I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 2 Returning to Origin Qi in the Beginning

Chapter 2 Returning to Origin Qi in the Beginning

Under the surprised eyes of the whole class of teachers and students, Wu You left the classroom as if no one else was there.

Walking in the deserted corridor, he slightly closed his eyes and felt his body at this moment.

Sure enough, there was no trace of spiritual energy in the body, and the body of a true immortal, which was once indestructible, was completely reduced to a mortal body.

However, this is not just a chance. For him who has cultivated for endless years and accumulated vast experience, if he starts to practice again, not only the speed of practice will be far faster than that of his previous life, but the foundation of cultivation will be more pure and stable.

Practitioners in the world are divided into nine realms, Qi training, foundation building, alchemy formation, Yuanying, soul transformation, condensing the void, breaking the void, joining the way, and crossing the catastrophe.

In his previous life, he practiced for endless years, and finally succeeded in crossing the catastrophe. He completely got rid of the mortal world and stepped into the realm of immortals.

But even so, if you don't enter Xiaoyao, you can't escape the reincarnation of the universe after all.

Unknowingly, Wu You strolled to the roof of the teaching building.

In the morning, the cool breeze blows.

He nimbly crossed the guardrail, stood on the edge of the roof, overlooking the familiar yet unfamiliar world under his feet, and his mood gradually calmed down.

After a long time, he exhaled a breath of foul air, and could not help but frown slightly.

"The amount of aura on Earth right now is really pitifully small. It is very difficult to step into the Qi training period. Is it really necessary to wait until a year later?"

At this time, the earth, like other stars in the universe, is still in the age of doom, the aura is very thin, and the orthodoxy is almost extinct.

And one year later, the universe will begin to shrink and return to the singularity, and the scattered and thin aura will gather and explode like a blowout, and the world will usher in a prosperous age of cultivation.

"But if I really want to make a compromise and wait until then, what's the use of my rebirth and return, why don't I just smash my head to death now, so as not to suffer from endless reincarnation!"

He suddenly looked up at the sky and snorted coldly.

"So what about the end of the Dharma era, I want to go against the sky, vowing to regain my cultivation in a short time!"

Thinking of this, Wu You pondered for a moment.

Foreign objects such as pills, magic weapons, and formations can certainly improve one's cultivation, but it doesn't matter whether the earth has the materials to refine them at this time.

Even if there is, it is not something that an ordinary high school student can get.

"External objects are not good, so we can only seek exercises."

In his previous life, he fought against countless giants and powers, and traveled through thousands of sects.

Even the Library Pavilion of the number one sect in the universe is always open to him.

Because of this, the various classics of exercises he has read are simply as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

But as an immortal emperor in his previous life, he simply sneered at these exercises.

So what about the exercises of the number one sect in the universe? It's not that he has no temper because he was beaten by himself.

""Returning to the Origin Qi in the Beginning" is a practice method created by myself when I realized the power of the original source when the universe was about to return to the beginning."

"It is also by virtue of this method that I can have the terrifying power enough to explode the singularity at the last moment of my life."

In the beginning, the source of all things, the beginning of qi.

This method can be regarded as the number one skill in the universe, but the resources required are also daunting.

In the early stage, it needs a thousand times the aura of ordinary exercises, and it is more than ten thousand times tens of thousands of times in the middle stage, let alone the later stage.

In his previous life, with the body of an immortal, and with the aura of the entire universe gathered to the extreme, he could only cultivate the source energy from the beginning to the late stage of the tribulation.

Although it is also due to factors such as the rush of time and unstable foundation, it also shows how difficult it is to practice this method.

"If I continue to practice this method step by step in this life, I'm afraid it will be difficult to build a foundation until I die."


Suddenly Wu You's eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is the original origin qi. Of course, I can't do enough to practice it alone, but what if thousands of people, ten thousand people, or even tens of millions of people help me practice!"

As the name suggests, "Returning to the Origin of Taichu Qi" is divided into the main volume of Taichu and the auxiliary volume of Guiyuan, two exercises.

The volume of Taichu, the strongest exercise in the universe, the Qi of Taichu cultivated is the ancestor of all Qi.

In the early stage of cultivation, you will be invincible in the same territory, and you can fight across the border!

Returning to the source scroll, as an auxiliary exercise, when the practitioner obtains the aura of heaven and earth, at least half of the aura will be provided to the practitioners of the Taichu scroll.

Although this method is an auxiliary method, its power is not inferior to other peak methods in the universe.

The speed of absorbing spiritual energy can even be called the first in the universe!

Only those who have personally experienced the beginning of the universe can practice in the main volume of the beginning.

Returning to the source supplementary volume, there is no threshold limit, and all living beings can practice.

And the life and death of those who practice the back to the source supplementary scroll are all in the thought of the practitioner of the main scroll of the beginning!
"Now, I just need to cultivate a trace of primordial qi in my body, and the rest will be easy."

Without the slightest hesitation, Wu You suddenly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to run the main scroll of Taichu Guiyuan Qi.

The surrounding thin spiritual energy gradually entered the body and converged in the dantian.


With Wu You's soft drink, the originally silent aura in the dantian began to rotate at a very high speed according to some strange law, like a nebula whirlpool.

As time passed, the nebula in the body rotated faster and faster, as if being pulled by some kind, the spiritual energy floating between the sky and the earth gathered involuntarily.

I don't know how long it has passed, the nebula vortex in the dantian has become extremely powerful, surging and astonishing.


The nebula vortex, which was rotating extremely fast, suddenly shrank and condensed under Wu You's order.

In the blink of an eye, the majestic nebula vortex disappeared, leaving only a trace of inconspicuous gray air floating in the center of the empty dantian.

And at the moment when this trace of gray air formed, a burst of ancient and distant breath floated out, and the whole world seemed to freeze for an instant.

Immediately, an aura that made all things awed and worshiped filled the world, and it was fleeting.

"It's finally done. Although this trace of primordial energy is very simple and mixed, it is barely enough."

Luckily, this gray air flowed through his whole body, Wu You only felt that his originally thin body was instantly filled with a bursting force.

The whole body is full of vitality, as if reborn, and all kinds of magic are beyond words.

"Although I haven't stepped into the Qi training stage yet, I'm just in the Qi cultivation stage before practicing, but my real strength is no longer below the initial stage of Qi training."

"The general firearms that exist on Earth are no longer a big threat to me."

Wu You slowly opened her eyes, only to realize that the sun had already set to the west.

This practice took so long, far exceeding his estimate.

"It's moving, look at it!"

"Does he really dare to jump? I don't believe it. Who are you scaring?"

"Don't you believe it, I heard that when he was in class, he suddenly walked out of the classroom laughing wildly, maybe he was really crazy."

"It's no wonder, he was still the young master a few days ago, but now he has nothing, no one can bear it..."

There were bursts of noisy discussions under his feet, and Wu You, whose physical senses had been improved several times, naturally heard them clearly.

He looked down in some surprise.

I saw that outside the campus, on the street next to the teaching building, many students and passers-by gathered at this time, each of them raised their heads, pointed at themselves, and talked a lot.

"They are..."

"Think I'm going to jump off a building?"

Wu You suddenly felt ridiculous, shook his head and stood up.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a sharp shout came from downstairs.

"Boy! If you dare to dance today, no matter what, I will intercede for you with Liu Ershao, and all grievances and grievances will be wiped out!"

"But if you dare to play tricks on me, don't jump, let's see how I deal with you!"

The surrounding audience looked along in surprise, and saw a black-faced young man in a flowered shirt at the front of the crowd, with a cruel smile on his mouth, staring at Wu You on the roof.

"Who is this person? You speak so rudely, if something happens, aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

"Keep your voice down, he is Second Young Master Liu's personal bodyguard, Sun Zhenhu!"

"This person is not easy to mess with. I heard that he practiced martial arts in the martial arts school since he was a child, and he has been in the society for many years, fighting invincible hands all over Nancheng. Later, he was favored by the Liu family and was responsible for the safety of Liu Er Shao."

"Liu Ershao was beaten under his nose a few days ago. Sun Zhenhu will be punished after he returns. Today, he is going to take revenge."

Wu You stood on the edge of the roof with his hands behind his back, turning a deaf ear to the noisy discussions downstairs, but squinting at the extremely arrogant black-faced young man.

He recognized at a glance that this Sun Zhenhu was one of the murderers in his previous life who together with Liu Kunlong broke his limbs and threw him into a deep valley.

Even though countless years have passed, he has never forgotten those cruel faces.

"Brother, don't listen to him, don't jump!"

Suddenly, an anxious cry came from outside the crowd.

Everyone looked back, only to see a short-haired girl wearing a school uniform and high myopia glasses, with a large dark red birthmark on her right face, stumbled through the crowd, blocked in front of Sun Zhenhu, and looked worriedly at the roof .

"Who is this ugly girl?"

"You don't even know about her? She is Tao Xiaomeng, who has been ranked first in academic performance in our school for two consecutive years, and is known as the God of Learning."

"It turns out that she is Tao Xiaomeng. Sure enough, talent and beauty are inseparable, but isn't she always very low-key, how did she come forward this time?"

"Who knows what kind of nerves she has today, maybe it's just ugly people."

Amidst the whispers all around, Sun Zhenhu waved his hand impatiently, pushed the ugly girl in front of him away, and fell hard into the distance.

Then he raised his head and shouted loudly: "Boy, no one can save you today, I will see whether you jump or not!"

"Oh? Do you really want me to jump off?"

Wu You snorted coldly.

"it is good."

"This seat will do what you say!"

Without any hesitation or scruples, Wu You jumped from the top of the nearly 20-meter-high building.

There was an exclamation on the ground, and some girls turned their heads and couldn't bear to look any more.

"Did he really dance?"

Sun Zhenhu was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a grinning grin.

I was scolded badly by the second young master and brother Li yesterday, and I wanted to vent my anger today, but I didn't expect this kid to jump off the building before entering school.

"However, he is considered sensible, and he will save a lot of suffering after dying this time, and it will save us a lot of energy."

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Wu You was like a divine sword that had fallen into the mortal world, stabbing fiercely at the ground with unparalleled power.

And the place directly below where he fell was Sun Zhenhu!

"Fuck, I don't want to live anymore, and I still want to pull my back, dreaming!"

Sun Zhenhu snorted coldly. He practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he has experienced many battles in the society. After being taught by an expert, his consciousness and skills are naturally extraordinary, and he doesn't pay attention to Wu You's little tricks at all.

And just when he was about to dodge to the side, an invisible force suddenly descended from the sky, binding him firmly in place, unable to move even a single step!

"How is this going?!"

Sun Zhenhu's eyes widened in shock, as if realizing something in an instant, he looked up in disbelief.

"You are an ancient warrior? This, this is impossible!"

He roared in horror, like a desperate struggle of a beast before death, the bones of his whole body contracted, the muscles tensed and solidified, he held his breath, and prepared to resist the falling Wu You.

"As long as I'm still alive today, I will make sure you die!"

However, at the next moment, Sun Zhenhu only heard a click.

The top of my head seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, and then my mind went blank...

(End of this chapter)

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