I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 35 I Can't Take It

Chapter 35 I Can't Take It
"Hey, he's really here."

Wu Xian caught a glimpse of Wu You who just got out of the car, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.He came here by taxi. This former young master of the Wu family is really pitiful.

Wu Jing turned to look at Wu You, feeling anxious in her heart.Today it became clear that the Wu family wanted to punish Wu You in public, so as to appease the Liu family.

If Wu You didn't come, at most, he would directly announce that he would be expelled from the Wu family, so that Wu You wouldn't be too embarrassed.

But if he comes, then things will not be so simple.

Thinking of this, Wu Jing stepped on her high heels and walked quickly to Wu You, and said anxiously, "Why are you so stubborn, you shouldn't be here today. When the limelight of this incident passes, sister Jing will help you again." Be the master, leave now."

When Wu You saw this professional woman full of aura in front of her, she couldn't help recalling the scenes in her previous life.

In the last life, just today, because of the sliver of dignity left in his heart, he didn't choose to escape, and returned to the Wu family in desperation.

But what greeted him was a stormy reprimand, and those indifferent eyes.

In order to appease the Liu family, the entire Wu family even resorted to family law and beat him to the point of bruises all over his body.

It was announced in public that he would be formally expelled from the family, and since then he has no relationship with the Wu family.

In the end, he was bruised all over, and was ruthlessly thrown out of the house like garbage.Under a pair of indifferent and cold eyes, he suppressed the overwhelming resentment in his heart, and staggered away.

And it was at that time that Wu Jing, who had just returned from other places, gave him great help when he was most frustrated.

If there is anyone in the Wu family who deserves Wu You's respect at this time, the only one left is Wu Jing, who is of the same generation.

"Sister Jing, don't worry, it's fine."

Wu You smiled faintly, stepped over Wu Jing and walked towards the gate.

Wu Jing was taken aback for a moment, but then she came to her senses, and hurriedly turned around and shouted, "Stop, why is this kid so refusing to listen to advice?"

However, Wu You still turned a deaf ear and walked into the gate without looking back.

Just when Wu Jing was anxious to catch up, Wu Xian, who had been watching coldly, hurried up to stop his sister.

"Sister, this kid is a stubborn donkey, why do you care so much about him?"

"Get out of the way!"

Wu Jing pushed Wu Xian away vigorously and chased after him.However, it was too late, Wu You had already stepped into the main hall.

"It's over."

Wu Jing's whole body seemed to have collapsed, and she slumped on the ground all of a sudden.

In the main hall, everyone who thought that Wu You would not come, saw him walking in with a big swagger, they couldn't help showing cold faces.

"Why did Wu You come so late, and let the elders wait for you here, it's outrageous!"

Wu Mingming, who was sitting at the top, looked at Wu You who was standing in the center of the main hall, and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, I'm really sorry. I went to have breakfast first, and then I went shopping, and then I realized that there seemed to be something else today, so I came late."

Wu You said nonchalantly with a smile.

Seeing his frivolous attitude, everyone present was a little displeased.

"Are you the Wu You who hurt my second young master?"

Lin Shihong, the housekeeper of the Liu family, finished speaking, took a sip of tea, and looked at Wu You in the field with contempt.

"You mean that Liu Ergou? That's right, I beat him up, who made him a bitch."

Wu You smiled lightly.


Hearing this, Lin Shihong suddenly sprayed out all the tea in his mouth, choking him so much that he coughed non-stop.He never expected that Wu You would be so bold that he dared to insult his young master openly, he really didn't know how to live or die!


Wu Zhiming slapped the table, pointed at Wu You and said sternly: "Presumptuous! You have caused such a big disaster, you don't know how to repent, yet you dare to speak rudely here again. Kneel down and apologize to Manager Lin! "

Everyone in the Wu family sitting here also showed disgusted eyes.This kid who doesn't know what to do, doesn't even look at what's going on, yet dares to speak wild words.Isn't this going to drag the entire Wu family to the back? It's really hateful!

"This rebellious son is really outrageous!"

"You're right, kneel down and apologize!"

"Oh, Wu You, you've really disgraced my Wu family."

"Not kneeling yet..."

Everyone in the venue accused Wu You in unison, as if they were eager to get rid of the relationship with the young man, and no one interceded for him.

"Let me kneel down? I'm afraid you guys can't bear it!"

Looking at the ugly faces of these so-called elders, Wu You suddenly sneered.


Wu Zhiming jumped up against the case, pointed at Wu You angrily, and said, "An unworthy son who has no dignity and elders is really insulting the family style. Come here, give me the family law!"

The servants who had already been prepared in the back hall entered the main hall aggressively holding canes.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Wu family who was despised by Wu You couldn't help gloating.Since you don't even pay attention to your own elders, don't blame us for being ruthless!

Lin Shihong, who finally managed to catch his breath, couldn't say anything more after seeing this.Looking at Wu You, there was a touch of cruelty in his eyes, and he was looking forward to the tragic end of this impolite brat.

Wu Xian, who had just entered from outside the door, was elated when he saw such a battle.Didn't you like to pretend to be cool in the past? I think you will be beaten into a dog later. How crazy are you!
Seeing this, Wu Jing, who came in after Wu Xian, couldn't help but feel a little bit in her heart.It seems that what I was worried about really happened, why didn't Wu You listen to others' persuasion.

"Father, elders, Wu You is still a child, even if he does something wrong, he can just be criticized and educated. How can he use the family law so easily and ask his father to take it back."

Wu Jing stepped forward and pleaded with everyone present.

"Jing'er, why are you back?"

Wu Mingming was also taken aback when he saw his daughter appearing suddenly.But then his face changed, and he said in a deep voice, "You go down first, this matter is not something you can participate in."

Everyone in the Wu family also sneered and shook their heads, a junior is not qualified to point fingers in front of them.

Seeing that everyone at the scene ignored her words, Wu Jing couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and said angrily: "What era is it now, it is illegal to use violence. If you don't stop, I will call the police immediately!"


Wu Mingming immediately became furious, turned his head to Wu Xian and said, "Pull your sister out, don't embarrass me here!"

"Okay, Dad."

Wu Xian accepted the order happily, and as soon as he pulled Wu Jing's arm, he pulled it out.

"let me go!"

Wu Jing wanted to break free, but she couldn't hold back Wu Xian.He could only watch helplessly as the servants holding canes slowly pushed towards Wu You, and closed their eyes in despair.

And at this moment, a loud announcement suddenly came from outside the door.

"A distinguished guest has arrived!"

Everyone in the field was stunned when they heard the words.

VIP?I'm dealing with the Wu family's affairs today. I don't remember who to invite?

Just when everyone was puzzled, a majestic old man in white walked into Wu's house with the momentum of a rainbow.

It is the head of the Duan family, Duan Shuping!

(End of this chapter)

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