I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1219 Warrior Banquet

Chapter 1219 Warrior Banquet

Suddenly hearing this, Wu You smiled slightly, and asked with great interest:
"Your name is Li Goudan, too?"

"No, no, that's just my cousin's joke, which made my little brother laugh."

Saying that, the tall and thin young man hastily said goodbye, and then trotted to catch up.

"Interesting guy."

Wu You smiled slightly and continued to walk forward.

After a while, a group of three arrived in front of the hotel.

At this time, many guests from all over the country have already entered the magnificent hotel lobby.

And the vast majority of them are warriors wearing strong clothes and imposing like a rainbow.

When Wu You and his group walked into the hotel, a busy lobby manager immediately stepped forward and asked politely:

"Good evening, sir, may I ask if you have made a reservation for our room?"


Wu You shook his head and smiled.

"I'm sorry sir, our hotel room was fully booked three days ago.

If you want to stay, I can recommend other nearby hotels for you. "

The lobby manager apologized.

"It's okay, we're just here for dinner."

Wu You smiled lightly.

However, the manager of the lobby still showed embarrassment and said apologetically:

"Sir, I'm really sorry, our restaurant here has been fully booked tonight for a banquet.

Entry is by invitation only, so please dine elsewhere. "

"That can't be done. It took us so long to come to you, and we left without eating anything. That's not in line with my personality."

Wu You shook his head and chuckled, then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"That's good, no matter who is hosting a banquet here today, I will pay for all the expenses in your restaurant.

May we be allowed in now? "

Hearing this, the lobby manager couldn't help being shocked, and then looked at the boy in front of him in surprise.

I saw that although he was dressed clean and tidy, he didn't look like the son of a wealthy family.

And the two women beside him were dressed in ordinary clothes, and there was nothing unusual about them.

Such an ordinary brat would actually want to take over their restaurant without shame, this is just a dream.

This is a five-star hotel and a Michelin restaurant, can he afford it?

These three guys didn't come here to find fault, did they?
Suddenly, the lobby manager's face turned cold.

"Sir, please stop joking, our hotel has its own rules and reputation.

Even if you really can afford the booking fee, we will never let you disturb the banquet of our distinguished guests tonight.

So please hold your feet high and go to another place for dinner. "

The lobby manager unceremoniously chased away the guests.

And this scene also attracted the attention of many guests around.

"Hehe, is it okay even if you have money? Your hotel is really upright."

Wu You smiled indifferently, and then asked with great interest:
"Who hosted the banquet tonight? Maybe I know you."

Hearing this, the lobby manager, who was full of anger, even sneered.

Where did this kid come from?He really took himself seriously, it was ridiculous!

Immediately without any hesitation, towards the stupid and childish brat in front of him, he said contemptuously:

"Let me tell you the truth, the honored guest who booked our entire restaurant tonight is the entire Liuzhou warrior world!

So I advise you to get out of here quickly if you don't want to make trouble, otherwise you will be in trouble! "

"Liuzhou Martial Artist World? I am also considered a warrior, so I can also participate in the banquet."

Wu You smiled lightly.

"You are a warrior? Why don't I feel like it?"

The lobby manager looked suspiciously up and down in front of him. The helpless young man said with a sneer:
"And even if you are really a martial artist, do you have an invitation?

The guests who came to see the banquet today are all big figures in the warrior world, not just any cat or dog can participate. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the warriors around laughed.

"Are those three guys here to be funny? They don't look like warriors!"

"Yeah, look at how weak that kid is, he dares to pretend to be a martial artist in front of us, it's ridiculous!"

"Hey, young people nowadays don't even want their faces for a meal. They really don't have old hearts..."

For a moment, many warriors in the audience looked at the three young men, with contempt and disdain in their eyes.

But at this moment, a sound of commotion suddenly came from outside the gate.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the hall couldn't help being stunned, and then turned their heads to look.

But only saw a young woman with a slender and beautiful figure wearing an ice blue ancient style dress, surrounded by many people, walked in the door like a star.

And when they saw the glamorous woman with extraordinary temperament, the eyes of many warriors in the hotel suddenly lit up.Immediately, they all stepped forward to greet the woman respectfully.

"Hello, Miss Lin."

"Meet Miss Lin."

"It's a great honor to meet Ms. Lin today..."

Facing the greetings from the people around, the beautiful woman who just walked in seemed to be very pleased, and returned the greetings one by one with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Wu You asked with great interest:

"Who is that Miss Lin?"

Hearing this, the lobby manager at the side suddenly came back to his senses, and then showed even more contempt, sarcastically saying:
"I don't even know Miss Lin, the number one martial artist family in Liuzhou, yet she dares to call herself a martial artist, it's really beyond her control.

I'll let you have a good experience, tonight's banquet is hosted by the Lin family, and the guests invited are all from all over the country, the top warrior family bosses.

Now that you know about this banquet, if you are sensible, leave as soon as possible, and stop messing around, or you can't afford the consequences! "

"Liuzhou's No. [-] warrior family? This is interesting."

Wu You smiled indifferently.

And at this moment, the eye-catching glamorous woman walked into the hall under the guidance of everyone.

Immediately, as if he had discovered something, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly walked towards Wu You and the others.

Seeing this, the lobby manager hastily bowed slightly and said respectfully:
"Hello, Miss Lin."

However, the eldest lady of the Lin family ignored the lobby manager at all, and went straight to Lu Xiaoran, smiling and saying:
"Hi Miss Lu, my name is Lin Yaxuan. Nice to meet you."

Hearing the sound, Lu Xiaoran couldn't help being taken aback, and was suddenly a little puzzled.

She has never known Miss Lin's family?
Then he asked curiously:
"Hi, do you know me?"

"Of course I know each other. Wasn't Ms. Lu the host of the Liuzhou provincial capital tour a year ago?
I have watched that wonderful performance many times. "

Lin Yaxuan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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