Chapter 309
I still remember when I was in Lingxi, the young man in front of me was in the KTV private room, scaring the young master of the Qin family, Qin Ming, to the point of fright.

Not long after that, the Qin family in Lingxi was completely destroyed in a strange way!

And it was rumored that it was Mr. Wu who killed the Qin family.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinbao felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Oh my god, this Mr. Wu is a murderous god without blinking an eye!

What's even more frightening is that even though he killed so many people, no one or force dared to stand up and condemn him.

It was as if all the rules in the past were useless in front of this Mr. Wu, vulnerable to a single blow.

And just now, he dared to show off his power in front of this big man who covered the sky with his hands.

This, this is simply asking for death!

And at this moment, Zhang Jinbao suddenly remembered something.

He used to be the manager of the Lingxi region, and through some special channels, he accidentally heard that his boss, Wang Bowen, suddenly returned to the provincial capital from Lingxi to avoid someone.

It seems that he once colluded with the Qin family in Lingxi, and wanted to seize an important weapon of the country from a young man surnamed Wu.

And that boy is rumored to be Mr. Wu!
Before Zhang Jinbao thought this matter was just a rumor, and never took it to heart.

But now it seems that this matter should be true!

No wonder Master Wang Bowen was so scared to death when he heard that someone wanted to settle accounts with him on the phone.

As soon as he heard the boy's name, he immediately hung up the phone.

This, this is simply a guilty conscience!

Offending Mr. Wu, who is sure to get revenge, will not end well.

At this time, I may not know where to hide and tremble...

And now that his master is in trouble, why would he care about his life as an errand.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinbao immediately lost his soul.

At the next moment, under the surprised eyes of Su Fanglie, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi.

This bald man who was arrogant and domineering unexpectedly collapsed on the ground with a bang, and kneeled down in front of Wu You!
"Zhang, what's wrong with you, Manager Zhang? Get up quickly."

The two accompanying evaluators behind him were immediately taken aback.He hurried forward, trying to help Zhang Jinbao up.

"Fuck off! Are you trying to kill me!"

Zhang Jinbao yelled and pushed the two guys in suits and leather shoes away.

Then he knelt on the ground and prayed to Wu You in panic:

"Wu, Mr. Wu, you are all so young that you don't know Taishan, so you didn't recognize you for a while.

What I said before, you just treat me as a fart, don't take it to your heart. "

Seeing this unimaginable scene, the brothers and sisters of the Su family who were standing aside were stunned.

They could never have imagined that Zhang Jinbao, who was still arrogant and yelling, was before.At this moment, he seemed to be a different person, and he seemed extremely afraid of Wu You.

This, what the hell is going on here?

Who the hell is that young man who possesses such great ability.

Su Fanglie, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi couldn't help but looked at each other, all showing expressions of astonishment.

But at this moment, Wu You glanced at Zhang Jinbao who was kneeling on the ground, trembling, and said calmly:
"Go back and tell your master, after a while, I will personally go to him to settle the accounts."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinbao, who was frightened and trembling, quickly nodded and said, as if he had received an amnesty:

"Yes, yes, the little one will definitely bring the words, please rest assured."

As he spoke, he impatiently wanted to get up and leave.

"Wait, you just left?"

Wu You suddenly said.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Jinbao was startled, and shivered with horror:

"Wu, Mr. Wu, you, what else do you have to say?"

"What do you think."

With that said, Wu You looked at the three brothers and sisters of the Su family.

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong."

Seeing this, Zhang Jinbao immediately reacted.Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Fanglie and others in a desperate apology:

"Mr. Su, Miss Su is really sorry, all this is my fault.

Please rest assured, since Mr. Wu has spoken today.Then this martial arts school is of course still yours.I hereby promise that no one will come to harass you again in the future.

I beg you to forgive me for my age and lack of wit. "

As he said that, Zhang Jinbao kowtowed to the three brothers and sister Su Fanglie and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, Su Fanglie nodded in a daze, and said inarticulately:
"Okay, Yuan, forgive, forgive."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinbao raised his head.With anxiety, he looked at Wu You again, and asked weakly:

"Wu, Mr. Wu, do you think I can go?"

"get out."

Wu You said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Jinbao immediately thanked him again and again, and then stood up tremblingly.

Under everyone's incredulous gaze, he and the two horrified evaluators staggered away.

And until the three uninvited guests disappeared at the end of the street.

Su Fanglie, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi finally came to their senses.

Then he looked aside, Wu You who was still calm.

"You, who are you?"

Su Fanglie couldn't help asking immediately.

At this moment, he was already full of doubts. He never imagined that a little magician could make the Wang family's subordinates so humble.

And it seemed that even the third young master of the Wang family that the bald man mentioned seemed to be very afraid of the young man in front of him.

This is incredible.

"Yes, Xiaoyou, why was that person so afraid of you just now?"

Su Xiaoxi also asked with a puzzled expression.

Su Qiqi, who was on the side, was also shocked.Immediately, with excitement, he looked at his idol, his eyes full of admiration.

"It's nothing, it's just that Wang Bowen owes me a debt."

Wu You smiled lightly and didn't say anything more.

Hearing this, Su Fanglie frowned.Although I wanted to ask more clearly, but seeing Wu You's intention of keeping silent, I gave up.

Maybe it was true as he said, the third young master of the Wang family owed him something, that's why he had such an attitude.

Those complicated grievances and grievances of wealthy families are beyond his comprehension as a commoner, and he also doesn't want to know.

But it seems that this young man's background must be very unusual.

And just when Su Fanglie was suspicious, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Su Fanglie came back to his senses immediately, took out his mobile phone and connected the call.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Immediately, an anxious voice came from the phone.

"Deputy team, it's not good. The suspects captured last night were taken away, and we lost a few brothers."

Hearing this, Su Fanglie suddenly widened his eyes, and immediately said angrily:
"Who did it?!"

"It's a group of foreigners. For the specific situation, you should come to the base first and then talk about it."

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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