Chapter 375
Hearing this, the Wang family father and son, including Wang Bowen, immediately looked towards the door of the villa.

But I saw a short figure wearing a gray hooded cloak, the whole person was wrapped in it, and even his face could not be seen clearly, walking in from the door suddenly.

And behind him, followed by a strong Caucasian man who was nearly two meters tall, wearing a black vest, exposing terrifying muscles!

Seeing these two people who were dressed and looked very strange, they came straight to the arena.

Wang Bowen's originally ferocious face suddenly changed, and he hurried forward.To the short man wrapped in a cloak with a pleasant face, he said respectfully:

"Master Vice President, aren't you resting in the car, why did you come here in person?"

Hearing these words, Wang Jiansen, Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu were shocked all over.

Vice president?
Could it be the vice president of the Kiwi Association!

"It's nothing, it's just that the weather has gotten better, and the president wants to come out to get some air."

Suddenly, there was a strange voice that could not be heard from men and women, and it suddenly came from under the hood of the short man.

Immediately afterwards, the weird vice president turned his head to look at Wang Jiansen and the others on the ground, and then asked indifferently:

"These guys just said that someone will avenge them, do you really think it's ridiculous?"

Hearing the sound, Wang Bowen was taken aback for a moment, and asked inexplicably:

"Vice President, what do you mean?"

"Hmph, stupid Chinese people! You can't even understand Master Ellis's words, no wonder you lost to your big brother, and we rely on Tongji to wipe your ass!"

Standing behind the short man, the majestic and burly white man glared at Wang Bowen contemptuously, and snorted coldly.

Hearing this sarcasm, Wang Bowen didn't dare to refute at all, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing this, the strong white man looked even more dismissive, and then snorted coldly:
"Remember it for me, our Lord Ellis will never let go of any potential enemy.

Kill even an enemy's child in its cradle!Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!
However, it is abhorrent that you despise the potential enemy so much and leave future troubles for our Freemasons! "

Hearing this, Wang Bowen immediately reacted.

He really didn't expect the vice president of the majestic Tongji Association to act so cautiously, which was really unexpected.

"Master Vice President, Bowen knows his mistake."

Wang Bowen suddenly bowed and apologized to the little man wrapped in the cloak.

"Forget it this time, I don't want you to make the same mistake again in the future, otherwise we will find someone else to take your place!"

The vice president of the Kiwanis named Ellis said in a cold tone.

"Yes, yes, Bowen follows the teachings of the vice-chairman. In the future, he must be cautious and never cause trouble for the adults."

After saying that, Wang Bowen couldn't help trembling all over, and cold sweat soaked his clothes immediately.

Now it can be said that he has nothing but the title of the third young master of the Wang family.

Even if he becomes the Patriarch of the Wang family, he is just a puppet and cash machine of the Kiwanis.

But even knowing this, he couldn't do anything about it.Because all his handles and even his life are in the hands of the Tongji Society.

At this moment, I have no way out!

Thinking of this, Wang Bowen secretly sighed resignedly.

The next moment, it seemed that he wanted to mend the situation and curry favor with the vice president who ruled his own destiny.

Wang Bowen then turned around, looked coldly at Wang Bohao in the field, and asked with a ferocious face:
"You just said that someone will avenge you? Who is that person? Tell me!"

Hearing this, Wang Bohao, who was shot and fell in a pool of blood, raised his head while enduring the severe pain.Staring at Wang Bowen, panting and sternly said:

"You, you devoid of conscience, don't have the right to know the name of that lord!

Just remember, sooner or later, you will pay for what you did today! "

Then, Wang Bohao glanced at the foreign elements in the field.Then he gritted his teeth and said to the vice-chairman of the Kiwi Society wearing a cloak:
"And you guys, there will be no good end, and that adult will definitely not let you go!"

Hearing this, the tall and burly white man suddenly showed a cruel grin on his face, and snorted contemptuously:
"Things who speak out loud are about to die, and dare to speak hard!
Do you really think that our Freemasons are afraid that your so-called Avenger will fail?It's ridiculous!
We just find it troublesome, as much as that kind of goods come, how much to kill..."

"Shut up, Vosloo!"

Alice suddenly interrupted the strong white man's words, but his tone was a little displeased.

Hearing the sound, the strong white man named Voslu immediately fell silent, then bowed his head and said apologetically:
"I'm sorry, my lord, I was talking too much."

"Remember, I don't like the people around me, they are all brainless idiots!"

Alice said in a cold tone.

"Yes, my lord, Voslu knows it's wrong."

The strong white man said nervously.

And at this moment, Alice turned his head suddenly, looked at Wang Bohao in the field, and said in a gentle tone:
"Since you don't want to say the name of the Avenger, does that mean that in your eyes, that person is not an opponent of our Freemasons at all?

If so, we will not take it seriously. "

Hearing this, Wang Bohao suddenly became angry and was about to speak up to defend himself.

But I saw Alice shook his head immediately, and said indifferently:

"You don't need to say anything more. From your words and deeds just now, I already know that the Avenger is just a useless guy..."

"Shut up! Even if you know who that lord is, you are by no means his opponents!"

Wang Bohao roared hoarsely.

"Oh? Really? I don't believe it."

Alice smiled playfully.

The next moment, Wang Bohao, who was already so angry that he was about to explode, desperately wanted to say the name of that adult.

But at this moment, Wang Jiansen suddenly said: "Bohao, he is trying to provoke you, don't be fooled!"

Hearing the sound, Wang Bohao suddenly came to his senses and immediately shut his mouth.It was just a pair of bloodshot eyes, staring at the vice president of the Kiwi Society wrapped under the cloak.

Seeing this, Ellis shook his head regretfully, then looked at Wang Jiansen again, and said in a gentle tone:
"There is a saying in China that ginger is hot when it is old, and it really lives up to its reputation.

But the minister really wants to know who the avenger is. "

That's good, anyway, you still have so many people, I will kill you one by one until you compromise.

Well... let's start with the old lady! "

Alice smiled.

Voslu beside him was already walking towards the old lady of the Wang family who was placed on the ground with a grin on his face!
(End of this chapter)

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