I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 384 Necromancer

Chapter 384 Necromancer
Hearing these words, the shock and horror in the hearts of everyone in the Wang family can no longer be expressed in words.

No one expected that Wang Bohao, Wang Bowu and Wang Bowen were allowed to run a company respectively.

Three years later, it is decided to pass on the title of Patriarch of the Wang family to whomever has the best performance and the highest ability.It turned out to be the plan of the vice president of the Kiwanis, Ellis!
"No wonder my wife suddenly suggested this to me three years ago, like a different person.

At first, I thought that she wanted the three sons to compete fairly, but I didn't expect that you were behind it! "

Wang Jiansen immediately gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Since the implementation of this decision to compete for the head of the family, the entire Wang family has suddenly fallen into chaos.

Not only did the three sons regard each as life and death enemies, but the forces within the Wang family also began to divide and stand in line.

The Wang family, which was so powerful in the past, was almost torn apart because of this!
Originally, Wang Jiansen wanted to abolish the original decision when he saw this.But the wife insisted on it all the time, and even quarreled with herself about it.

But at this moment, his wife's health deteriorated.In order not to let him get angry in a hurry, he could only bite the bullet and continue to implement the original decision.

However, now that I think about it, I was so old-fashioned that I didn't notice anything unusual about my wife.It caused her to be tortured and controlled by the ghost for so long, and it also caused her sons to turn against each other.

Thinking of this, Wang Jiansen couldn't help stamping his feet and beating his chest, regretting endlessly.

At the same time, he also hated the vice president of the Tongji Association who almost ruined his family!
At this time, Wang Bohao hated Ellis who indirectly took away his first inheritance right.

If he hadn't been making waves in the dark back then, I would have already been the head of the Wang family by now!
But it was also thanks to his blessing that he was fortunate enough to meet the noble man he was destined for.

Maybe this is called the road of endless people.

"How, how is this possible?"

Wang Bowen, who fell to the ground, was suddenly stunned after hearing all kinds of secrets.

Then he pointed to Alice in the field, and asked in a daze:

"Could it be, did you put me in your plan long ago, so you offered to help me fight for the position of the Patriarch of the Wang Family?"

Hearing this, Ellis suddenly snorted coldly, and said with great resentment:
"Useless stuff! The president was really blind back then, and he found you, a trash, as a pawn. Now that all my plans have been ruined, I really deserve to die!"

After all, Alice muttered something suddenly, and then waved his hand, a gray shadow shot towards Wang Bowen in an instant!

But it was the terrifying ghost from before!

At the next moment, the ferocious ghost suddenly pounced on Wang Bowen.Immediately, as if he was going crazy with hunger, he began to gnaw on it crazily...

"Ah! No! Help! It hurts me to death! Help me, who will save me! Kill me, kill me..."

In an instant, Wang Bowen's hysterical screams resounded through the entire hall of the villa!
Seeing this extremely terrifying scene, everyone in the audience turned pale with horror.

When everyone in the Wang family saw this, they were terrified, and they all showed expressions of intolerance.

Although this Wang Bowen can be said to be devoid of conscience, he deserves to die.

But in any case, he was once his own relatives.Seeing him in such pain, how could everyone in the Wang family have no compassion.

However, they are helpless and powerless against this supernatural power.

"Wu, Mr. Wu, can you please save my third brother?"

Wang Bohao suddenly begged Wu You.

Immediately, everyone in the Wang family also looked at Wu You expectantly.

"If you want the guy who murdered me twice to die a worse death, I can save him."

Wu You smiled playfully and said indifferently.

Hearing this, all the Wang family couldn't help but startled, and then they were shocked.

No one thought that Wang Bowen would dare to murder Mr. Wu more than once. This is simply courting death!
It is a miracle that he can survive till now.

Thinking of this, Wang Bohao immediately fell silent and didn't dare to say anything again.

And at the next moment, Wang Bowen's screams gradually became smaller until they disappeared completely.


With a soft sound, Wang Bowen's body suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes were turned and he died...

Looking at the ashes-covered corpse on the ground, although the Wang family felt a little sad, they also felt that they deserved their crimes, but they had no one to blame.

But at this moment, the terrifying ghost who seemed to be full of thoughts suddenly raised his head.He looked at the members of the Wang family ferociously and greedily, as if they would rush forward at any moment!

Seeing this scene, the Wang family couldn't help but feel terrified and terrified.

"Okay, it's getting late now, I haven't had lunch yet.

If you kill yourself, I can give you a good time. "

With a faint smile, Wu You casually said to Ellis.

"Hmph, shameless!"

Ellis snorted coldly, and then said in an extremely gloomy voice:
"Now I finally know why you were able to kill Dylan and the others yesterday, it turned out to be because of that monkey.

But if you think that you can sit back and relax with that guardian beast, then you are totally wrong! "

Hearing this, Wu You smiled and said:

"Really? Why don't I think so. This seat will give you one last chance, and if you don't kill yourself, you will be at your own risk."

Seeing the kid who was so aggressive, disdaining him so much, Ellis immediately became furious.

Then he yelled coldly:

"Damn brat, how dare you be so rude and arrogant in front of a great necromancer.

Today, the president will let you see what is real terror! "

As soon as the words fell, Ellis suddenly started singing.

Immediately, under the incredible eyes of everyone.

A trace of thick black air began to float around him.

And at the next moment, those unbelievable black qi formed a six-pointed star array exuding bursts of death qi on the ground in front of him!
"Great Messenger of the Underworld, please listen to your servant's call and let darkness descend on this world!"

Ellis raised his hands high and called out in a very solemn tone.

In an instant, the six-pointed star array in front of him burst out with green lights!

In an instant, a roar that seemed to come from hell suddenly resounded through the audience.

And at the next moment, an extremely terrifying black sharp claw poked out from the six-pointed star array in an instant!

With a loud noise, the black sharp claws suddenly clasped the ground.

Immediately, as if the evil spirit was climbing up from hell to the world, its entire body gradually emerged from the six-pointed star array.

And just a moment later.

A huge black beast filled with death energy, extremely cruel and ferocious.With a power that destroys the world, it is displayed in front of the world!

(End of this chapter)

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