I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 25 Han Shuangyue's Counterattack

Chapter 25 Han Shuangyue's Counterattack
"Brother Xu is here."

"Hello, Brother Xu."

"Brother Xu, you came too late. Sister Tingting went to the private room to greet the guests first, and will be back in a while."

Under a spacious and bright ancient gazebo, a group of energetic young men and women saw Xu Junchen coming, and they all came forward to say hello eagerly.

Xu Junchen greeted warmly, then turned sideways and said with a smile: "Look, who did I invite here?"

When everyone heard the words and looked around, they saw a tall, glamorous beauty with a pretty face standing outstandingly behind Xu Junchen.

"It's so beautiful, so temperamental, who is this beauty?"

"It's so ignorant, even Han Shuangyue and Miss Han don't know?"

"Han Shuangyue? That Han Shuangyue who is known as the youngest member of Qianlong Group and a martial arts genius?"

Looking at this heroic and unsmiling girl, everyone couldn't help being amazed.

You must know that Han Shuangyue is a well-known figure in the circle of warriors in Jingxian City.He was gifted and obsessed with martial arts since he was a child, and he entered Ming Jin at the age of 12. Five years later, he shocked the entire martial arts world as a master of dark strength.

And his father, Han Jiangang, is even more of a legend, not only as the captain of the Qianlong team, but also in charge of the order of the entire Jingxian warrior world.Moreover, his strength has reached the peak of Huajin, and he is only half a step away from stepping into Gangjin. He is one of the only half-step masters in Jingxian City.

Such a perfect woman who combines beauty, strength, and family background immediately became the focus of the audience.

The young men and women present were all the pride of the warrior world, but they also looked bleak in front of Han Shuangyue.

In an instant, everyone surrounded Han Shuangyue and exchanged polite greetings.Especially young men are full of compliments and actively express themselves.

But the person involved was helpless, turned his head and looked out of the crowd, holding a plate of exquisite tea, Wu You, who was savoring carefully, Han Shuangyue's cold face became even more gloomy.

After a long time, Han Shuangyue was really annoyed by the noise of the people around her.Looking at the guy who stayed out of the matter and was obsessed with his appetite, he suddenly had an idea, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Step aside."

After Han Shuangyue said indifferently, she walked out from the crowd and came to the boy holding the plate in a moment.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he pulled his Qianqianyu hand into Wu You's arms.

Immediately, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Who is this kid? Why is Goddess Han holding his arm?"

"No way, Miss Han has a boyfriend?"

"God, I don't believe it, what's so good about this kid..."

Everyone immediately looked at the young man in front of him who had been caught in the center of the whirlpool, but after observing for a long time, they couldn't see why.

However, he should not be from the circle of warriors. Judging by his ordinary casual clothes, he should not be from a wealthy family.He was holding a plate from the moment he entered the arena, eating and drinking without manners, let alone a child of any aristocratic family.

But it is such a useless and thin boy that Han Shuangyue, who is like the stars, can fall in love with him.

Amid everyone's unbelievable sighs, Xu Junchen's face stiffened in an instant. It seemed that he was right to worry. Han Shuangyue really had an unusual relationship with this kid.

Thinking of his good brother Shi Haoran, Han Shuangyue who had been chasing so hard for so many years, and being poached by this brat who came out of nowhere, Xu Junchen couldn't bear it any longer.

Just as it was about to explode, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Miss Han. I don't remember asking you to come?"

Hearing this sarcasm, everyone turned their heads and saw a young woman in a tight pink cheongsam in the distance, waving a pink round fan, walking towards here with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Tingting is back."

"Sister Tingting, brother Xu is here too."

"Hello, Miss Tingting."

Seeing the visitor, a group of young men and women hurried forward to greet them courteously.

This Qi Tingting is the most well-known beauty in the warrior circle, except for Han Shuangyue.Not only is he beautiful in appearance, but also has excellent martial arts, and his family background is extremely prominent.

The Qi family she belongs to is the most powerful among all the warrior families in Jingxian City.At the same time, his father Qi Hongxun is also Jing Xianshi, besides Han Jiangang, another half-step master.

It is also because of the fact that in Jing Xian's circle of warriors, there are two peak Huajin powerhouses of equal strength.

Outsiders can't help but compare these two. From their own strength to the abilities of their descendants, it has almost become the most talked about topic in the circle of warriors.

Qi Tingting, as Qi Hongxun's daughter, was compared with Han Jiangang's daughter Han Shuangyue since she was a child.

However, regardless of body shape, martial arts talent, etc., they are all far behind Han Shuangyue.No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up.

Therefore, Qi Tingting is extremely jealous of this Han Shuangyue who is always overpowering her, and often has a sense of sadness that she is both born Yu and Liang.

Under the gazebo, Xu Junchen held back the anger in his heart, looked away from Wu You, looked at Qi Tingting who came here, and said softly: "Tingting, you are here, I met Xiaoyue downstairs, let me She came up together."

Qi Tingting came to the side of the strong and handsome Xu Junchen, rolled her eyes at him, covered her mouth with her fan and complained in a low voice, "You have a lot of things to do, and you know I don't want to see her, so you let her come."

"Don't say that, we are all friends."

Xu Junchen looked at Qi Tingting tenderly, and persuaded in a low voice: "Tingting, you know Shitou is my brother, you have to show some face to the person he likes."

"Okay, let her go this time."

Qi Tingting snorted reluctantly, but said nothing more.

Seeing Xu Junchen and Qi Tingting, the couple who had been made public, whispering in whispers as if flirting, they couldn't help being envious.

Especially the women present all cast admiring glances at Xu Junchen.Not only because of his burly figure and handsome appearance, but also because he is the strongest male warrior among the younger generation, almost comparable to Han Shuangyue.

Moreover, it was rumored that Xu Junchen was about to be recruited by that place. It can be said that the future has a bright future with no limits.

"Tingting, do me a favor, see that kid."

Xu Junchen pouted at Wu You in the distance, and said in a low voice with an unfriendly expression: "The little bastard wants to pry the corner of the stone wall, please quickly find a way for me to let Xiaoyue know who is her true son. "

Qi Tingting looked at Han Shuangyue in surprise, only then realized that she was holding a young man's arm, and said in disbelief, "She actually has a boyfriend?"

Qi Tingting understood Han Shuangyue's indifferent and aloof character because she regarded her as her opponent since she was a child.I really can't believe that she can do such an abnormal behavior.

For a moment, Qi Tingting's eyes suddenly flashed, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I like doing things that embarrass Han Shuangyue the most."

(End of this chapter)

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