Chapter 340

"Hall of Qianlong? How can there be such an antique building in a modern Qianlong base? Isn't it a bit nondescript?"

Su Qiqi looked at the magnificent ancient style hall in front of her, and was stunned for a moment.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense to me here!"

Su Fanglie suddenly scolded angrily.As soon as he came here, his expression immediately became solemn.

And the members of the Qianlong team behind him, whether it was Han Shuangyue or Zhou Xiaofang, all looked solemn.

Seeing this, Su Qiqi stuck out her tongue immediately.Although he still wanted to ask something, he didn't dare to speak again.

"Master Wu, please."

After Su Fanglie said respectfully, he walked into the huge palace gate first.

"That's kind of interesting."

Wu You followed in with a faint smile.

And just stepped into this magnificent hall.

A smooth flowing black stone wall came into view instantly.

And I saw countless golden names engraved on it!

"what is this?"

Wu You looked at the black stone wall surrounded by guardrails and could only watch from a distance, and asked calmly.

Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi behind him looked at the stone wall full of names from a distance, and they both showed doubts, and then turned to look at their brother.

"Master Wu, the names engraved on this wall are all comrades-in-arms who died in battle from the beginning of our Qianlong team to the present.

This is a wall of heroes. "

Su Fanglie said solemnly.

Immediately, he straightened his body and saluted solemnly to the wall of heroes covered with names.

The members of Qianlong team who followed, including Han Shuangyue and Zhou Xiaofang, also saluted solemnly at this moment.

"Master Wu, please come with me, the Martial Arts Hall is behind the Wall of Heroes."

Su Fanglie said respectfully, then turned around the black stone wall and walked in.

Wait until Wu You and others came to the back of the wall of heroes.

A huge brightly lit hall looms large.

I saw the design specifications here, just like a small indoor stadium, with several layers of stands around it.

And on the ground in the center of the hall, there are pieces of hard bluestone that have been polished smooth and shiny.

Obviously, this is the place where the members of the Qianlong team often use for martial arts competitions.

And the black stone wall facing this competition field, which is as big as two basketball courts, is actually engraved with golden names all over.

"Mr. Wu, our Qianlong base has always had a tradition. Whether it's the martial arts competition proposed by the team members themselves, or the martial arts competition organized by al-Qaeda, it must be held under the watchful eyes of the predecessors to show respect.

So this Qianlong Hall with the heroic wall is actually the Martial Arts Hall. "

Su Fanglie opened his mouth to explain.

"I see."

Wu You nodded, and then said with a faint smile:

"Then let's get started."

After that, he sat on the stand next to him.

Hearing that, Su Fanglie didn't want to waste any more time.Then he turned to look at Han Shuangyue and Zhou Xiaofang, and said in a deep voice:
"Remember both of you, you are comrades-in-arms, not enemies. This time it's just a martial arts competition. Don't forget, do you understand?!"



Han Shuangyue and Zhou Xiaofang clasped their hands at the same time.

"Well, let's go."

Su Fanglie nodded, and then sat down.

"Han Shuangyue, let's end!"

The corner of Zhou Xiaofang's mouth curled up into a cold smile.

Hearing this, Han Shuangyue narrowed her eyes and said indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't bully you right away."

"Hahaha, bullying me? Just you?"

As if hearing a big joke, Zhou Xiaofang suddenly raised her head and laughed.Then she glared at Han Shuangyue suddenly, and said coldly:
"To tell you the truth, I am already in the late stage of Anjin! We will see who bullies whom later!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Xiaofang's seemingly strong and burly body jumped from the stands into the field with extraordinary dexterity.

Seeing this, without any hesitation, Han Shuangyue also jumped up and floated down the field lightly.

Immediately afterwards, all the members of the Qianlong team found their seats and sat down, looking at the two women in the field with full expectation.

"Brother, who do you think will win between these two?"

Su Qiqi, who was sitting in the stands, asked Su Fanglie beside her.

Immediately, Su Xiaoxi also pricked up her ears curiously.

"After several years of hard training, Zhou Xiaofang is already in the late stage of Anjin.

And because Han Shuangyue is still too young, although she has stepped into the dark energy, she should not even reach the middle stage now.Who do you think can win? "

Su Fanglie said casually, and then looked at the two women in the field.

In this competition, Zhou Xiaofang should be able to win easily.

Hearing this, Su Qiqi and Su Xiaoxi looked at each other, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

That's right, how could a warrior who didn't reach the middle stage of Anjin be an opponent in the late stage of Anjin?

Zhou Xiaofang won, there was no suspense at all.

But how can I say that Han Shuangyue is also Wu You's apprentice, if he loses like this, Master Wu sitting in the arena will lose face.

And just when the two were worried that Wu You would not be able to get off the stage, a commotion suddenly came from behind everyone.

Turning around suspiciously, I saw a group of young men and women also wearing training uniforms, coming in one after another from the black stone wall.

"Hey! Look, there really is a contest!"

"Yeah, I didn't have much to eat, so I rushed here, and I was not disappointed."

"Look, is that Han Shuangyue? I didn't expect her to really come. I thought it was a lie."

"Hurry up and find a seat, maybe there will be no place later..."

All of a sudden, as young men and women walked into the arena with high spirits, the whole hall became lively in an instant.

Seeing the members of the Qianlong team from other teams arriving one after another, Su Fanglie couldn't help saying with hatred:
"This is what a talkative guy passed on. It's really a big deal to watch the excitement!"

Not long after, the huge performance hall was full of seats.

The next moment, almost everyone looked excitedly at the competition arena, and the two young women immediately started talking.

"It's really strange. Even if there are martial arts competitions, there are not so many people watching them. What happened today?"

"Hehe, I saw that you are a new team member, but even Zhou Xiaofang and Han Shuangyue don't know about it."

"That's right, Zhou Xiaofang was the number one existence among the dark energy female warriors in our entire Qianlong base!
That Han Shuangyue is a genius girl who has entered the dark energy in her teens, and she can be said to be extremely powerful!

But back then there was a rumor in the base that Zhou Xiaofang was lucky to stay in Qianlong base because Han Shuangyue left on her own initiative.

Therefore, in order to prove that he stayed with his strength, Zhou Xiaofang has been trying to challenge Han Shuangyue for many years, but was rejected.

Unexpectedly, Han Shuangyue actually took up the challenge today.

That's why so many people came to watch when they heard that the two of them were going to compete here.

Because this is so rare! "

(End of this chapter)

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