Chapter 1217
At the same time, all cameras recorded this incredible and shocking scene tonight.

"Brother Li, come with me, there is big news today!"

After Lu Xiaoran said it excitedly, he immediately walked towards the field with excitement.

The middle-aged cameraman followed closely behind with his camera on his shoulders.

Seeing this, reporters from all walks of life around them also reacted, rushing forward.

"Hello, Mr. Hero, I'm Lu Xiaoran, a reporter from Liuzhou TV Station. What's your name? Could you please answer a few questions for us?"

After Lu Xiaoran spoke excitedly, he handed over the microphone.

Seeing this, many reporters gathered around also showed anticipation, and handed over the microphone one after another, wanting to know the name of this prodigious young man.

At this time, Wu You looked at the still energetic young female reporter in front of her, and said with a slight smile:

"Isn't this my little fan? What a coincidence today."

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran couldn't help being taken aback.

fan?What fans?
Then he frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously:

"Mr. Hero, do we know each other?"

The next moment, when he saw this seemingly ordinary boy in front of him, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"You still called me Master Wu a year ago."

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran was stunned again.

Master Wu?
Immediately afterwards, he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes opened wider and wider, revealing an unprecedented look of shock.

Wu, Master Wu!
This, how is this possible?

This very strange young man in front of her is not at all the same person as the superb and beautiful Master Wu in her memory.

However, when I think about it again, it is rumored that Master Wu seems to like changing his appearance very much, making private visits in micro-services, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger...

Then he thought of the shocking power that this young man showed just now.

Lu Xiaoran was suddenly shocked, and his face showed disbelief.

My God, could it be, could it be that the young man in front of me is really the Master Wu who saved him back then!

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, and couldn't believe his eyes.

In any case, she never imagined that the divine dragon, who has the status of a great general of China, is rumored to be the head teacher of the ancient Huaxian sect who came to the world as a real immortal, and the great magician Master Wu whom she admired very much.After a lapse of a year, it actually appeared in front of me again.

This, this is too unbelievable!
For a moment, Lu Xiaoran was completely stunned, and fell into a deep shock that he couldn't extricate himself from, and the microphone in his hand also slipped quietly...

And at the next moment, Wu You hooked his fingers casually, and the microphone that was about to "land" suddenly flew up out of thin air, and finally hovered in front of him.

Immediately took the microphone, under the countless gazes and cameras of the audience, Wu Youfeng smiled lightly and said:
"I'm going to advertise here today, my Ancient Hua Xianzong will soon recruit disciples from all over the world, and set up branch altars all over the country.

At that time, anyone who is interested in becoming a god, becoming an immortal, and living forever can participate in the trial of my ancient Hua Xianzong. "

As soon as these words were said, everyone in the audience was startled for a moment, and then slowly opened their eyes wide, revealing an expression of unprecedented shock.

Oh my god, if you put it this way, as long as they can join the Guhua Immortal Sect, they all have the opportunity to become omnipotent gods like that young man!

This, this is simply incredible!
For a moment, everyone in the audience was excited and inexplicably excited.

"Okay, I haven't eaten dinner yet, so let's take a step first."

Wu You chuckled, then looked at the young female reporter who was stunned aside, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth and said:
"I haven't seen you for so long, I'll treat you to a meal, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the people around him and walked straight to the outside of the arena.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoran suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly said:

"Brother Li, you go back first."

As he spoke, he impatiently chased after him.

Immediately under the eyes of everyone in the audience worshiping and worshiping.

Wu You took Lu Xiaoran into a luxurious Bentley, drove out of the calm neighborhood, and headed straight for the hotel.

On the road, sitting in the co-pilot seat, Lu Xiaoran, who was undecided, turned his head and asked in disbelief:

"Wu, is Master Wu really you?"

"Does it need to be said, this is my Master Guhua Xianzong, Wu You."

Long Lingyu, who was driving, said proudly.

"Really, that's great, it's really great, Xiao Ran misses you so much."

Lu Xiaoran cheered involuntarily, looking at the young man behind him with a look of admiration.

"Since you think about me so much, then you can worship me as your teacher from now on and follow me."

Wu You smiled casually.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran was taken aback for a moment, and then his heart burst into flames.

However, he thought of something later, and asked with some embarrassment:

"Master Wu, can you wait any longer? I'm going to attend an extremely important event in the near future, so I can't go with you yet."

Hearing this, Long Lingyu, who was trying every means to stay with Master Zhangjiao, was suddenly enraged with jealousy, and couldn't help but angrily said:

"You stupid woman, can't you tell which is more important? To be able to become the personal disciple of Master Zhangjiao is a great opportunity that many people dream of.

And you, you dare to refuse the kindness of Master Headmaster, it is simply unreasonable! "

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

Lu Xiaoran shook his head again and again, and hurriedly explained:
"I dream of becoming Master Wu's disciple, but I have already been selected as the special host of this year's China New Year Gala, Liuzhou TV Station, so I am going to Kyoto..."

"My God, are you stupid?

Can a small host be compared with the personal disciple of Master Zhangjiao?

It really pissed me off. "

Long Lingyu scolded, hating iron for being weak.

"But, but I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time..."

Lu Xiaoran said as softly as a mosquito.

At this moment, Wu You, who was leaning comfortably on the leather seat, smiled meaningfully and said:
"Don't be so entangled. This year's New Year's Eve party is going to be attended by me, so you can come along with me."

"Really? It would be an honor to be on the stage with you!"

Lu Xiaoran cheered excitedly, and then said with great anticipation:
"Now there are many fans, all looking forward to the return of Master Wu, the god of magic, to show his might."

"This seat is not going to perform some magic tricks, but as a practitioner, to announce something to the world.

By the way, let's promote my Guhua Xianzong again, just recruit more disciples. "

Wu You smiled lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Xiaoran and Long Lingyu in the car couldn't help but tremble, shocked inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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