Chapter 369

As soon as this word comes out.

All the medical staff, including Director Li, were dumbfounded for an instant.

No one thought that such a young boy would have such an identity, which is simply unbelievable.

"How is this possible? My brother, please don't talk nonsense, you have to be responsible for saying something!"

Director Li frowned and blamed Xing Weizhou in a deep voice.

"Nonsense? You old fellow dare to question this old man, are you looking for death!"

Xing Weizhou was furious when he heard the words!
Immediately, a monstrous mighty momentum suddenly erupted!


In an instant, under everyone's shocked eyes.The displayed instruments in the entire ward began to shake violently.

Seeing this scene, Director Li, Wang Boya, the young doctor and others suddenly turned pale with shock.

My God, is the end of the world coming?Why is there another "superpower"...

Feeling the oppressive atmosphere around him, Su Fanglie suddenly recovered from the joy of his father's recovery.Hurriedly came to Xing Weizhou, respectfully persuaded:

"Old Xing, calm down, these people don't know your identity, and they didn't intend to offend you."

Hearing this, Xing Weizhou's aura suddenly subsided, and then he snorted coldly:
"A group of things that don't have eyes, I don't want to bother with you!"

"Master Xie Xing has a lot of people."

Su Fanglie wiped the cold sweat off his brow as he spoke, and then said seriously to Director Li and the others:
"This Mr. Xing is our teacher, and he directly takes orders from Mr. Chu."

Then he turned his head to look at Wu You, and introduced with a more respectful expression:
"And this Mr. Wu is definitely the one recognized by Elder Chu.

So you don't have to doubt anything anymore. "

Hearing these words, Director Li was shocked beyond measure.

He didn't have to believe what the strange old man said, but he was very familiar with Su Fanglie.

Even he said that the young man was really, so it must be indistinguishable.

Immediately, Director Li felt chills all over his body.

The person in front of him is a big man who is under one person and above ten thousand people in the whole Liudi!
No wonder this young man is so arrogant and domineering, he doesn't take the Wang family of the most wealthy family seriously.

That's because they have the capital!

No matter how much money you have, it's shit in the face of absolute strength!

Thinking of this, Director Li swallowed hard.Suddenly bowed his head to the boy in front of him and apologized:
"Wu, Mr. Wu is really sorry, it's because I didn't know Taishan just now, please forgive my recklessness."

Seeing this scene, the young doctor standing aside was also shocked.

He thought that this kid wanted to climb up the Wang family, but now it seems that the situation is completely opposite.

No matter how rich the son-in-law of the Wang family is, his status is still inferior to others!

The two young nurses standing in the corner couldn't help but stare at the handsome boy who looked like a star.

Oh my god, this handsome guy is not only handsome, but also has such an identity, it's unbelievable!
Immediately, the eyes of the two young nurses were filled with admiration, and their cheeks were even more rosy...

At this time, Wang Boya's mind was even more disturbed.

It turned out that the identity of that young man was so terrifying, and I wanted to use money to make him succumb before, thinking about it now is really too stupid.

But no matter what, she would ask this Mr. Wu to help her mother, no matter what the cost.

This Mr. Wu is so handsome and handsome, and so powerful, even at a young age.

Such an outstanding male god is countless times stronger than the most perfect man in his imagination!
If I really agreed to his request, then not only would I not be at a disadvantage, but I would also be suspected of being a dragon and a phoenix...

Wang Boya, who was born in a wealthy family, is naturally not stupid. When he thinks of this, his heart suddenly becomes alive.

Immediately, the look in the eyes of the young man became even more complicated.And the blush on his face seemed to be able to drip water...

And just when she made up her mind and decided to say something.

But the young man suddenly smiled playfully and said:
"I just made a joke for you just now, but you don't have to care about it."

Hearing this, Wang Boya couldn't help but startled, and then for some reason, felt a little lost in his heart.

And thinking of what the boy said earlier, he no longer has any bargaining chips, so he came to ask him to save his mother.

Thinking of this, Wang Boya couldn't help turning his eyes red, and his expression became sad.

Seeing this slim, tall and dignified beautiful woman standing in front of him.At this moment, she looked like she was about to cry, helpless.

Wu You couldn't help chuckling, then said calmly:

"Your mother's illness, I have promised others to go to the doctor. So you don't have to."

Hearing this, Wang Boya couldn't believe his ears.

She could never have imagined that Mr. Wu in front of her had agreed to treat her mother.

But, how is this possible?
Immediately, Wang Boya asked in shock:
"Wu, Mr. Wu, is what you said true? Who told you to treat my mother?"

For a moment, Director Li and the young doctor in the field also pricked up their ears in surprise.

"Wang Bohao."

Wu You said calmly.

Hearing this name, Director Li and the young doctor were shocked.

Wang Bohao is the young master of the Wang family!

If the old Patriarch hadn't improvised to let his three sons compete for the position of the new Patriarch based on their ability, this Wang Bohao would be the legitimate first heir of the Wang family!
I really didn't expect that Wang Bohao could invite this Mr. Wu, who is extremely terrifying in identity and ability, to see a doctor for his mother. It was really unexpected.

"It seems that the new head of the Wang family, the Eldest Young Master is determined to win it!"

Director Li couldn't help muttering to himself.

The young doctor beside him couldn't help but nodded secretly when he heard the words.

With the backing of such a powerful Mr. Wu, the position of Patriarch of the Wang family is still within reach.

Wang Bohao really deserves to be the young master of the Wang family, his methods are really extraordinary!

At this time, Wang Boya also suddenly realized.It turned out that the person who invited Mr. Wu was actually his elder brother.

That's really great, my mother is saved now!
Then it suddenly occurred to her that her elder brother had revealed something to herself some time ago.

He said that he had found a divine man who would surely cure his mother's illness.

Could it be that that god-man is the young man in front of him?

(End of this chapter)

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