I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 364 Private Hospital

Chapter 364 Private Hospital
Early the next morning, Wu You, who had been recuperating and adjusting his breathing overnight, had recovered to his best state both mentally and physically.

And when he walked out of that room, the best residence in Qianlong Base.Then he found that in front of the gate, Chu Yuntian, Long Zhenhua, Han Jiangang, Su Fanglie and others had been waiting for a long time.

Even Xing Weizhou stood respectfully at the door.

Of course, Han Shuangyue, Tao Xiaomeng, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi were also present.

Seeing Wu You walking out of the door, everyone immediately stepped forward to say hello.

Wu You greeted casually, and then brought Han Shuangyue and Tao Xiaomeng into the chaotic space under everyone's incredulous eyes.

As for this extremely shocking scene, Han Shuangyue roughly narrated it last night.It was only then that Chu Yuntian, Han Jiangang and others realized that Mr. Wu actually possessed an unbelievable magical space that could hold anything in it!
And when they learned of this, they were shocked beyond measure, and they felt even more reverence and awe for this mysterious Mr. Wu.

At this moment, Wu You looked at the two sisters Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi, and said with a calm smile:
"Didn't you two not believe that I can do magic yesterday? We just have time now, so let's go to the hospital and try it out."

Hearing this, the three brothers and sisters of the Su family who were present couldn't help being shocked.

None of them thought that Wu You would actually go to the hospital to treat his father.

And after experiencing so many unimaginable things yesterday, they were already so shocked by Wu You's various supernatural abilities.

Maybe my father, who has been bedridden for many years and can only rely on drugs to maintain his life, can really be cured by this supernatural Mr. Wu!

Thinking of this, Su Fanglie immediately became excited, and then bowed down gratefully:
"Master Wu, no, General Wu thank you very much. Fang Lie will definitely repay your kindness with his whole life!"

"Xiaoyou, thank you very much. If you can really cure my father, I will definitely cook you delicious food every day, and you can ask me to do anything, even blowing the flute."

Su Xiaoxi also thanked her with great excitement.

Su Qiqi on the side was equally excited, looking at Wu You with a nympho, and said with a smile:
"Master Wu, you are really the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva. I, when I grow up, I must promise you with my body..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go now."

Wu You suddenly interrupted Su Qiqi's words, and said calmly.

And at this moment, Xing Weizhou, who was standing aside, suddenly said respectfully:

"Master, why don't I go with you, so I can take care of you."

Although he has worshiped Mr. Wu as his teacher, Xing Weizhou, who has never been taught ancient martial arts, is naturally unwilling to leave Wu You for half a step.

"as you like."

Wu You, who knew that Xing Weizhou had a small heart, didn't expose it, and then smiled playfully.

A moment later, Chu Yuntian, Long Zhenhua, Han Jiangang and others sent him off respectfully.

Su Fanglie was driving a black commercial vehicle with the Liuzhou military plate on it.Carrying Wu You, Su Xiaoxi, Su Qiqi, and an old man with a white beard following him with a stern face, they suddenly drove out of Qianlong base.

And it wasn't until noon that the black commercial vehicle came to the outskirts of the city, in front of a hospital with a vast area and an extremely superior environment.

"Mr. Wu, this is the private hospital with the best medical conditions and the highest level of doctors in the provincial capital.

Moreover, this hospital has a history of several decades. It is said that it seems to be the ancestral property of the Wang family, the richest man in Liuzhou Province. "

Su Fanglie parked the car and introduced casually.

Then everyone got out of the car and walked into this huge hospital.

Immediately, Wu You discovered that this hospital is really not small, and each magnificent medical building is far apart.

And the environment here is very quiet and comfortable, with large green spaces and various plants densely covered.

Especially in the center of the whole hospital, there is actually a sparkling artificial lake, which is really freehand.

At this time, many patients, accompanied by their families or nurses, were taking a leisurely walk by the lake.

Rather than saying that this is a hospital, it is more appropriate to say that this is a private manor.

After a long time, under the leadership of Su Fanglie.Wu You and his party came to a building in the corner of the hospital.

"General Wu, this is the intensive care unit. After my father was beaten and disabled by those foreign elements, he has been receiving treatment here and is still alive."

Su Fanglie said with a sad expression.

Then he led everyone into the gate.

The building is very clean and tidy, and very quiet, only the footsteps of Wu You and his party can be heard.

After a long time, under the leadership of Su Fanglie, everyone came to the third floor of the stairs.

But at this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps and the collision of equipment resounded through the entire corridor.

Hearing the sound, Su Fanglie turned around in surprise.

But I saw a group of doctors and nurses walking into a ward with solemn expressions, pushing a small cart loaded with medical equipment.

In front of the door of the ward, a middle-aged woman in her 50s was holding a mobile phone with a sad face and dialing the number tremblingly.

At the next moment, the cell phone in Su Fanglie's pocket suddenly rang...

Seeing this, Su Fanglie ran forward desperately, and asked the middle-aged woman in panic:
"Mom, what's going on here?!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman suddenly raised her head.Seeing that it was her son who came, the woman's haggard and dry eyes immediately burst into turbid tears.

"Xiao Lie, your father has died, and now the doctor is doing the final rescue."

Hearing his mother's extremely sad and helpless cries, Su Fanglie was stunned on the spot.


Immediately, the tower-like body suddenly knelt down on the ground as if it had collapsed.

"Why, how could this be..."

Su Fanglie muttered to himself with dull eyes, and then two tears rolled down his face.

I was still a step late. My father, who had persisted for so many years, could no longer persist at this moment.

Afterwards, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi who ran over, after hearing what their mother said, suddenly collapsed to the ground and burst into tears in an instant.

They really didn't expect that the hope of curing their father was right in front of them, but now it was completely shattered...

For a moment, in the quiet corridor, the crying of the family echoed with great grief, which lasted for a long time.

And at this moment, a playful remark suddenly came from behind the Su family.

"Why are you crying? Do you think this seat doesn't exist?"

Hearing the sound, the Su family, who were crying together, turned their heads to look with tears in their eyes.

I saw a young man with a calm expression, walking slowly and unhurriedly.

But it was Wu You.

"General Wu, we are one step late, my father, he has died..."

As Su Fanglie spoke, he burst into tears again.

No matter how amazing Wu You's methods are, it is impossible to save a dead person.

"Hehe, it's too late. I want him to live, so I won't let him die!"

(End of this chapter)

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