Chapter 18

The mahogany armchair on the side broke suddenly when the bearded old man shook his hand.

"Gang Qi! Master Qin, have you stepped into Gang Qi?"

Li Liancheng looked at the chair that had turned into two halves out of thin air in shock, and said in disbelief.

Qin Yuanshan raised his chin proudly, his long beard trembled triumphantly, "Hurry up, it's only half a step away."

"That's really congratulations to Master Qin. Liancheng wishes Master Qin to be listed as a grand master as soon as possible." Li Liancheng kept bowing and bowing.

"Well, all right, all right."

Qin Yuanshan waved his hands receptively, and then said impatiently: "Hurry up and deal with the matter here, I want you to check someone for me."

"Yes, Master Qin."

Li Liancheng turned around respectfully as he spoke, and glanced at his subordinates lying on the ground, "Get up all those who are not dead!"


There was a commotion, nearly twenty people stood up, most of them were big men in black...

Li Liancheng couldn't help but be a little surprised. The quality of the internal security in these clubs is good. It is not easy to stand up so awkwardly after being knocked down by a master of dark energy.

Immediately looking at the group of boys and girls, he said coldly, "Break one leg each of them and throw them out!"

Hearing Li Liancheng's words, a group of high school students lost their minds, and some girls screamed and burst into tears in fright.On Ma Laowei's face, the makeup she just put on faded away in an instant...

Amid the pleading and crying, Li Liancheng turned to look at the dying Han Shuangyue lying in the ruins of tables and chairs in the distance.

That tall and seductive figure made his heart itch.He licked his cracked lips and spit bloody saliva.

"Send her to my room, and I will interrogate her myself at night!"

Hmph, aren't you good at fighting? I'll fight you on the bed for another [-] rounds!
Hearing the order, more than a dozen big men in black held steel whips and surrounded the panicked students with grinning mouths.

At the same time, the five young men in suits rubbed their hands together, and walked towards Han Shuangyue with lewd smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, Han Shuangyue, who was lying on the ground and had lost the ability to move, finally showed a trace of panic in her indifferent expression.

"and many more."

At this moment, an untimely voice suddenly sounded in the field.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the sound, and then turned their heads to look.

A young man in casual clothes suddenly got up from the mahogany chair, stretched without any scruples, and walked towards Li Liancheng.

Li Liancheng immediately looked at the young man, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said, "What do you want to do? Are you a hero?"

"Do not."

The boy shook his head and said with a faint smile, "I'm here to collect debts."

"Debt collection? What a self-righteous guy."

Li Liancheng coldly snorted contemptuously, he had seen a lot of people who are strong outsiders but capable in the middle, they were so scared that they would pee their pants, but they still pretended to be an outsider, what a fucking childish brat.

"You five, go and get rid of this kid first, I'll see if he can still laugh!"

Hearing this, the five young men in suits who were going to clean up Han Shuangyue picked up the iron rods and daggers scattered on the ground and walked towards the boy with ferocious faces.

"Angkor, be careful! You bastards, let me go!"

Seeing that Wu You was in crisis, Meng Qingnan desperately wanted to move forward desperately.But he was pushed to the ground by the big men in black, unable to move.

Under a table, after being kicked into the restaurant by Li Liancheng, Qu Pengfei had been lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.Secretly raising his head to look at Wu You, he couldn't help gloating in his heart.

"You deserve it! If you let yourself be arrogant again, you will be punished this time. Hahaha, you are really self-inflicted!"

Seeing this, the group of boys and girls who were forced to retreat in the corner by the big man in black also felt that Wu You's fate was too bad this time, and they couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.Although they don't have much friendship with Wu You, they are still classmates, and they can't bear to see him being murdered.

Not far away, Han Shuangyue tried her best to support her body, and warned Wu You weakly, "Be patient and don't resist. You are not that person's opponent, he is a strong man..."

After saying that, he spat out a mouthful of blood, then lay down on the ground weakly, closed his eyes, and was as breathless as a breath.

Too lazy to watch what happened to that kid, Li Liancheng turned around and asked Qin Yuanshan respectfully: "Master Qin, just now you said you asked me to investigate a person, but I don't know his name?"

"Well, according to my nephew who was seriously injured, he was injured by a dark energy master, and then passed out. After waking up, I realized that my poor clan brother Qin Yuanfeng had, after all, The decapitated body was in a different place, not even a whole body was left."

As Qin Yuanshan spoke, grief and indignation immediately filled him, and then he said bitterly: "The most urgent thing to delay now is to find that dark warrior, so as to find out which bastard is responsible for it!"

"Master Qin, don't worry, I, Li Liancheng, have been working in Jingxian City for many years, and I have some reputation. As long as this person is a local, I will help you find it. I just don't know how much Master Qin knows about this master of dark energy." ?” Li Liancheng asked seemingly sincerely.

"According to my nephew Qin Ming, this person's name is Wu You. He is sixteen or seventeen years old. He seems to have some relationship with Jingxian's Duan family."

"Wu You?"

Li Liancheng was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and blurted out: "The person who trampled to death yesterday was also named Wu You, could it be the same person? But how could that kid be a master of dark energy!"

"Oh? You actually know this person?" Qin Yuanshan's eyes lit up.

But before Li Liancheng could speak, he heard exclamations from a distance.

Qin Yuanshan and Li Liancheng followed and saw the young man walking slowly in the field without stopping at all.

And behind him, the five young men in suits who were originally fierce and ferocious were already lying on the ground at this moment, life or death unknown.

"Hey, what's going on here? Did you see him make a move?"

The surrounding audience immediately rubbed their eyes, not understanding how Wu You brought those five people down.Only the big men in black sneered at this, they all played the rest of the tricks by themselves, and these five guys learned it quickly.But it's just to deal with a brat, is it necessary to pretend to be dead there? It's really shameless!

"Oh? So I'm still a Lianjiazi, no wonder I'm so confident. Alright, I'll let you experience it today, what is there is a sky beyond the sky!"

After finishing speaking, Li Liancheng smiled cruelly, clenched his palms into fists, and rushed forward with great strides.

In an instant, he came in front of Wu You, and his hard and powerful fist hit Wu You's chest with the sound of the wind.

And just when Li Liancheng felt that he was determined to win, suddenly an indescribable terrifying force came from his lower abdomen.


Li Liancheng, who was full of shock, shot out a bloody arrow from his mouth, and his whole body flew upside down as if he had been hit by a shell.I don't know how many mahogany tables and chairs were smashed before I stopped.

But Wu You, who was the culprit, stood there, as if he just kicked a bunch of garbage, and the soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground.

"You are actually a powerhouse? How is this possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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