Chapter 371
Hearing this, Zhang Jinbao and a group of foreign elements couldn't help but startled, then turned their heads to look.

But suddenly found that the speaker was actually an old man with a white beard.

Seeing this, Zhang Jinbao couldn't help feeling angry, pointing at Xing Weizhou, and yelling loudly:

"Old man, who the hell are you yelling at? You're so impatient, do you want to be shot!"

For a moment, the surrounding foreigners with assault rifles also showed expressions of disdain.

An old guy who is about to go to the ground, what kind of wolf with a big tail is he here!

However, at the next moment, under the eyes of everyone in disbelief.

The white-bearded old man in the arena suddenly opened his eyes wide with anger, and the robe on his body suddenly swayed without wind, making a sound of hunting!
Immediately, a shocking and monstrous momentum suddenly broke out!

Suddenly, it seemed that the whole ward was shaking.

Seeing this horrific scene, Zhang Jinbao and a group of foreign elements couldn't help but widen their eyes, terrified.

They never thought that the old man would have such a shocking power.

This, this must be a great master!
Seeing this, Zhang Jinbao couldn't help shaking violently, and then screamed:

"Quick, shoot!"

Hearing this, a group of foreign elements didn't care too much, they immediately turned their guns and aimed at the old man, and they were about to pull the trigger immediately!
Seeing this, Wang Boya, Director Li and others in the ward were suddenly scared out of their wits.

That's a real gun!No matter how powerful the warrior is, it is impossible to stop the bullet!
Now they are all going to die here...

But at this critical moment, the white-bearded old man in the field suddenly walked forward with a tiger's pace.

Seeing this, Zhang Jinbao was even more frightened, and screamed desperately:
"What are you still doing in a daze? Shoot, shoot!"

However, no matter how hoarsely he yelled, the surroundings were still quiet, not even a single gunshot...

Zhang Jinbao then turned his head in amazement, only to see those foreigners holding assault rifles.At this time, it seemed to be frozen, standing motionless on the spot, not even blinking an eyelid.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Zhang Jinbao was horrified immediately!
And just when he wanted to turn around and escape conditionedly, he suddenly found that his body seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't move at all!

My God, who the hell is that old man?To have such a terrifying ability!

This, this is simply a superpower!
Thinking of this, Zhang Jinbao immediately lost his soul.

And at this moment, Xing Weizhou had already stepped in front of these uninvited guests.

Then he shouted to Zhang Jinbao angrily:

"Damn it, you should curse again!"

At this moment, Zhang Jinbao, who was completely frightened, begged for mercy desperately:

"This old fairy, just now was small and blind, please spare my dog's life if you have a lot."

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Wang Boya, Director Li and others were all dumbfounded in shock.

They never expected that the white-bearded old man in a robe could make those gunmen lose all their mobility in an instant.

This is incredible!
At this time, Su Jianguo, who had just recovered from his serious injury in the field, saw this scene, and immediately said:
"Prisoned in the air! This, is this old man the legendary ancient warrior of the Martial Saint Realm?!"

"Yes, Dad. This senior in the Martial Saint Realm is the martial arts teacher of almost all the team members in our Qianlong Base. Xing Weizhou, Xing Lao!"

Su Fanglie introduced proudly.

Hearing this, Su Jianguo showed a sudden look.

It turned out to be an old senior of the Qianlong group, and his strength is really extraordinary!
For a moment, everyone in the field looked at Xing Lao in the field with respect.

With this incomparably powerful and peerless expert present, everyone's originally frightened emotions finally calmed down.

At this moment, Xing Weizhou gave the bald man in front of him a hard look.Then he turned around and respectfully asked Wu You in the field for instructions:

"Master, how do you say how to deal with these guys?"

Hearing these words suddenly, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded and couldn't believe their ears.

They didn't pay much attention just now, the old man with white beard called the boy.

But at this moment, I heard it for real!

That peerless expert with terrifying strength actually called that young boy his master!

This, this is unbelievable!
"The master of an ancient warrior in the Martial Saint Realm? Oh my god! How, how is this possible?"

Su Jianguo muttered to himself in a daze, his mind was blank...

And Zhang Jinbao who heard these words was even more horrified.

Such a supernatural old man is already so terrifying.

As his master, Mr. Wu must be so powerful!
And when he thought that he dared to be arrogant and domineering in front of him just now, Zhang Jinbao immediately regretted it.

Now my own life and death are completely in the mind of Mr. Wu!
Thinking of this, Zhang Jinbao wanted to open his mouth and beg for mercy.

However, at this moment, Mr. Wu suddenly said to the white-bearded old man in the field:

"Kill them all."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Jinbao was utterly shocked.Immediately, it was like falling into an ice cellar, and the whole body was completely cold...

And Xing Weizhou was taken aback when he heard Wu You's words, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

He was originally jealous of evil, especially for these foreign elements who had killed many members of the Qianlong team, he hated them even more!I can't wait to tear it alive!

However, due to his special status, he cannot be punished as he pleases.So every time I encounter these villains who are doing evil, I can only arrest them, and I feel very aggrieved.

But now, after seeing Wu You's attitude, Xing Weizhou suddenly met his confidant.

It is so refreshing to have such a decisive superior and master!
Immediately, a sinister smile appeared on Xing Weizhou's face like never before!
"Boom bang bang bang..."

And at the next moment, those six or seven foreign elements armed with assault rifles rolled their eyes silently and collapsed to the ground.

Already exasperated to death!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the ward was shocked.

No one expected that the young man and the old man would be so decisive.Kill as soon as you say, don't leave any room for him at all.

It was beyond everyone's expectations.

But if it wasn't for the presence of these two masters today, I'm afraid that the person killed by those foreign elements now would be me!
At this time, Zhang Jinbao was the only one who was still standing there.Seeing that except for himself, everyone else has died in a strange way.I can't help but be terrified, and all the souls of the dead are dying.

And just at Xing Weizhou, he looked coldly at that stalking, unscrupulous dog leg.When preparing to let him go to hell with those foreign elements.

Zhang Jinbao suddenly cried desperately:
"My lord, please spare me! I, I still have something important to report, don't, don't kill me!"

(End of this chapter)

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