I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 301 The Lost Teenager

Chapter 301 The Lost Teenager

For some unknown reason, he glanced at Wu You again, and the short-haired young man immediately turned his head away, ignoring him.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were more than a dozen shiny golden pieces under his sister's feet.

Immediately, he picked up a piece in doubt and held it in front of his eyes. When he looked at it carefully, he was immediately amazed.

It turned out to be a gold brick!
"Xiao Xi, what's going on?"

The flat-headed youth immediately frowned and asked.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi said with some embarrassment: "Brother, those are the rewards this little brother said he would give me. I have already said that I can't take it. It is too expensive, but..."

"Okay, stop talking."

The crew cut youth suddenly interrupted Su Xiaoxi's words, then turned around and stared at Wu You condescendingly with a pair of bull's eyes.

Shaking the gold brick in his hand, he asked in a bad tone:
"what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, these are just the rewards she deserves for her work."

Wu You smiled slightly and said indifferently.


The flat-headed young man suddenly threw the gold brick in front of Wu You, and said angrily in the back:
"How much is the salary for the work? You are cheating ghosts!
Let me tell you, you'd better not think about my sister, or that foreigner just now will be your fate! "

For this kind of dandy who has no good intentions and messes with flowers everywhere, the young man with a flat head has always hated him.

But today, this useless wine bag and rice bag, dare to hit his precious sister's idea, it is really damned!
"Perhaps these scraps of iron may be of some value to you, but in the eyes of this seat, they are not worth mentioning at all."

Wu You spoke the truth calmly.

"Hmph, bumbling guy."

The short-haired young man snorted coldly, then ignored the self-righteous kid, turned around and said to Su Xiaoxi:
"Xiao Xi, let's go home."

After saying that, he stepped into the distance.

"Okay, brother."

Su Xiaoxi nodded obediently, then turned around, and secretly waved to Wu You, with a sweet smile on her innocent pretty face.

"Goodbye, little brother."

After saying that, he turned around, walked briskly, and chased after the iron tower-like figure.

"Interesting guy."

Wu You looked at the two figures who were walking farther and farther away, and a faint smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Then he looked at the sky, it was already late at night.

It seems that I have to find a place to rest first.

And when the Qianlong team members concentrated and controlled all the murderers who were injured on the ground.

They were surprised to find that the young victim who was still present had disappeared without a trace.

This can't help but make them very surprised. It is impossible for ordinary people to leave under their noses without anyone noticing.

Who is that boy?

What shocked them even more was that there were more than a dozen gleaming gold bricks left on the ground at the scene, the value of which was at least over 400 million!

And at the same time, on the street not far from here.

Su Xiaoxi lowered her head and followed behind her brother step by step.

And that young man with a flat head who looked like an iron tower was silent all the way.

"Brother, are you mad at me?"

Su Xiaoxi couldn't help asking in a low voice.


The young man with a flat head nodded, then slowed down and said in a deep voice, "How many times have I told you that your task now is to study hard.

But why are you disobedient and still go to that messy place to show your face. "

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi lowered her head, and said apologetically, "Brother, I'm sorry, I just want to rely on my own strength to lighten your burden.

Dad's medical expenses are already beyond his means, and you still have to pay for me to go to college..."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore, I will find a way about this matter. Now you just need to finish your studies at school honestly, and you don't need to worry about other things.

You are not allowed to go to that kind of smoky place in the future, do you hear me? "

The flat-headed youth said with a blank expression.

Hearing her brother's unquestionable tone, Su Xiaoxi originally wanted to explain something more, but seeing this, she had no choice but to give up, silently nodded and said:

"Got it, brother."

Not long after, the two brothers and sisters came to a somewhat old courtyard with their own concerns.

And just above the wide gate, there is a plaque that has been dusty for an unknown period of time.

I saw four big characters vaguely written on it:

Longhua Martial Arts
The young man with a flat head looked up, and a gloomy look suddenly flashed in his eyes on the plaque that was almost unreadable.

With a long sigh, he silently took out the key from his pocket.

But just as he was about to go forward to open the door, he suddenly noticed something and turned around abruptly.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxi behind him also turned around in a daze.

On the street not far away, a handsome young man in black and red casual clothes was walking slowly with his hands behind his back.

But it was Wu You!
"What are you doing with us!"

The short-haired youth immediately widened his eyes and said angrily.

"Little brother, it's so late, don't you go home?"

Su Xiaoxi asked suspiciously.

"I came to the provincial capital for the first time and got lost."

Wu You said casually with a faint smile.

Hearing this, the flat-headed youth was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily:
"Nonsense, why did you follow us when you lost your way!"

Wu You shrugged, and smiled lightly, "It's so late, I can't find anyone else."

"Excessive words, I think you don't give up on seeing the Yellow River!
Let me tell you the truth, I look down on you flamboyant sons the most.If you dare to hit my sister again, believe it or not, I will destroy you right now! "

However, facing this terrifying threat, Wu You was completely unmoved, and still said calmly:
"You think too much, I'm really lost."

The young man with a flat head was so brazen when he saw this dude.Immediately, I couldn't suppress the anger in my heart, so I wanted to step forward to give him some color.

And at this moment, Su Xiaoxi hurriedly said:
"Brother, maybe this little brother is really lost. When I was in the restaurant, I heard that he just came from Jingxian.

In this unfamiliar city, getting lost is inevitable. "

Speaking of this, Su Xiaoxi looked at the young man who had come close, and said gratefully:
"Besides, if this little brother hadn't stepped forward and delayed the time just now, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of those bad guys long ago.

Brother, after all, he is still my benefactor. "

Hearing this, the anger in the young man's heart calmed down a little.Then he snorted coldly, and said indifferently to Wu You:

"For the sake of your blind cat meeting a dead mouse and saving my sister, I won't bother with you today.

Walk along this street until you reach the main road, there should be taxis there, you can go wherever you like, don’t be an eyesore!”

(End of this chapter)

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