Chapter 1209
Seeing that the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect admitted this straightforwardly, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked for no reason.

No one thought that the supreme general of the Chinese military in front of him, the head teacher of the ancient Huaxian sect, a peerless powerhouse with unfathomable strength, would already have a partner at such a young age.

This is really unexpected.

But in this world, I am afraid that only the long-haired girl with extraordinary strength and beauty like a fairy is worthy of being the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

At this time, many brides including the young female teacher in the venue, after learning that the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect already had a fiancée.

I don't know why, but I feel a little lost...

But facing the boy's fairy-like fiancée, and the many beautiful apprentices who are so beautiful, he feels even more ashamed.

From the looks of it now, it's still the fake Guhua Xianzong's head teacher from before, with relatively low requirements...

And at this moment, Xing Weizhou suddenly bowed to the long-haired girl in the white skirt fluttering like a fairy, and said in admiration:

"Xing Weizhou pays homage to Mrs. Master."

Seeing this, the short-haired beauty and all the disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect also hurriedly bowed down and bowed in unison:
"The disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect pay their respects to Mrs. Zhangjiao."

And hearing these people address her, Duan Gurou immediately blushed and was extremely embarrassed.

Then he said in a panic:

"Hurry up, get up quickly, actually you don't need to call me that, that, that I haven't married Brother Wu You yet..."

In the end, I was too embarrassed to speak, but my heart was full of sweetness and pride.

Seeing this, all the girls around showed admiration for their master's fiancée.

Everyone is even fantasizing that it would be great if the master could marry more concubines like the impostor before.

In this case, they will have a chance...

At this time, Xing Weizhou straightened up respectfully, and then asked Wu You suspiciously:
"Master, why did you come here today?"

"It's nothing, just grab a meal."

Wu You smiled lightly, and then asked with great interest:
"This seat has been in seclusion for the past year, what happened to the Gu Hua Xianzong?"

Hearing this, Xing Weizhou naturally didn't dare to hide it, so he should report the current situation of the ancient Huaxianzong truthfully to Wu You one by one.

Enthusiastically telling about the increasingly powerful influence of the ancient Huaxianzong in the whole of China, as well as the millions of ancient Huaxianzong disciples all over the country, as well as the beginning of the implementation of the ancient Huaxianzong main altar and branch altars. All kinds of rules and regulations, newly established functional departments, etc...

However, when it came to the end, Xing Weizhou, who was originally in high spirits, gradually turned cold.

"Master, although my Ancient Huaxian Sect has now become the number one sect in China, it is even several times stronger than the original Ancient Martial Dao Sect.

However, because of this, it became a big attraction, and in the warrior circles all over the country, countless ancient Hua Xianzong outer sects sprang up at once.

And these so-called outer sects organized spontaneously by warriors have not been recognized by the general altar of the ancient Huaxian sect.

However, there are also a small number of people with ulterior motives who, in the name of my Ancient Huaxianzong, are dominating all over China and making waves, seriously damaging the reputation of my Ancient Huaxianzong.

Therefore, in order to punish those unforgivable villains, Guhua Xianzong joined forces with the Chinese military to launch an operation, vowing to eradicate those scum who committed all kinds of crimes in one fell swoop! "

Speaking of this, Xing Weizhou glared coldly at the field, and those so-called outer sect warriors who had already turned pale and trembled sternly scolded:

"What are you group of heinous people still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and plead guilty to my Master Guhua Immortal Sect!"

Hearing this, the head of the outer sect, who had already been so frightened, knelt down on the ground with a plop, bowed his head towards the handsome young man who was floating like a fairy, and begged in a mournful voice:

"Master Headmaster, please forgive me, we were all deceived by the guy pretending to be you before, so we were forced to commit many crimes.

I also beg Master Zhang to forgive us this time because we are also victims. "

In an instant, all the warriors from the outer sect in the audience also knelt down on the ground, pleading tremblingly to the transcendent young man:

"My lord, please forgive me."

However, at the next moment, only the short-haired beauty from the Gu Hua Xianzong shouted coldly:
"It's nonsense! We have already investigated and found out that you scumbags of warriors have long ago used the banner of my ancient Huaxian sect to dominate and bully men and women here.

And then that counterfeit made you all more emboldened! "

"Yes, elder sister, these scoundrels have already collected guardian fees in many places in our place before the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect came.

Moreover, he often beat people with his hands and did a lot of bad things. We can all testify! "

The inch-headed boy Dayi said Ling Ran.

The surrounding local teenagers and girls, as well as the many young women who were forcibly robbed up the mountain, all nodded in agreement with righteous indignation.

Seeing this, the master of the outer sect and all the warriors of the outer sect were horrified, their faces turned ashes.But he didn't dare to refute anything, he could only bow his head and plead guilty...

"Okay, you can figure out what to do here, I have to go back to Guhua Xianzong, so I will take a step first."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the young female teacher and all the beautiful girls who were taken captive up the mountain stepped forward one after another, bowed their waists towards the handsome young man, and said gratefully:
"Thank you, sir, for saving us today. We will never forget your kindness."

"Really? Then I asked you to repay your kindness with your body?"

Wu You smiled playfully.

Hearing these words suddenly, the handsome young female teacher and all the girls couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then they all blushed in embarrassment.

But no one refused...

"Just kidding, don't be so nervous."

Wu You shook his head and smiled.

But upon hearing this, the girls who had been running wild in their hearts felt a little lost for no reason.

If this Guhua Immortal Sect Master is not a joke, how wonderful it would be...

And in the next moment.

That newborn calf is not afraid of tigers? The inch-headed boy couldn't help running forward.Immediately, he bowed his head deeply to the genuine Guhua Immortal Sect head teacher, and said with firm eyes:

"My lord, I also want to be a great hero like you, capable of protecting everyone,
So can you let me join the Guhua Immortal Sect? "

Hearing the sound, Wu You couldn't help chuckling and said:

"You foolish and bold person who dared to use bricks to slap this seat over and over again, you really have the potential to become a disciple of my Ancient Hua Xianzong."

(End of this chapter)

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