Chapter 392 quirky

As she spoke, clear tears suddenly gushed out of Yingning's big eyes that were as bright as stars.

"This seat is not dead, why are you crying?"

Wu You smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Ying Ning, who was being carried by her princess, couldn't help but be stunned.Immediately, she stretched out a small hand carved in pink and jade, and gently stroked the cheek of the person in front of her.

"Really, really big brother!"

Ying Ning muttered to herself in disbelief.

But at the next moment, I saw this little girl with pear blossoms and rain, suddenly buried her pretty face deeply in Wu You's chest, and said in tears:

"It's great, it's great, Xiao Ning finally got her big brother. Xiao Ning really misses you, woo woo woo..."

Wu You didn't speak, just stroking Ying Ning's thin back.There was a touch of warmth in the deep eyes.

Looking at this scene, everyone in the field couldn't help but startled.They really didn't expect that the cruel and ruthless boy before had such a gentle side.

But the little girl who was possessed by an evil spirit was indeed very pitiful.I really don't know what terrible things she experienced during this period, that's why she is so excited now.

After a long time, Yingning's crying gradually stopped.

Then slowly raised his head, his big watery eyes looked at Wu You wrongedly, and said in a sobbing voice:
"Big brother, didn't you say you would come to the provincial capital soon? Why did it take so long?"

Hearing these resentful words, Wu You shook his head with a light smile, and said calmly:

"Let's not mention this first, how did you little girl get possessed by that ghost?"

Hearing this, Ying Ning's whole body trembled involuntarily, and suddenly her petite body leaned into Wu You's arms again, and then she wept with horror on her face:
"Because I couldn't wait for my big brother to come to the provincial capital, Xiao Ning sneaked out of sister Jinyan's house a few days ago, and wanted to go to Jingxian to find my big brother in person.

But on the way, I met that strange man in a cloak. He said that I had a once-in-a-century physique, so he took Xiaoning away.

Originally, my soul would completely disappear after a while, but I didn't expect that at this moment, my big brother suddenly appeared and rescued me. It was really dangerous. "

As she said that, Ying Ning rubbed her head on Wu You's chest affectionately, and suddenly burst into tears and said with a smile:
"But it's great to see big brother again, thank you big brother for saving me so many times, Xiao Ning will marry big brother when he grows up."

"A quirky little girl."

Wu You smiled lightly and shook his head.

Then, holding Ying Ning with one hand, she came to the people in the ruins of the villa.

Seeing this, everyone in the field showed incomparable reverence.

"I'm sorry, this seat has collapsed your villa."

Wu You suddenly said to Wang Jiansen with a half-smile.

Hearing this, the old head of the Wang family was startled for a moment, then shook his head in flattery and said:

"Don't dare, dare not, in front of Mr. Wu, this dilapidated villa is nothing.

If Mr. Wu likes it.Villas and mansions in all locations in Liuzhou Province, you can choose whatever you want, and there is no problem with how much you want. "

"You are generous."

Wu You smiled lightly.

"Compared with Mr. Wu's kindness for saving my wife, this reward is justified."

Wang Jiansen said gratefully.

"Really, then I will send the Buddha to the West."

After all, three aura balls exuding a blue halo suddenly appeared in Wu You's hands!

The next moment, under the astonished eyes of everyone.

The three aura balls suddenly turned into three blue masks, and shot towards the old lady of the Wang family whose eyes were still closed, and Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu who were lying in a pool of blood respectively!

Immediately, the mother and son of the Wang family were shrouded in a halo.

After a long time, the cyan mask suddenly shattered and poured into the bodies of the three of them.

After that, under the amazed gaze of everyone in the field.

The two brothers Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu who were shot and fell to the ground before stood up miraculously!
Except for some blood stains on the clothes, everything was intact, and even his complexion was much better than before he was shot.

At this time, the old lady of the Wang family who was lying on the ground also regained the vitality in her body that had been sucked up by the ghosts for many years.

The originally dry and gray cheeks instantly became plump and rosy.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, and said in a daze:
"This, where is this place?"

Seeing this, Wang Jiansen, Wang Boya, Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu were immediately pleasantly surprised.

My close relative who had already stepped into the gate of hell, finally healed at this time, completely restored to health!

Immediately, all members of the Wang family surrounded him recklessly, booing and asking for warmth in an extremely excited mood.

For a moment, the sound of weeping with joy resounded through the audience.

After a while, the emotions of the members of the Wang family gradually stabilized.

Immediately, all the royal family including the old lady stood up.Suddenly towards the middle of the field, the young men who were calm and calm all bent down and bowed deeply.

"Mr. Wu's great kindness and virtue, my Wang family will never forget it!"

Wang Jiansen expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you Mr. Wu."

At this moment, every royal family member's face was full of reverence.

"Get up."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the Wang family straightened up.

But at this moment, Wu You suddenly looked at the young female doctor who was tall and graceful, with a dignified and elegant demeanor.

Then he smiled playfully:
"The request I made to you earlier, you can think about it carefully and give me an answer later."

Hearing this, Wang Boya couldn't help being surprised.Then I remembered what Mr. Wu said when I was in the intensive care building, the request to dedicate myself to him.

Immediately, Wang Boya's pretty face blushed uncontrollably, and she quickly lowered her head in embarrassment.

But I don't know why, but there is a touch of excitement and joy in my heart...

Seeing this, everyone in the Wang family was immediately amazed, not understanding what happened?

And at this moment, Wu You hugged the little loli Ying Ning, and turned around suddenly.

Looking at Xing Weizhou, who was leaning against the ruined wall and was already seriously injured, he nodded calmly and said:
"You did well today."

As he spoke, Wu You flicked his fingers, and a gleaming silver elixir was accurately shot into Xing Weizhou's mouth.

Immediately, Xing Weizhou only felt that the elixir that he swallowed suddenly turned into a stream of cold liquid and poured into his throat.

In an instant, bursts of majestic vitality quickly spread to the limbs and bones, and the eight meridians.

In an instant, Xing Weizhou only felt his whole body, as if soaking in a hot spring, extremely refreshing.

Afterwards, he let the cool and refreshing feeling continuously nourish the meridians in his whole body.

The originally extremely serious injury on his body began to recover quickly at this moment!
I don't know how long it took, but Xing Weizhou could only feel the vibrant cool feeling in his body gradually dissipating.

But at the next moment, his whole body seemed to be reborn, full of majestic vigor and vitality.

The injury that was fatal enough to fully recover!
(End of this chapter)

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