I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 12 Classmates Reunion

Chapter 12 Classmates Reunion
Wu You and Meng Qingnan sat in the back seat of the BMW.

Besides the two of them and Qu Pengfei, there was also a very gorgeously dressed girl sitting in the co-pilot's seat.At this time, he was holding a cosmetic box to touch up his makeup, and he didn't even look back when he saw Wu You coming up, so he ignored it.

Wu You looked at this proud girl from the rearview mirror.It took a long time to recognize her identity through the thick foundation.

Her name is Ma Laomao, and she was Wu You's classmate in junior high school.Although she looks ordinary and has an ordinary figure, she is very good at dressing and dressing up. She has followed fashion trends since she was a child, and she even won the title of their class flower because of this.

Back then, the students were at the age when they were just beginning to fall in love, and almost all the boys in the class were flocking to this hot-dressed girl.

Even Meng Qingnan is no exception, even more obsessed...

The whole class was only Wu You, who had a cold personality, and he didn't have the slightest liking for him, but rather loathed him.

It's all because after Ma Laomo learned that he was the youngest of the Wu family, she often leaned towards him intentionally or unintentionally, saying some words that disgusted him.

Wu You tolerated this situation for a long time, and just when he couldn't bear it anymore, Ma Laowei suddenly accepted Meng Qingnan's confession.This surprised almost everyone, even Wu You was a little surprised.

However, in the days that followed, Wu You finally understood Ma Laowei's true purpose.Whenever Wu You and Meng Qingnan go out together, whether it's eating, surfing the Internet, or whatever, Ma Laowei will go with them.

And she would often encourage Meng Qingnan to take the initiative to invite Wu You to play outside together.

But as soon as she goes out, she will order Meng Qingnan to do this and that, try to distract him, and then create a chance to be alone with Wu You.

And Meng Qingnan, who was dazzled by "love", couldn't see the reality at all, and was willing to act as a cow for it, and said to Wu You cheerfully every day that he was very happy like this.

Seeing his only best friend being played around like a fool, Wu You was completely angry.

After Ma Laowei sent Meng Qingnan away again, Wu You scolded this woman with ulterior motives.

He said that he didn't like her at all, and in order to make her die, he even revealed his marriage contract with Duan Gurou.

Ma Laolai, who wanted to marry into a wealthy family, was a little bit reluctant at first, but after learning about Wu You's marriage contract with the Duan family, she was so frightened that she had no choice but to retreat.

Afterwards, Ma Laowei restrained a lot and didn't dare to pester Wu You anymore, but she didn't break up with Meng Qingnan because of this, on the contrary, she became much better to him.

Meng Qingnan couldn't help being flattered by this, feeling that she had kept the flowers blooming until the moon was bright, and finally won Ma Laowei's heart.

Of course Wu You knew Ma Laolai's plan, and it was nothing more than seeing that there was no hope of chasing him, so he settled for the next best thing and chose his friend.

But he didn't bother to care about these, as long as Meng Qingnan felt happy.

After graduating in a calm manner, Ma Ruowei went to other places to attend high school, and Meng Qingnan naturally followed for her sake.

Unexpectedly, until today, the three people meet again, but things are different.

Wu You turned his head and looked at this best friend who used to talk all the time, but now he became so taciturn, filled with emotion.

Wu You didn't know what happened to Meng Qingnan, but the reason why he agreed to go to the class reunion was because he suddenly remembered something from his previous life.

At about this time in the previous life, there was a malicious wounding incident in Jingxian City.

But the three protagonists of the incident were all sitting in this car at this time.

At that time, Wu You was revoked as the young master, and was forced by the Wu family to visit the Liu family to apologize, otherwise he would be expelled from the house.

Wu You, who has always been resolute and stubborn, naturally won't go.

In the student apartment he rented, when he had nothing to do to check his mobile phone, a local news push attracted his attention.

The content is probably that in a club, a young man injured a couple who were about to get engaged.

The assailant in the photo was none other than Meng Qingnan.

Wu You was quite shocked at the time, but after many inquiries, he learned from a junior high school classmate what happened at that time.

It turned out that at the classmate reunion that day, Qu Pengfei deliberately brought Meng Qingnan, who had fallen into poverty and worked in his factory, to attend.

And from the very beginning of the party, Qu Pengfei didn't look good towards Meng Qingnan, pointing fingers at him like commanding a servant, and yelling at him loudly.

Even in front of all his old classmates, he taunted and ridiculed Meng Qingnan to his heart's content.Even when everyone was eating, they didn't arrange Meng Qingnan's seat on purpose, so he could only eat standing up.

But in the face of such humiliation, Meng Qingnan endured it for some reason, and endured it all the time.

But then, Qu Pengfei took out an engagement ring in public, knelt down on one knee, and openly proposed to Ma Laowei.

Meng Qingnan's face changed drastically in an instant, and the moment Ma Laowei accepted the ring and readily agreed, he picked up a bottle of wine and rushed forward like crazy...

Afterwards, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laowei were fine, but Meng Qingnan became a prisoner.

At that time, Wu You felt worthless for Meng Qingnan, and wanted to help him, but there was nothing he could do.

"It seems that the class reunion in the previous life should be today."

Wu You, who was sitting in the car, had a faint smile on his mouth, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.


With the sound of the brakes, the blue BMW stopped suddenly.

"We're here, get out of the car, Young Master Wu."

Qu Pengfei opened the car door, turned his head and said to Wu Youpi with a non-smiling smile.

Wu You nodded indifferently, and followed the three of them out of the car.

A luxurious private club with a huge area immediately came into view.

Not far away, a group of young men and women saw Qu Pengfei getting off the BMW, and immediately surrounded him.

"Oh, Young Master Qu, long time no see, I really miss me."

"Young Master Qu, I heard that your factory is getting bigger and bigger, and it is about to be rated as one of the top [-] enterprises in this city. Congratulations."

"I haven't seen you for more than two years. I just bought a Magotan cruelly. Young Master Qu has already driven a BMW. This car must cost at least a million dollars. It's really more popular than others."

A group of people surrounded him in a foul atmosphere, scrambling to flatter Qu Pengfei.

Qu Pengfei responded frequently, clapping shoulders and shaking hands with the people around him, looking like a big brother.

Back then, Wu You's junior high school was a well-known private elite high school in Jingxian City, except for some top students who were recruited for free.Students who can afford high tuition fees are from good families.The one with the worst conditions belongs to Meng Qingnan, whose family only owns a restaurant.

But at this moment, standing among this group of well-groomed young people wearing famous brands, Wu You, who was dressed in ordinary casual clothes, and Meng Qingnan, who was dressed in shabby clothes, suddenly seemed out of place.

(End of this chapter)

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