I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1229 Lunar New Year Party

Chapter 1229 Lunar New Year Party
After stuffing the millions of disciples into the chaotic space, Wu You looked behind him, the senior officials of the ancient Huaxian sect who were waiting respectfully, and said with a calm smile:

"After tonight, the whole world will know the name of my Guhua Immortal Sect, and more and more people will come to pay homage to my Sect.

From now on, I will leave it to you. "

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely not disappoint you."

Chu Yuntian and the others accepted the order with great reverence, and everyone was extremely excited.

After tonight, Guhua Xianzong will officially stand on top of the world and become the place of faith for countless people.

"Okay, I'll take a step first, otherwise I won't be able to make it to the party."

"Farewell to Master."

"Congratulations to Master Headmaster."

After a reverent farewell, Wu You and Duan Gurou disappeared in place out of thin air.

At the same time, outside the main altar of Gu Hua Xianzong.

Under the eager anticipation of countless people.

Two gods and couples who rely on the wind to control the wind and have an ethereal aura suddenly appeared high above the sky.

Instantly, the crowd erupted into an uproar.

"My God, are those two people flying? Am I dazzled?"

"Yes, yes, it is rumored that the head of the Guhua Immortal Sect is the reincarnation of the Da Luo Jinxian. Today it seems that it is really extraordinary!"

"Look at the way you are making a fuss, are you from another province? Master Wu is the god of magic, and flying is not a piece of cake."

"But, but is that really magic..."

Looking up at the young man standing proudly in the void, like an immortal coming to the mortal world, all warriors in the audience couldn't help but feel shocked, and spontaneously bowed and bowed respectfully:

"Greetings, my lord."

Many ordinary people were also awed by the amazing young man, and they couldn't help bowing their heads in worship.

The news media, which had been waiting for a long time, pointed countless cameras at the sky at the first time, and the pair of golden boys and girls, who were floating like immortals, refused to let go of any precious pictures.

At this time, Wu You looked down at the densely packed people below him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Okay, don't squeeze here anymore.

I'm going to Kyoto now to attend this year's New Year's Eve party. If you're interested, we'll see you on TV. "

The sound is not very loud, but it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Hearing this, the crowd of onlookers couldn't help being startled, a little confused.

What is this lofty Guhua Immortal Sect head teacher doing to attend the New Year's Eve party?Are you really going to perform magic tricks?

After all, this young man with amazing skills has many identities, and the title of the God of Magic in China is also widely known...

But Wu You no longer paid attention to them, and just waved his sleeves.

A dream-like city in the sky, shining with blue crystal light, suddenly appeared in front of him.

In an instant, everyone in the audience was stunned and inexplicably shocked when they saw the Qionglou Yuyu miraculously suspended in the air, covering the sky and the sun.

Especially seeing so many beautiful fairies floating in the air, standing gracefully on top of this blue crystal temple at this time, the hearts of the onlookers trembled even more.

"My God, then, is that a mirage? But why are there people on it?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Are those fairies real? This, this is simply the heavenly palace in mythology!"

"Miracle, this is a miracle! Master Guhua Xianzong really descended from the heavens..."

Just when everyone was shocked by the city in the sky.

Wu You and Duan Gurou have already boarded the Wuyou Immortal Palace.

Immediately, this huge and majestic Qionglou Yuyu began to move slowly, flying away majesticly into the distance.

Looking up at the soul-stirring, dream-like fairy palace and shrine gradually drifting away, countless people in the audience showed unprecedented respect, and bowed and kowtowed in worship.

At the same time, the shocking news that the head teacher of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect went to Kyoto to attend the Lunar New Year Gala in Sky City also spread rapidly to the whole country through various media.

Many people in the area from Liuzhou to Kyoto also witnessed the divine palace that flew over their heads, which seemed to be carved out of blue crystal.Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked inexplicably.

Immediately, short videos like fantasy blockbusters flooded the entire network in an instant, catching the attention of countless netizens.

After watching the news and videos, most people feel very surprised, but they just regard it as TV magic with realistic special effects.

Some people even suspect that this news is a gimmick specially operated by this year's New Year's Eve, in order to attract popularity.

But even so, the shocking scene has successfully aroused the interest of a large number of people, and they are looking forward to the performance of the magic master tonight.

It is also because of this incident that the Lunar New Year party, which has been cooling down year by year, has once again become the focus of the public.

For a time, the popularity of the magic god spread all over the country.

Time flies, and it is evening in a blink of an eye.

On New Year's Eve, after the New Year's Eve dinner, the family reunion men, women and children all waited happily in front of the TV.

The New Year's Eve Gala, which has lasted for decades, opened as scheduled, and festive music was played in every household.

"The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu. Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old talismans.

Happy Chinese New Year, viewers and friends, here is the 2020 Chinese New Year Gala that will be broadcast live simultaneously around the world, welcome to watch..."

Accompanied by the enthusiastic opening remarks of the host, the dances, songs, cross talks, sketches and other programs that have been arranged for half a year one by one began to perform on stage one by one.

Watching these performances full of "positive energy", the young audience in front of the screen picked up their phones again in order not to let themselves fall asleep...

Three hours later, after several "mainstream comedians" finished singing their praises, the camera turned to the two hosts.

"Xiao Ran, do you know that according to statistics, as of now, the number of people watching the show through TV and the Internet has exceeded 13 billion, and it is still growing rapidly.

This year's New Year's Eve party may be about to break the record. "

The male host smiled at the female host beside him.


Lu Xiaoran pretended to be surprised, and then said with a smile:
"However, I also know that the reason why everyone is so enthusiastic tonight is because they are looking forward to one person on stage.

And as a die-hard fan of this idol master, I am even more so. "

The male host continued:
"Friends in the audience, you may have also heard that in the past year, there was a magic master who claimed to be a practitioner and became famous all over the world.

And this evening, we also specially invited this young master. "

As soon as these words came out, the drowsy people in front of the screen suddenly regained their spirits.

The god of magic they've been waiting for is finally here.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoran looked at the countless expectant gazes in the audience, as well as the focused cameras, suddenly took a deep breath, and said loudly with great excitement:
"Then it's time to witness the miracle, let's hold our breath and wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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