Chapter 387
Hearing this, Ellis was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in a dark and cold voice:
"what do you mean?"

However, Wu You didn't speak, but slowly raised his hand.

And in his hand, there is a smooth black egg.

"What it is?"

Alice looked at the egg-sized black egg and couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"This is a preserved egg."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, all the foreigners in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, and then showed disgust.

"God, is this the rumored most disgusting food in China?"

"Yes, I heard that many people in our country call this thing an egg laid by a devil, so you can imagine how terrifying it is!"

"This dark egg looks very appetizing. Are those Chinese people crazy? How could they invent this kind of anti-human dark food!"

For a while, all the foreigners in the venue couldn't help feeling sick...

"Damn guy, do you want to use that preserved egg to disgust the president? Damn it!
What kind of shit is an egg laid by a devil, today the president will let you experience for yourself what a real devil is! "

Alice immediately yelled angrily.Then he turned around and looked at the field. The giant black wolf from the underworld said respectfully:

"My lord, please accept the humble soul of that rude fellow."


The giant black wolf roared suddenly, and its huge green eyes greedily stared at the human teenager.

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

Immediately, the incomparably huge body walked towards him suddenly with an aura that would destroy the world.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Wang family and Qianlong team were terrified in an instant.

Although they didn't know why, Mr. Wu would take out a preserved egg to provoke the other party.

But obviously this is a very unwise move.

So much so that the extremely powerful black giant wolf actually wants to attack him at this moment, I am afraid that Mr. Wu is also doomed.

At this time, everyone in the Tongji Society also showed a look of gloating.

Hmph, self-righteous Huaxia boy, let's see who can save you now.

And this is what will happen if you disgust us!
"Stupid guy, pay the price of your life and even your soul for your previous crimes!"

Alice suddenly smiled sinisterly.

For a moment, everyone in the field looked at Wu You.

Excitement, ecstasy, sorrow, fear, despair and many other emotions filled the entire hall.

In this extremely strange atmosphere.

The terrifying and ferocious black giant wolf had already come to Wu You proudly.


Immediately, an extremely ferocious roar resounded through the audience.

And just when everyone thought that the boy in the arena was about to die.

But the giant black wolf, which was originally full of evil spirits, was stunned suddenly after seeing the black egg in Wu You's hand, and stood there dumbfounded.

And at the next moment, the huge body of the extremely terrifying black giant wolf trembled!
A look of fear suddenly appeared in the dark green pupils that were originally proudly looking down!

Immediately under the incredible eyes of everyone.

The giant black wolf from another world backed away involuntarily, whining in fear.

At the same time, the group of red giant wolves approaching the Qianlong group seemed to sense something.Immediately, they all stopped in their tracks, all stunned, their eyes showing horror!

Xing Weizhou also took the opportunity to get out from the mouth of the red giant wolf, and quickly retreated into the distance, panting.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience showed unprecedented shock!
At this moment, this giant black wolf still doesn't have the domineering arrogance it had before.

Now it's like a frightened mangy dog, wanting to run away quickly...

"This, how is this possible? My lord is the messenger of the underworld, a real devil!

How can you be so afraid of a preserved egg..."

Ellis suddenly gasped and said in disbelief.Then the whole body trembled involuntarily.

And at the next moment, Alice suddenly looked at Wu You, and asked in shock:
"You, the black egg in your hand, what exactly is it?"

Hearing this, a faint smile curled up on the corner of Wu You's mouth, and he said playfully:

"Preserved egg, but you can also call it the abyss dragon."

As soon as the words fell, under the incredulous eyes of everyone in the audience.

A huge and unparalleled black shadow suddenly exploded from the black egg in Wu You's hand!
In an instant, the whole villa shook violently.


With a shocking bang.

Above the huge villa, it was suddenly burst by the huge black shadow that expanded rapidly!

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless ruins immediately collapsed and scattered around.

In an instant, the cloudy sky was suddenly exposed above everyone's heads.

Immediately, a giant black dragon that covered the sky and covered the sun majesticly occupied the sky above the entire villa!

In an instant, a majestic dragon chant that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell resounded through the entire world!
Looking at the extremely ferocious and terrifying giant dragon, everyone in the arena turned pale with horror, and their souls flew out of their wits.

"My God, then, is that the legendary dragon?!"

Wang Jiansen exclaimed in shock and inexplicably.

"This, how is this possible? Isn't a creature like a dragon just a Chinese totem? How could it really exist?"

Wang Boya is also incredible.

At this time, Long Zhenhua, Su Fanglie and other members of the Qianlong team looked at the black dragon in the sky, and they were even more shocked and dumbfounded.

They never thought that their new superior, Major General Wu, could actually conjure a dragon. This is really incredible!
"Then, what kind of creature is that? Why is the death energy on his body so strong?
Could it be, is it also from the underworld? "

Alice exclaimed, trembling violently.

But at this moment, the giant black wolf in the field suddenly prostrated itself on the ground.Bowing his head to the monstrous black dragon in the sky, his huge body began to tremble.

Immediately, the many red giant wolves in the surroundings collapsed and disintegrated, turning into streaks of black death energy again.

And just when these floating black air wanted to return to the giant black wolf.

But all I saw was the black giant dragon in the sky, suddenly opened its ferocious mouth full of fangs.

Immediately, the thick black air was sucked into the air and flowed into the dragon's mouth.

Seeing that the dead energy he had accumulated with great difficulty was sucked up by the giant dragon.But the giant black wolf didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction. It was still prostrated on the ground in great fear, trembling violently.

Seeing this scene, Ellis was even more shocked, and his mind was completely blank.

And at this moment, Wu You suddenly smiled playfully and said:
"This abyss dragon in this seat is the number one beast in the underworld, how can it be compared to your broken dog."

(End of this chapter)

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