I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 331 The Swordsman

Chapter 331 The Swordsman
Hearing this, Long Zhenhua, the captain of Qianlong team, was taken aback for a moment.

Then he turned his head in surprise, looked at the calm young man, and asked sternly:

"You just said that someone asked you to go to our base of Qianlong team?
Tell me, who told you to do this?What is your purpose? ! "

Hearing this, Wu You shook his head with a light smile, and said calmly:
"You are not qualified to know, just lead the way."

Seeing his arrogant and arrogant attitude, Long Zhenhua immediately frowned, feeling displeased in his heart.

Seeing this, the members of the Qianlong team around them also glared at the young man who dared to speak rudely to his captain.

"Hmph, you group of rude guys, dare to have any opinion on my master?!"

Ye Muxue let out a cold snort, and suddenly slashed forward with the Qi Jin long blade in her hand.


Hearing a loud noise, the originally extremely solid bluestone ground was suddenly shattered, and earth and rocks splashed!
Seeing this, the Qianlong team members in the field couldn't help but gasp.

Until now, they really believed that the white-haired girl in front of them was really a gangster!
My god, this is unbelievable.

You must know that the masters of Gang Jin are mostly old men in their 80s and [-]s.

Even with good martial arts aptitude, stepping into Gang Jin at the age of 60 is already considered rare.

Even the most qualified and youngest Grandmaster Gang Jin in their entire Liuzhou Qianlong group is about 50 years old.

And this person is Long Zhenhua in the field at this time!
So at this time, when they saw that girl who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, she was already a powerful grandmaster, and everyone's hearts were filled with turmoil.

Immediately, they raised their guns in unison, aiming at the very dangerous girl again, and everyone was extremely vigilant.

For a moment, the huge courtyard was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, as if a fierce battle was about to break out!
At this time, Su Fanglie, seeing the scene of swords and swords on the field, immediately turned pale with fright.

These Qianlong team members and Captain Long Zhenhua didn't even know how terrifying that Master Wu was!
Just like their previous selves, they must have thought that boy was nothing special.

And it wasn't until after someone made a move that he realized how stupid his thoughts were.

But if it was now, Master Wu would really be angered.Everyone in the Qianlong team present will definitely suffer disaster!

Thinking of this, Su Fanglie couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and immediately scolded desperately:
"Put down your guns!"

Then he looked at Long Zhenhua with almost pleading eyes, and said anxiously:

"Captain, since Master Wu has agreed to go to the base, please don't ask any more questions here.

I'll explain it to you when I'm on the road. "

Long Zhenhua's heart shuddered when he saw the anxious look of his subordinate who had always been the most important.

Then he nodded and said in a deep voice, "Okay, we'll wait until we get to the base."

Hearing this, Su Fanglie breathed a sigh of relief.Immediately afterwards, he turned to Wu You in the field, bowed his head and said apologetically:

"I'm really sorry, Master Wu, we in the Qianlong team don't know about your previous deeds.

Here, I would like to apologize to you on their behalf.After I explain it clearly to them, I will officially apologize to you and admit my mistake. "

The members of Qianlong team who had put down their guns in the arena couldn't help being extremely surprised when they saw that Su Fanglie held such a low profile towards the young man.

Normally, they have never seen their fiery deputy team nodding and bowing to anyone before.

Who is that boy?To have such a miraculous ability.

At this time, after hearing Su Fanglie's words, Wu You smiled lightly, and said indifferently:

"Follow you, lead the way."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned around and walked out of the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

"A bunch of blind guys."

Ye Muxue snorted coldly, the pure white long blade that was lingering in her hand suddenly dissipated, and then respectfully followed behind Wu You.

Seeing this, Su Fanglie quickly turned his head and said to Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi who were still in a daze in the field:

"It's not safe here anymore, you two will follow me back to the base today."


Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi nodded in a daze.

But Su Qiqi's eyes lit up, and she ran to the three-story building excitedly.

"What are you doing? Come back to me!"

Su Fanglie immediately stopped Su Qiqi.

"Wait, bro, I'll get my mobile power bank and live streaming equipment..."

"Shut up! Come back quickly!"

At this time, Long Zhenhua took a deep look at the young man who was walking towards the door, and then ordered to the surrounding Qianlong team members:

"Block this place completely, wait for the investigation team to come, and no one is allowed to come closer!"

"Yes, Captain."

A group of Qianlong team members suddenly took the order.

Immediately, Long Zhenhua, Su Fanglie and others chased the young man from before, and walked out of the martial arts hall that looked like a Shura field.

It was already afternoon.

The sun was shining brightly and the breeze was gentle.

Four or five huge and mighty black anti-riot vehicles suddenly drove out of the street and onto the main road.

He galloped away towards the distance with a bang.

Wu You sat in one of the spacious anti-riot vehicles, continued to close his eyes and adjust his breath, resting his soul.

And Ye Muxue, who was sitting respectfully across from him, stared at the handsome young man in front of him with pale eyes.

In the originally awe-inspiring heart, there was a strange feeling that had never been felt before.

Immediately, her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and a rosy glow suddenly rose on her snow-white and flawless cheeks.

This, is this the feeling of falling in love with someone?

Ye Muxue bit her red lips lightly, lowered her head shyly...

And at this moment, Su Qiqi, who was sitting not far from her, had been looking at her since she got in the car.

At this moment, I finally couldn't bear the curiosity in my heart, and asked with a smile:
"Heroine sister, may I ask if your white hair is natural? You don't wear colored contact lenses in your eyes, why are your eyebrows also white?"

Ye Muxue, who was thinking about something with her head down, suddenly came to her senses when she heard the words, and the blush on her face disappeared immediately.Turning her head to look at Su Qiqi coldly, she said coldly:
"Why are you asking these?"

Seeing this, Su Qiqi shivered immediately, and smiled awkwardly:
"No, it's nothing, I just think sister, you are really stylish. If you start a live broadcast, you will definitely become an Internet celebrity soon."

"Boring, don't bother me, or you will bear the consequences!"

Ye Muxue snorted coldly, then turned her head away, and stared at the handsome young man in front of her...

And just when Su Qiqi wanted to say something more, Su Xiaoxi, who was sitting opposite her, suddenly covered her mouth with her fingers, and whispered:
"Shh, Xiaoqi, didn't you see that Xiaoyou is resting, please be quiet and stop talking."

(End of this chapter)

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