I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 311 Open Weibo

Chapter 311 Open Weibo

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Is this true? Xiaoyou, you know magic? This is really great, maybe my father can really be cured."

Su Xiaoxi immediately said happily.

However, Su Qiqi smiled wryly, shook her head and said, "Master Wu, are you joking? How can there be magic in this world? But thank you for your kindness."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi also reacted, and then felt a little lost in her heart.

Yes, how could there be any magic in this world, this is too unrealistic.

Maybe Xiaoyou was just trying to comfort them with kindness.

"It's fine if you don't believe it. When I have time, I will go to the hospital with you, and I will still know the truth."

Wu You smiled lightly and said indifferently.

Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi looked at him suspiciously when they heard the words, not understanding what it meant.

Isn't what you said just now a joke?

"Okay, I'm going to rest for a while, remember to call me for lunch at noon."

After all, under the dumbfounded gazes of Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi.

Wu Youfeng calmly got up and walked out of the hall, and returned to the small room where he was last night.

Then Pan Pan sat on the single bed, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath to cultivate his primordial spirit.

Not long after, sisters Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi packed up their things and walked out of the house together.

Each with mixed feelings, went to school.

At noon, Su Xiaoxi, who had finished her morning classes, left the Conservatory of Music ahead of schedule.

After going to the vegetable market to buy a lot of ingredients, I rushed back home without stopping and started cooking.

And just when the smell of food wafted into the house from the window, Wu You finished adjusting his breath and opened his eyes.

After such a long period of cultivation and breath adjustment, his primordial spirit has recovered most of it.

And when he walked out of the training room and came to the living room of the three-story building, Su Qiqi also came back from school.

As soon as she saw Wu You sitting at the table, Su Qiqi happily came to sit beside him and said with great excitement:

"Master Wu, look, a photo of me and you made me gain more than 3 fans in one morning, and it's still increasing now. It's so cool!"

Wu You glanced at it indifferently, and Su Qiqi got the mobile phone in front of her.

On the screen, the number representing the number of fans was indeed growing continuously.

"Master Wu, there are many, many fans who have been asking me for your information in the comment area.

And the private messages sent to me are almost overwhelmed, you see. "

As Su Qiqi said, she tapped the phone a few times with her slender fingers.

Suddenly, a pile of private messages kept scrolling like swiping the screen.

"My God, is that really Master Wu?"

"I'm so envious and jealous. Master Wu is so handsome. You are so blessed, little sister, to be able to take a photo with Master Wu."

"Little beauty, how did you know Master Wu? Let me introduce you to my sister, too, or a WeChat message."

"I heard that Master Wu will also participate in this live tour in the provincial capital, can you help me ask if it's true? Thank you."

"Does Master Wu have Weibo? Do you play live video? What is his nickname ID?"


Looking at the non-stop scrolling and flashing private messages with great interest, Wu You couldn't help shaking his head and smiling lightly.

But at this moment, Su Qiqi who was standing aside suddenly thought of something, and proposed excitedly:

"Master Wu, how about I open Weibo for you too? Your fans will definitely break through the sky!"

Hearing this, Wu You thought for a while, then smiled lightly:

"It's interesting, okay."

Then he threw the mobile phone in his pocket to Su Qiqi.

"That's great."

Su Qiqi excitedly held the black mobile phone in front of her eyes, but then she was taken aback suddenly, and couldn't help but exclaim:
"Oh my god, Master Wu, this mobile phone of yours is a limited edition in the world, there seem to be only a dozen of them in the world.

If this mobile phone is not an imitation, it must be worth millions at least!How many kidneys do you have to sell..."

"Who knows, someone else sent it."

Wu You shook his head and said indifferently.

Hearing this, Su Qiqi immediately felt that it must be true.After all, how could there be a fake gift for a big shot like Master Wu?
Immediately, with apprehension, Su Qiqi carefully used both hands, holding a mobile phone worth millions, and began to register Wu You on Weibo.

And at this moment, Su Xiaoxi had already prepared lunch, and brought them up one by one.

Immediately, the table was filled with rich dishes, and the aroma was overflowing.

"Xiaoyou, come and try my handicrafts, these are specially made for you."

Su Xiaoxi, who had just finished her work, stood by the table, looking at Wu You expectantly.

And Wu You was not polite at all, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the fragrant dishes and stuffed them into his mouth, then nodded with satisfaction, and said with a light smile:
"Not bad, it suits my appetite."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi was extremely happy, and immediately said with a smile like a flower:
"That's great, Xiaoyou, you eat first, and I'll get you some food."

At this time, Su Qiqi, who was sitting beside Wu You, suddenly raised her head and said in amazement:
"Master Wu, it's incredible. I thought it would be very troublesome to verify your star status.

But as soon as I registered on Weibo, it was automatically activated.Your identity has been verified directly, and you don't even need to fill in your name, it will be Master Wu.

It seems that the media company you work for has already prepared everything for you.As long as the Weibo is registered with this mobile phone, the authentication can be activated directly. "

After saying that with a face full of surprise, Su Qiqi immediately looked up at the sky, and sighed with great yearning:

"If only I could have this kind of treatment one day, it would be my lifelong wish to become a star!"

It took a long time for Su Qiqi to recover from the fantasy.Then he looked at Wu You with great admiration, and asked respectfully:
"Master Wu, how about I take a picture of you first?"

"Let's shoot."

Wu You ate the delicious food on the table, and said casually without raising his head.

Seeing this, Su Qiqi was taken aback, isn't it too casual to shoot like this?

But thinking of Master Wu's free-wheeling temperament, if he dilly-dally, maybe this matter will become a nuisance.

And maybe the photos taken in this way can be more down-to-earth.

Thinking of this, Su Qiqi pointed the phone directly at Wu You without any hesitation.

Taking advantage of the moment when he raised his head slightly, there was a burst of "click, click, click".

Afterwards, from among the photos, I selected one that I was satisfied with and uploaded it on the profile picture.

"Master Wu, weibo is ready. Would you like to post a video now and try it?"

Su Qiqi asked expectantly.


Wu You raised his head and smiled lightly.

"That's great."

Su Qiqi spoke excitedly, and pointed the phone at Wu You again.

"Master Wu, now you can start talking to your fans."

Hearing this, Wu You showed a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said calmly:

"Those who obey me are immortals, those who oppose me are mortals!"

(End of this chapter)

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