I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 322 Biochemical Weapons

Chapter 322 Biochemical Weapons
The strong black man in the arena who looked like a steel giant walked towards the three-story building with his abnormally thick thighs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Hearing the sound of heavy footsteps, everyone in the field couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

It turned out that this strong black man was so strong, no wonder Dylan had always been confident.

At this time, Su Fanglie was sitting on the ground supported by Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi.Looking at the strong black man who was getting closer, he panted violently and said:
"Then, that guy's strength is comparable to that of a grandmaster, you, run away!"

After all, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Brother, stop talking."

Su Xiaoxi on the side looked at Su Fanglie sadly, and Lihua cried with rain.

"Brother, you must persevere. With Master Wu here, he will definitely be able to save you."

Su Qiqi cried with tears streaming down her face.

And at this moment, Ye Muxue, who was standing in the golden light mask, saw the strong black man walking towards the small building, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Immediately, he asked Wu You, who had been watching the show beside him, in a respectful voice:

"Master, can I go up?"

At this time, Wu You was looking at the strong black man with great interest.After hearing this, he nodded with a half-smile and said:

"Yes, Master"

Ye Wushuang immediately bowed to accept the order, and walked out of the golden mask resolutely.

At the next moment, he suddenly turned into a white phantom and rushed towards the strong black man at high speed!
"Hmph, are you finally willing to get out of the turtle shell?"

Dylan looked at the white phantom with cold eyes, and then shouted with a gloomy face:
"Jim, get rid of her first!"

After receiving the order, the strong black man suddenly turned around and looked at the white phantom rushing towards him.


Hearing a loud noise, the strong black man stomped on the ground, and immediately turned into a huge black shadow, slamming into the white shadow fiercely.

In an instant, everyone in the field watched with bated breath.

Two figures, one black and one white, suddenly collided in the field!

An earth-shattering loud noise resounded through the sky in an instant.

In an instant, strands of unparalleled energy swayed.

In the huge martial arts courtyard, earth and rocks splashed and dust filled the sky!
And when the billowing dust was blown away by the breeze.

In the field, only one person was still standing.

But it was that beautiful girl with white hair like snow, Ye Muxue!
But the strong black man who looked like a steel giant before was already lying on the ground at this moment, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in the audience showed shocking and inexplicable expressions.

"Then, that white-haired girl is so strong!"

"Yeah, she defeated that monster-like nigger with just one blow, it's really amazing!"

"Now, what should we do now? Escape?"

For a moment, the foreign elements present looked at each other in blank dismay, all showing expressions of horror.

That black strong man is not the opponent of the Huaxia Grandmaster. If these miscellaneous soldiers are still here, wouldn't they be sent to death!
As for Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi in the living room, seeing the scene in the courtyard, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that no matter how fierce that black strong man is, he is not an opponent of the authentic Grandmaster Gang Jin.

At this time, Su Fanglie, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, saw this, and couldn't help but praise from the bottom of his heart:

"That girl is worthy of being a grandmaster of a generation, and she is much stronger than Nakong's brute-force idiot!"

And just when everyone was shocked by the white-haired girl, they fell to the ground.

Dylan in the field suddenly laughed strangely.

Hearing the sound, Ye Muxue glared coldly at the foreign youth in a red windbreaker, and then asked coldly:
"why are you laughing?"

Seeing this, everyone present also looked at Dylan, not knowing why.

"Ridiculous guy, do you think you've already won?"

Dylan suddenly smiled playfully, then stretched out a finger and shook it in front of him.

"NONONO, the real show begins now!"

After all, Dylan immediately looked at the strong black man lying on the ground, and ordered in an extremely cold tone:
"Jim, open the secondary biochemical lock!"

As soon as the words fell, the originally motionless black burly man straightened up strangely as if being lifted by some force.

And at the next moment, everyone in the audience opened their eyes wide, showing unprecedented horror.

I saw that the black strong man's body started to skyrocket again!
And the skin all over his body began to gradually grow a layer of black armor like crocodile skin!
Sharp barbs stand in between.

What is even more shocking is that there are countless terrifying fangs growing out of its mouth!

Even at this moment, both hands and feet turned into extremely sharp claws!

A moment later, a giant beast with a height of four meters, armored barbs, fangs and claws was displayed in front of the world!

With a roar that shook the sky, the incomparable aura of this giant beast exploded in an instant, sweeping all directions!
Looking at the terrifying monster that has no human features at all, everyone in the audience turned pale with horror.

"Then, what is that?"

Yang Bailong couldn't help shivering as he watched the extremely terrifying scene in the field.

"This, is this the rumored biological weapon?
I really didn't expect our Freemasons to have such a terrifying weapon, it's really unbelievable! "

Bill Jones looked at the field, the biochemical man who looked like a giant war beast, dumbfounded.


Su Qiqi in the small building looked at the extremely ferocious monster and screamed in fright.

The eyes of Su Fanglie and Su Xiaoxi on the side were also full of shock and fear.

At this time, Dylan looked at the strong black man who had completed the biochemical mutation with satisfaction.

Immediately, he stared coldly at the white-haired girl in the field, and suddenly smiled grimly:

"Jim, kill her!"

As soon as the words fell, the terrifying monster that had completely lost its human form looked ferociously at the white-haired girl who had knocked him down earlier.


With a roar that shook the sky, this extremely terrifying biochemical weapon rushed towards the target on all fours.

But at this moment, Ye Muxue looked at the giant beast rushing towards her, but her expression didn't change much.

In the chaotic space, she has long been used to being scared by the brown monster...

At this moment, facing the black monster that is one size smaller than him, he is really not afraid.

However, even so, she did not relax her vigilance at all, and focused on the monster rushing towards her.

Immediately, he secretly transported the spiritual energy in his body, and suddenly the pure white protective energy around him became thicker again.

Instead of sitting still, Ye Muxue stomped her feet suddenly, and her whole body turned into a white phantom again, and suddenly shot at the black monster!

In an instant, under everyone's shocking and inexplicable eyes.

The two figures, one black and one white, collided again.


With a loud bang, the audience once again set off a cloud of dust.

And when the dust settled, everyone around looked at it with fear.

In the field, there was only one figure still standing.

But it was the black monster!

(End of this chapter)

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