I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1205 Awakening from a Dream

Chapter 1205 Awakening from a Dream
However, the gray-clothed man at this time, after hearing the young man who was suspected to be a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, said that he had never left the earth himself.Suddenly realized something, suddenly shocked!

Immediately blurted out in disbelief:
"You, you are a fairy..."

Before he finished speaking, he immediately closed his mouth.

Immediately, she turned to the little girl beside her and said harshly:
"Miss, you almost caused a catastrophe, go away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in gray flicked his sleeves desperately.

In an instant, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

The mysterious gray-clothed man and the dazed little loli were immediately covered by golden light.

"Want to run? Did I let you go?"

After Wu You finished speaking indifferently, he waved his sleeve casually.

In an instant, the two people suspended in the air suddenly fell out of control in horror.

"Bang bang" two times, all fell to the ground.

Immediately, the hood of the man in gray suddenly slipped off.

A pale, handsome and bewitching young man's face is revealed impressively!

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out that the person that little loli called Uncle Wang was actually such a young man.

This is really unexpected.

The next moment, when Wu You was about to capture the young man in gray who seemed to know him in one fell swoop, and interrogate him thoroughly.

But there was only an unbelievable exclamation, which suddenly sounded in the field.

"How, how is this possible?!"

Wu You was taken aback when he heard the words, and then followed the sound.

But I saw that the person who spoke was his beloved disciple, the ten-tailed half-demon infant Ning!
At this moment, I saw this charming fox girl staring blankly at the young man in gray robe who showed his face, her beautiful eyes were wide open, full of unprecedented shock.

Seeing this, Wu You couldn't help but feel a little curious.

But at this moment, the gray-robed youth who fell to the ground resolutely crushed a gold-encrusted jade tablet in his hand.

In an instant, the whole body of the young man and the little loli turned into two golden lights, and disappeared in place out of thin air!

At the same time, the vast golden light that shrouded the hall also suddenly shrank back, submerging into the sky and dissipating completely...

For a moment, the little loli pretending to be the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect, and the handsome young man disappeared without a trace.Everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked and extremely suspicious.

Why did those two people with extremely mysterious identities suddenly disappear?

"Hehe, the teleportation circle, I didn't expect to be able to use this method in this dharma-ending era. This is really beyond my expectation."

Wu You shook his head and smiled, then looked up at the sky, and said in a meaningful and indifferent way:
"Sooner or later, we will meet again."

The voice fell, and he waved his sleeves casually.

Hundreds of immortals, birds and beasts from the ancient times disappeared in an instant and entered the chaotic space.

Then turned around and looked at the field again, the half-demon girl who was still shocked and dumbfounded asked with interest:

"Xiao Ning, do you know that man just now?"

But at this time, Xiaoyu, who was also puzzled, saw her very beloved elder sister, who was out of her mind at the moment, and asked worriedly:
"Yes, sister, what happened to you? Who was that person just now?"

For a moment, the eyes of everyone around were focused on this half-demon girl.

I really don't understand why this girl suddenly became so excited after seeing that mysterious young man?
And Ying Ning, who heard the question, suddenly recovered from the shock, as if waking up from a big dream, stared at Wu You in a daze, and blurted out with a shock:
"Master, just now, that man just now seems to be my father!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience seemed to be petrified, and they were completely stunned in place, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

That mysterious handsome young man in a gray robe just now is actually the father of this girl?
God, this, how is this possible?

"Sister, you, are you reading right? Is that man just now really our father?"

Xiaoyu's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at her half-sister in disbelief, with an unprecedented shock on her face.

Her father had already left her mother before she was born, so it can be said that she has no impression of her.

So at this moment, after learning that the mysterious young man before is likely to be the father he has never met, how can he remain calm?

"Yes, it shouldn't be wrong."

Ying Ning suppressed the agitation in her heart, and said sadly:

"Back then, after my father let me take a pill, I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up again, I was the only one left in the house, and there were some words written by my father on the wall.

It said he was going to a faraway place, and he would be back to see me soon after I woke up.

The location of the place where my mother was buried was also left on the wall, so I can pay homage to it when I have time.

And when I came out of the house, I realized that the outside world had changed, and everything was different.

It wasn't until then that I realized that after taking that elixir, I had been asleep for a long, long time..."

Having said that, he looked at the little fish beside him, and said excitedly:

"Before I fell into a deep sleep, although I couldn't remember many things clearly because I was too young. But the look and feeling of our father are still fresh in my memory.

So the man just now is probably our father.

He, he really came back! "

Hearing this, Xiao Yu was suddenly dumbfounded, beyond shock.

And all the girls around also showed incomparably shocked expressions.

No one thought that the mysterious gray-robed youth before was actually the father of Ying Ning and Xiao Yu.

This, this is simply unbelievable!
"Hehe, I didn't expect that guy just now to be the Merry Seed who didn't even let foxes and fish go. This is getting more and more interesting."

Wu You chuckled playfully, and then smiled at the two half-sisters in the field:
"Okay, you don't have to think so much for now. Since your father has shown up today, we will definitely meet again in the future."

Hearing this, Ying Ning and Xiao Yu finally calmed down the turmoil in their hearts, and then they looked at each other, bowed together and said in a respectful voice:
"Yes, Master."

At this time, the little loli who pretended to be the head teacher of the ancient Huaxian sect, hundreds of mighty ancient beasts, and the mysterious gray-robed youth had all disappeared.

There is only one hall without a dome left on the entire hill.

But everyone in this hall feels like a lifetime away at this moment.

Everything that happened today is like an earth-shattering dream, and people are trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves...

(End of this chapter)

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