I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1189 Heroes Save America

Chapter 1189 Heroes Save America
For a moment, looking at the strange team holding high umbrellas and canopies, singing drums and music, and even carrying a sedan chair, everyone in the audience was stunned and surprised.

"Then, who are those people? Why are they so strange?"

Duan Gurou couldn't help blurting out.

All the girls around also showed expressions of astonishment.

And look at most of the people in the team, everyone is wearing ancient costumes, walking with wind at every step, they are all warriors!
Seeing this, the inch-headed boy suddenly turned pale in shock, and exclaimed uncontrollably:

"Yes, it's them! Those villains from the Ancient Hua Xianzong are here again!"

As soon as these words came out, all the boys and girls beside them were inexplicably terrified, and their little faces suddenly turned pale with fright.

And that handsome young woman with plain dress showed an unprecedented look of panic when she saw those warriors.

"Oh? Those guys are the so-called outer disciples of the Guhua Immortal Sect?"

Wu You watched with great interest the hundreds of mighty warriors who were marching towards the county town, and a playful smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

And just a moment later, this weird team of beating gongs, drums and slogans, like a wedding reception, has come to the front majesticly.

Immediately, he saw nearly [-] young men and women wearing ancient costumes like himself blocking the middle of the road at a glance, and then stopped, everyone showed surprise.

"Damn it, didn't you see my Guhua Xianzong doing business? Get out of the way for me!"

Immediately, a middle-aged warrior in the front of the team, riding a tall horse and wearing a black robe, yelled impatiently at the tourists who didn't know where they came from.

Hearing this, Duan Gurou and the other girls were immediately out of breath.

These hateful guys pretending to be disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect really don't look good at first glance!

And just when they couldn't help but wanted to make a move, and taught these arrogant scum a lesson.

Wu You beside him walked to the side of the road with a smile on his face, and said with a playful smile:
"Come and watch the play."

Seeing this, the girls were speechless for a moment, and their master's bad taste flared up again...

There was no way, Duan Gurou and the others had no choice but to get out of the way.

And the middle-aged martial artist on the horse casually glanced at those ordinary-looking young men and women.

"Hmph, lucky you guys, today is our grand master's big day, so we waived your guardian fee."

Immediately snorted arrogantly, and continued to ride the horse without paying attention.

However, the entire team stopped before taking a few steps.

"Hey, Teacher Li, I didn't expect you to come out to greet us before we arrived at the door.

It seems that Mr. Li really has a deep affection for us, Master Teacher, and can't wait to get married, hahaha..."

The middle-aged warrior looked at the shivering handsome young woman in the middle of the road, and laughed unscrupulously.

All of a sudden, the warriors in the entire team burst into laughter.

And amidst this domineering laughter, the young woman's pretty face was already pale, and her thin delicate body was trembling like chaff.

"Okay, Teacher Li, no, Aunt Thirteen, please get on the sedan chair.

Our Guhua Immortal Sect has already arranged a grand wedding banquet, and we are just waiting for you to pay homage to Mr. Zhangjiao and enter the bridal chamber. "

The middle-aged warrior sneered arrogantly.

And right now.

"You scoundrels, don't even think about taking our teacher away!"

The cropped boy stood up resolutely, holding a brick in front of the young woman.

The other boys and girls also raised their "weapons" and resolutely guarded their teacher.

"Bold! You bunch of uneducated bastards, dare to obstruct my Guhua Immortal Sect's work, you deserve death!
Get out of here now, otherwise..."

However, before the middle-aged warrior finished speaking, a red brick was already galloping towards him!

Seeing this, the middle-aged warrior couldn't help being startled, and immediately stretched out his hand reflexively, and a gust of palm came out suddenly.

next moment.


The brick that was close at hand suddenly shattered and splashed everywhere!

In an instant, the tall horse was startled suddenly, kicked its front legs and stood up!

The middle-aged warrior on it nearly fell off his horse...

When he regained control of his mount in a state of embarrassment, he couldn't help becoming angry and furious!

Immediately, he glared fiercely at the brat who dared to sneak up on him without knowing his life, gritted his teeth and shouted:

"You fucking court death!"

As soon as the words fell, the ferocious middle-aged warrior raised the whip in his hand without hesitation, and was about to slap the short-haired boy hard!

"Stop! If you dare to hurt my students, I will not go with you even if I die!"

The young woman screamed hysterically, and immediately stretched out her arms recklessly, blocking in front of the boy and girl.

Seeing this, the middle-aged warrior couldn't help but froze, but in the end he still didn't swing the whip.

After all, my task today is to pick up the bride, if I really drive that little girl to death, it will be really difficult to explain to Master Zhangjiao when I go back.

Immediately, the middle-aged warrior swallowed his breath, stared at the young woman and scolded furiously:

"Hmph, my patience has a limit, get on the sedan chair for me now, or you will bear the consequences!"

Hearing this, the young woman had no choice but to walk towards the welcoming team in front of her in despair.

"Ms. Li, don't go with them!"

The inch-headed boy shouted hoarsely.

The other teenagers and girls also showed extremely sad expressions.

However, the female teacher did not look back. For the safety of her students, she could only agree to the request of those villains...

And at this moment, all the teachers and students fell into despair.

A calm voice suddenly came from the side.

"Wait, I have something to say."

Suddenly hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then followed the prestige to look.

But he found that the person who spoke was the young man who had retreated to the side of the road just now and was wearing an ancient costume.

But at this moment, this ordinary-looking young man suddenly appeared out of the crowd and stepped forward.

And seeing someone come out to get in the way again, the middle-aged warrior who was riding on the horse, who was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, suddenly became furious.

"Damn it, do you also want to be a hero to save the beauty?
Today I will let you have a long memory, fairy tales are all lies! "

After speaking in a stern voice, the middle-aged man raised his horsewhip without hesitation, and whipped it fiercely at that pretending brat!


In an instant, the whip that came out of the hole like a spirit snake shot out with the sound of breaking the wind, and it was bound to kill the young man who was a hero!

Seeing this terrifying scene, all the young women and their students in the field couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing unprecedented panic.

Faced with this incomparably fierce blow, the young man who suddenly stood up was probably more ominous...

(End of this chapter)

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