar!
After a long time, the endless loud noise stopped completely.

A huge black egg with a diameter of hundreds of meters, covering the sky and covering the earth, is displayed in front of the eyes of the world!

At this moment, looking up at the majestic and breathtaking giant black egg above the void, countless people couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing unprecedented shock.

Oh my god, then, what kind of monster's egg is that? !

And just when everyone was shocked and inexplicable.


With a shocking explosion that opened up the world.

The huge black egg that covered the sky suddenly split a gap in the middle, and began to spread rapidly to the surroundings!
After a while, countless cracks were already covering the entire giant egg.

All of a sudden, everyone in the audience held their breath and stared intently.


The huge black egg suddenly fell apart!

With an earth-shattering, soul-shaking peerless dragon chant.

A majestic and huge black shadow soared into the sky in an instant!

Looking up, a giant black dragon perched above the sky, its body almost occupying the entire sky, came into the eyes of the world!

For a moment, he looked at the ferocious giant dragon that broke out of the giant black egg and was even bigger than the previous Yinglong, exuding waves of terrifying waves.Countless people in the audience couldn't help being horrified, and the shock could not be further increased!
My goodness, what happened today?Why did another dragon appear?

(End of this chapter)

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