Chapter 37
When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

Although the Wu family is not one of Jingxian's top aristocratic families, it is still one of the best big companies.

It is a bit absurd for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child to be the head of the family.If it gets out, I'm afraid it will only provoke ridicule.

Seeing that everyone in the Wu family was silent, Duan Shuping said displeasedly: "Do you have any opinions? Whoever has an opinion please stand up for me!"

For a long time, there was a commotion in the Wu family, but no one dared to come forward, including Wu Mingming who was ashamed.

"I don't agree!"

Suddenly, an angry young man squeezed into the crowd, but it was Wu Xian.

He walked into the arena, pointed at Wu You and said harshly: "If he is really capable, I won't say anything. But if he can do anything wrong in my Wu family just because he is the son-in-law of the Duan family, then that's okay." You don’t take my Wu family seriously!”

Seeing a child come forward, everyone in the Wu family couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts.

"Mr. Duan, Wu You is still just a child. Let's wait for him to become an adult to inherit the business of the Patriarch."

"Yes, Mr. Duan, let's discuss this matter in the long run."

"Old Duan, please take it back..."

Seeing that everyone in the Wu family responded to him and rejected Duan Shuping, Wu Xian couldn't help feeling elated.The demonstrator stared at Wu You with disdain.

Seeing this posture, Wu Zhiming, who was originally in a daze, couldn't help but cheer up, and then he cupped his hands to Duan Shuping and said:
"Mr. Duan, don't take offense. Although Wu Xian speaks a bit straightforwardly, it's not without reason.

Now that Wu You is still young, it may be difficult for him to bear the heavy responsibility of the head of the family. If he is eager for success, it may only backfire.So please think twice about this matter. "

Seeing the Wu family in the field, pretending to reject him there, Duan Shuping was suddenly furious.

Just as he was about to speak to suppress these ignorant guys, a woman's voice suddenly sounded.

"I support Wu You as the head of the family."

Everyone heard the words and looked along, only to see Wu Jing stepping on high heels, walking through the crowd to the arena.

"Wu's Group was originally the business of uncle Wu Mingyuan, who started from scratch. As his only heir, it is reasonable for Wu You to inherit the position of head of the family.

And being the head of the family, how can you have such a big responsibility as you said.After the uncle passed away, the Wu family has not had a patriarch for more than ten years, so there is nothing wrong with it, it's just an excuse! "

Under the dissatisfied gazes of the crowd, Wu Jing spoke freely without fear.

"Nonsense, Xian'er quickly drag your sister down!"

At this time, Wu Mingzhi was extremely angry when he saw his daughter, who was eating inside and out.

Wu Xian, who was also angry, immediately agreed, and walked towards Wu Jing with a sullen face.

And at this moment, Wu You, who had been watching coldly and silently, finally spoke.

"I am not interested in the position of Patriarch. The reason why I came here today is just to inform you of one thing."

Everyone in the audience was stunned when they heard the words, and looked at Wu You for no reason.

"Today I announce that I will quit the Wu family from now on, and the Wu family will have nothing to do with me in the future."

Wu You said calmly, the moment he was expelled from the house in his previous life, he was completely disheartened towards the so-called Wu family.Even if he is reborn in this life, he will never step into his family again!

Everyone in the Wu family was taken aback when they heard the words, but they couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw that it didn't look like a joke.

This kid is a bit self-aware, knowing that he can't convince everyone in the Wu family, so he retreats in spite of the difficulties.

After hearing Wu You's words, Wu Mingming was also refreshed and overjoyed.What a childish brat, he couldn't hold back when he was provoked by everyone.To actually hand over the huge Wu family to others is really God helping me!

At this time, Wu Xian was also ecstatic, he really didn't expect Wu You to be so impulsive.After quitting the Wu family, he is no shit.It seems that the name of the youngest of the Wu family is destined to belong to him.

In the field, only Wu Jing and the Wu family, after hearing Wu You's words, suddenly felt empty.I strongly feel that from now on, the Wu family will lose an extremely important person forever.

She was just about to open her mouth to make amends, but she found that Wu Nayou's deep eyes were extremely firm and unquestionable.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, it was not that the Wu family wanted to give up on Wu You, but that Wu You had already given up on the Wu family.

"Yu'er, have you thought it through?"

Unexpectedly, Duan Shuping didn't try to persuade Wu You, but just asked calmly.


Wu You nodded calmly.


After getting an affirmative answer, Duan Shuping heaved a long sigh, not for Wu You, but for the blind Wu family in the arena.

Sooner or later, you will realize how stupid you were.A real dragon came out of the Wu family, but you drove him away personally...

For a while, everyone was silent with their own thoughts, and the huge main hall was extremely quiet.

And at this moment, a series of hasty announcements suddenly came from outside.

"The head of the Qi family has arrived, the head of the Zhang family has arrived, the head of the Wang family has arrived, and the head of the Zhenwei Martial Art Museum has arrived..."

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look outside the door in surprise.

But Qi Hongxun, who was dressed in a white suit, led nearly five No. 60 people, and broke into the door aggressively.

"Everyone with the surname Wu get out!"

Qi Hongxun stood in the yard, roaring angrily.

Wu Mingming was startled when he heard the words, and hurried out of the main hall, followed by everyone in the Wu family in doubt.

When he got to the front, Wu Mingzhi was shocked to find that all the vicious people in the courtyard were all members of the family of warriors.

And what's even more frightening is that Jing Xian's almost respectable bigwigs in the martial arts world have all come.

"Patriarch Qi, you, why are you doing this?"

Wu Mingming looked at Qi Hongxun who was standing at the forefront of all warriors, and asked fearfully.

"Hmph, your Wu family has really produced a talent! Hand over that kid to me, I will smash him to pieces!"

Qi Hongxun stared at Wu Mingming with blood-red eyes.

Wu Zhiming, who was terrified by this situation, was suddenly at a loss.

Everyone in the Wu family was also panicking. Could it be that a child of the Wu family provoked the Qi family?
Wu Mingming calmed down for a moment, and persuaded tremblingly: "Qi, Patriarch Qi, please don't get angry. We've been friends for so many years. If you have something to say, who in my Wu family offended you?"

"Hmph! He didn't just offend me, he offended the entire world of Jingxian warriors!"

With a big wave of Qi Hongxun's hand, a small tree next to him broke into two sections with a "click" and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, everyone in the Wu family was shocked and broke out in cold sweat.Which trouble-maker is this, who actually caused such a big mess.

"Who else is this bastard, it's your young master Wu You!"

(End of this chapter)

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