I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 381 Absolute Power

Chapter 381 Absolute Power
Seeing Voslu go crazy, he exerted all his strength.He punched the giant brown beast fiercely from behind, and everyone in the audience was shocked.

But at this moment, the brown giant ape suddenly turned his hand away and pointed to his shoulder.

"The craftsmanship is good, let's use a little more force here."

Hearing these words of enjoyment, Voslu, who was attacking frantically, was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't help it, and everyone around him was also dumbstruck for a moment.

Did that monkey actually talk?
And not only that, he was not only unscathed in the face of the crazy attack of the berserk giant, but also looked very comfortable...

This, this is simply incredible!
In an instant, everyone in the field was shocked beyond measure, dumbfounded.

"Then, is that Monkey King? But Monkey King is a monkey, this is an orangutan!"

Wang Boya opened her beautiful eyes wide and said incoherently.

And Alice, who was standing not far away, saw this scene, and suddenly his whole body was petrified, and he didn't move any more.

The brown giant ape was able to ignore the attack of the mad Voslu, which made Ellis even more horrified.

He is very clear that Voslu at this time has reached the peak of strength, comparable to the ancient warriors of the Huaxia Martial Saint Realm, and even stronger in strength!
However, such a terrifying and violent giant, in front of the giant ape that suddenly appeared, turned into a backbeater...

How strong should the brown giant ape be? !
Thinking of this, Ellis immediately shivered.

At this time, Voslu, who was the person involved, was startled when he heard the words of the brown giant ape in front of him, and then flew into a rage!
"Damn monkey, you dare to tease me, you are courting death!"

As he said that, Voslu suddenly walked around in front of the brown giant ape from behind.

This monster should have a stronger back defense, so attack from the front!
But at this moment, the brown giant ape saw that the red giant not only stopped beating his back, but also scolded himself in public, which is simply unreasonable!
Immediately, the incomparably huge body stood up abruptly, and roared towards the red giant with an earth-shattering momentum:
"I am the ancient demon king Zhu Yan! How dare you call me a monkey, I must eat you!"

The roar was majestic and mighty, and the whole villa seemed to tremble.

Voslu, who bears the brunt, trembled for no reason in the face of this incomparably terrifying roar, and was almost beaten back from the berserk state...

This, how is this possible?

Faced with this unprecedented situation, Vosloo was terrified.

In the next moment, he couldn't care about anything else, and immediately kicked his legs.


With a loud thunder, the huge body flew towards the brown giant ape!

"Damn monkey, let you taste my true strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Voslu rushed to the brown giant ape with the momentum of thunder.


A loud bang resounded through the audience.

Voslu only felt as if he had hit a steel plate, and suddenly his blood was surging, and his whole body was about to fall apart.

However, at the next moment, a huge hand suddenly fell from the sky, as if being clamped by a huge steel clamp, Voslu's head was suddenly clamped.

Immediately under the inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

The dazed Voslu, like a huge doll, was picked up by the brown giant ape with one hand...

"Hmph, humble guy, your ability is also worthy of being called strength?
Today, the Demon King will show you what real power is! "

As soon as Zhu Yan's roar fell, he suddenly grabbed Voslu's head and slowly lifted it over the top of his head.

Seeing this, Voslu immediately reacted, and then struggled with fear, trying to break free from the grip of the brown giant ape.

However, no matter how violently he punched and kicked, he couldn't shake the giant ape by an inch.

Facing this absolute power far beyond his own, Voslu gradually fell into despair.

Only now did he realize how terrifying the strength of the brown giant ape in front of him was.

In front of him, the power he was proud of was as fragile as a child, without the power to resist.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have dared to show off his power in front of him, and would have slipped away long ago.

But now, it's too late...

"Master Ellis, save..."

Voslu's cry for help hadn't finished yet, under the terrified eyes of everyone in the audience.

The huge brown giant ape with a hideous face grabbed Voslu's head with one hand.As if holding a dead fish, he swung it fiercely!

With a shocking loud noise, Voslu's huge body hit the ground heavily.

Suddenly earth and rocks splashed, and air waves flew!

A mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out from Voslu's mouth, and the great pain almost made him faint.

However, at the next moment, he discovered with great horror that he was lifted up by the giant brown beast again!

There was another loud bang, and the berserker was slammed to the ground again.

And then, under the terrified eyes of the audience.

"Bump! Bump! Bump..."

As if holding a dead dog, Zhu Yan smashed Voslu in his hand to the ground one after another without stopping.

In an instant, there was a loud noise and earth and rocks splashed!
Seeing this horrific scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but tremble with horror.

No one expected that this brown giant ape was countless times more violent than that berserker!
Comparing the two, there is simply a world of difference!
"Okay, so strong..."

Xing Weizhou looked at the berserker who had knocked himself into a serious injury earlier.At this moment, being abused so horribly by that brown giant ape, no, by his senior brother, he was stunned.

"Why, how could this be? It's over, it's over..."

Looking at the scene where Voslu was completely crushed, Wang Bowen fell into deep despair.

"Hmph, what I just said, I told you not to be too happy, now comes the retribution!"

Wang Bohao stared at Wang Bowen and said coldly.

Wang Bowu on the side was also very relieved, and then said proudly:
"This Mr. Wu's monster, even Ye Wushuang, who was in the Martial God Realm, could only run away when he saw it.

It's ridiculous to want to show off in front of a little berserker now! "

Ellis, who was already inexplicably shocked when he heard this, suddenly became even more horrified.

Martial God Realm, that is an ancient warrior whose strength far exceeds the Martial Saint Realm.

No matter how many Martial Saint Realm, in front of a Martial God Realm, they can only be hanged and beaten!
No wonder that Mr. Wu is always confident, with such a powerful guardian beast by his side, he has nothing to fear!
Immediately, Ellis couldn't help looking at the field, and the calm young man blurted out in a very surprised tone:
"Who exactly are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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