I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 16 Han Shuangyue

Chapter 16 Han Shuangyue


Behind Qu Pengfei, a boy who was drinking water couldn't help but spit it out.

Coincidentally, it was all sprayed on Ma Laolai's face with a frozen smile, and the thick foundation was all gone, and now even the makeup remover was saved...


"Young Master Qu, are you making us happy, hahaha..."

"Haha, this is arranged, it's too funny."

"Hehe, I thought it was true just now, hahaha..."

Amidst the roar of laughter from the crowd, Ma Laolai smashed the makeup remover in his hand on Qu Pengfei's face.With a scream, he covered his face and turned and ran to the bathroom.

Qu Pengfei, who was kneeling on the ground, stared blankly at the back of Ma Laowei who was going away, with a bewildered expression on his face.

Why did the engagement ring that I kept close to my body all of a sudden turn into makeup remover?
Looking at the small bottle that fell from his face on the ground, Qu Pengfei's heart skipped a beat.

correct!When I was in the hot spring, I changed into my swimming trunks and put the clothes I took off in the small private room.

The ring I prepared must have been dropped by someone at that time!

What a wicked thing did it!

Qu Pengfei was furious immediately, and suddenly thought of something, he stood up and looked at Wu You, who was always calm and composed.

it's him!He was the last one to change clothes in the hot spring, and he was the last one to come!

Qu Pengfei immediately wanted to turn his back on him, but he suddenly remembered that there were personnel in charge of property safety in the bathing hall, and it was impossible for Wu You to enter other people's private rooms at will.

But if it wasn't him, who else would it be?Do they have the guts?

Really unable to figure it out, Qu Pengfei had no choice but to leave his seat depressedly, and ran to Ma Laowei to explain.

After admiring the farce, everyone started eating and drinking again.

"Angkor, thank you."

Meng Qingnan looked at Wu You and said gratefully.

Wu You didn't say anything, still eating melon seeds with a faint smile.

"Did you do it?"

Han Shuangyue beside her turned her head and said indifferently.

The corner of Wu You's mouth curled up, and with a flick of his thumb, a beam of light was thrown towards Han Shuangyue.

"Send it to you."

Han Shuangyue caught Feilai Liangmang calmly, and took a closer look, but it was a shining platinum diamond ring.


A rare smile appeared on Han Shuangyue's icy pretty face.

I don't know how long it took, when Ma Laomao finished her makeup again, and under Qu Pengfei's soft and hard soak, she returned to the dinner table cheekily.

Everyone saw that something was wrong, and no one mentioned what happened just now, and continued to eat, drink and talk nonsense.
At this time, Zhang Yadong was drinking alone.It took so long, no matter how smooth his words were, Han Shuangyue sitting next to him still ignored him, not even looking at him.

This can't help but make this well-known Dong Ge in the south of the city even more angry, what kind of innocent bitch is you pretending to be for me!

Just when everyone was full and ready to leave.

Zhang Yadong, who had drunk a little, opened his mouth and suddenly stretched out his right hand, greedily touching Han Shuangyue's thigh next to him.


There was a crisp sound, and there was a pig-killing howl in the restaurant lobby!
Everyone looked along in amazement, and saw Zhang Yadong sitting next to Han Shuangyue, his bald head was covered with beads of sweat, his left hand was holding his broken right hand, and his whole body was shaking with pain.

"Stinky bitch, you fucking dare to hit me, you're courting death! Someone!"

Under the panic-stricken eyes of everyone, a dozen big men in black rushed into the restaurant and surrounded them aggressively.

"Brother Dong, what's wrong with you? Is there any misunderstanding..."

"Shut up! None of you are going to take a step through this door today!"

Zhang Yadong interrupted Qu Pengfei sharply, and said harshly to Han Shuangyue: "Little bitch who doesn't drink toasts and eats fines, it's your blessing that I like you, you fucking..."


Before he finished cursing, Zhang Yadong was kicked in the chest by Han Shuangyue who stood up, and he flew out.


Like a sack, Zhang Yadong slammed into a pillar hard, and he did not know how many ribs in his chest were broken.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone present couldn't help but turn pale.

Is this a kung fu movie?Kicking people away without using Wia?so amazing.

"Damn it, what are you idiots still doing in a daze, hurry up and copy the guy for me!"

Zhang Yadong sat on the ground and clutched his chest, cursing in pain.

The big men in black came back to their senses after hearing the words, and each pulled out a metal whip from his waist, showing their fierce looks.

Seeing this battle, a group of boys and girls immediately stood up and paled in shock.Only Wu You was still sitting on the chair, eating melon seeds, as if nothing had happened.

The next moment, the big men in black waved their iron rods and rushed forward together.

And at this moment, a shocking scene appeared.

A big man in black who was about to approach Han Shuangyue suddenly flew upside down and fell to the ground with a "slap".

"Clap clap clap clap..."

Immediately afterwards, there was another series of sounds, and a dozen big men in black all fell to the ground amidst the exclamation of the crowd, in great pain.

Zhang Yadong, who was leaning on the pillar, was shocked and broke out in cold sweat.This woman is too powerful, she really encountered a hard problem this time.

Wu You, who was sitting on the chair, couldn't help laughing.

But the person involved, Han Shuangyue, was in a daze. She hadn't made a move yet, so why did these people lie on the ground?
The big men in black who were lying on the ground couldn't help moaning, but at the same time they didn't forget to peek at each other, and they couldn't help but secretly feel proud.

Are you kidding, they are just security inside the clubhouse, not the underworld.Besides, who hasn't watched kung fu movies? With this woman's perverted skills, no matter how many people there are, it's nothing.It's better to lie down first, so as not to be beaten...

Han Shuangyue also saw the clue, but didn't bother to pay attention to it, and said coldly to Qu Pengfei and the group: "You have nothing to do here, leave quickly."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then, as if they had been pardoned, they huffed and walked quickly towards the door. No one wanted to stay in this place of right and wrong anymore.

"Angkor, let's go too."

Meng Qingnan looked at Wu You who was still sitting on the chair, and hurriedly said.

"Wait a moment."

Then Wu You looked at Han Shuangyue, smiled lightly and said, "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Seeing that the group of boys and girls had gone far away, Han Shuangyue turned her head, stared at Wu You coldly with a pair of sharp Danfeng eyes, and asked indifferently: "Yesterday in Jingxian No. [-] Middle School, you jumped from the teaching building and trampled to death. ?"

"it's me."

Wu You replied without any hesitation, but there was always a faint smile on his face.

Hearing this, Han Shuangyue's pupils shrank suddenly, and she took a deep look at Wu You.

Then, he took out a black ID from the inner pocket of the windbreaker, and showed it to Wu You: "Qianlong Special Operations Team, Han Shuangyue."

"Wu You, because you are suspected of intentional homicide, now I want to arrest you and bring you to justice!"

 Please collect, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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