Chapter 373
It was already noon at this time, but the originally sunny sky gradually turned gloomy.

Gusts of cool wind passed over the sparkling lake, and brought a little water vapor into the lake, inside a European-style luxury villa.

"The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building. It must be raining."

A black-haired old man in a white gown stood in a spacious and elegant room on the second floor of the villa, looking out the window at the lake not far away.

Although his face was dignified and solemn, there was a hint of loneliness in his tone.

After a long time, the black-haired old man who was not angry and proud turned around silently.

He looked at the old woman lying on the bed with her eyes closed.Then he sighed with an extremely sad expression, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

"Father, you don't have to worry so much. I have already invited that peerless god in Jingxian, and it won't be long before my mother will be safe."

A well-mannered young man in formal attire consoled him in a respectful voice.

But it was Wang Bohao who had just rushed back to the provincial capital from Jingxian.

And the black-haired old man whom he calls his father is none other than Wang Jiansen, the patriarch of the most wealthy family in Liuzhou Province!

"Are you talking about that Mr. Jingxian Wu?"

After Wang Jiansen heard his eldest son's words, he immediately turned his head to look at Wang Bohao, then frowned hesitantly and said:

"Are you sure he can really cure your mother?"

"Back to father, I am not only sure, but also sure that Mr. Wu can cure my mother's illness!"

Wang Bohao said with a hint of arrogance.

And standing behind him, a burly young man also solemnly said at this time:

"Father, brother is right. That Mr. Jingxian Wu really possesses the power to reach heaven and earth!

I have seen it with my own eyes, it can heal a seriously injured and dying person in a short time, making it intact as before.

What's more, with just one elixir, an ordinary person can instantly become a top martial artist!
Such unbelievable scenes are simply called miracles!
Wanting to cure his mother's illness is just a trivial matter for this fairy-like figure. "

Hearing the excited description of the second son Wang Bowu.Wang Jiansen's originally frowning expression gradually turned into surprise.

He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has heard of such a miraculous figure.

Maybe this time my wife is really saved!

Thinking of this, Wang Jiansen felt excited in his heart.

Immediately, he looked at his eldest son with relief, nodded and praised:

"Bohao, it is really rare for you to invite such a peerless expert this time.

And I heard that the media company you are managing now has already ranked first in the same field in the province, and is well-known throughout the country.

His performance far exceeds that of your two younger brothers, and he really deserves to be the eldest son of my royal family!

So this time, after your mother recovers from her illness, I plan to formally let you take over the position of Patriarch of the Wang family. You should be ready first. "

Hearing this, although Wang Bohao had expected it long ago, he still couldn't help the excitement in his heart, bowed with a flushed face and said in a respectful voice:

"Yes, father. From now on, I will definitely take good care of the Wang family and live up to my father's trust!"

"Get up, you deserve it."

Wang Jiansen said kindly.

Hearing the sound, Wang Bohao straightened up, his eyes filled with incomparable excitement.

Three years, three full years!
From a loser in everyone's eyes, he finally turned the world around at the last moment and regained the position of Patriarch that belonged to him!
And he was able to get to this point because he met the most important person in his life!

If it weren't for Mr. Wu's help, I'm afraid I would have suffered a crushing defeat and become the laughing stock of everyone...

Thinking of this, Wang Bohao suddenly felt an unprecedented reverence.

At the same time, Wang Bowu on the side couldn't help sighing secretly.If I can get acquainted with that peerless god-man first, I am afraid that the position of the head of the Wang family will be my own.

Alas, it's too late to regret.

Now I can only accept this result. After all, if I want to fight against my elder brother who is backed by Mr. Wu, it is simply courting death!

However, in the future, the Wang family will surely thrive and make further progress if they can have an expert like Mr. Wu as their backer.

And as the second young master of the Wang family, as long as he doesn't kill himself, he can help his elder brother well.In the future, it will definitely be honorable, and the status and identity will inevitably rise with the tide!
Thinking of this, Wang Bowu changed his previous decadent heart and cheered up again.

For a moment, the faces of the father and son in the room all showed a touch of joy.

After a while, the three calmed down the excitement in their hearts.

Wang Jiansen immediately asked Wang Bohao:
"But where is that Mr. Wu now? When can he come to see your mother?"

Hearing this, Wang Bohao hurriedly replied respectfully:

"Father, Mr. Wu came to the provincial capital from Jingxian the day before yesterday. But after having dinner at Dingxiang Building, his whereabouts are unknown.

That's why my second brother and I hurried back to the provincial capital from Jingxian to invite Mr. Wu to treat our mother. "

Hearing this, Wang Jiansen was suddenly stunned, and then wanted to ask again about that Mr. Wu.

But in the next moment.

"Da da da……"

A burst of violent gunshots and commotion suddenly came from outside the villa!

Hearing the sound, Wang Jiansen, Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then quickly walked to the window and looked out in amazement.

But at this moment, a group of foreigners armed with assault rifles suddenly broke into the hospital!
Except for seven or eight people who ran to the intensive care building.

Most of the rest of the people came to the villa they were in with great momentum!

"He, who are they?"

Wang Bohao saw the foreign militants, after easily clearing away the guards, they surrounded the entire villa, and he said in shock.

"This, these people seem to be members of the Freemasons!"

Wang Bowu, who was in frequent contact with the warrior world and dark forces, looked at the foreigners downstairs and said in shock.

Hearing this, Wang Bohao was shocked all over.

He really couldn't imagine why the Tongji Society, which had always been hiding in the dark in the past, dared to break into the hospital openly today.

And obviously, they came for people like themselves!
"Go down and have a look."

Wang Jiansen said solemnly.

Seeing that they had no way out, Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu had no choice.He had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Wang Jiansen out of the room and down the stairs.

And when they came to the hall on the first floor, the door of the villa was knocked open.

Immediately, a group of foreign elements with live ammunition filed in, and immediately aimed their cold guns at Wang Jiansen and his son!
And just when Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu were terrified.

A familiar voice suddenly came from outside the gate.

"Father, eldest brother, second brother, long time no see!"

(End of this chapter)

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