I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 445 Pride and Prejudice

Chapter 445 Pride and Prejudice

"Hehe, it seems that you guys are still not convinced?"

Seeing those students of Qi Heqing, Hu Youzi looked at him with disdain, and immediately blew his beard and stared.

"Of course I don't accept it. Our teacher has been immersed in the history of cultural relics for decades, and is the only remaining veteran figure in the archaeological world. How could he not be as good as you?"

A young student behind Qi Heqing said proudly.

"Yes, yes, what college did you graduate from? Have any academic papers been published in authoritative journals? Have you participated in an international appraisal conference? Have you won any awards?

If there are none of these, what can we compare with our teacher Qi? "

Another young man with glasses asked disdainfully.

Hearing these sarcastic words, Huyouzi immediately flew into a rage, and was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. The world is full of wonders, even if there are strange men with higher vision than the old man, it is not surprising."

Qi Heqing said in a low voice to his students.

Then he looked at the wretched Taoist priest and said politely:
"My students are young and ignorant, and I hope this gentleman will not be offended.

But I haven't asked for advice yet, sir, what do you want to exchange for General Wu? "

Hearing this, Hu Youzi snorted coldly, and rolled his eyes at those guys who looked down on him.

Then he looked at Qi Heqing, and said proudly: "Hmph, what are you exchanging? Even if the poor Taoist said it, you might not know it!"

Hearing these arrogant words, not only those young people were angry, but even Qi Heqing was a little displeased.

After all, he has worked in the museum for more than half a century, how could there be something here that he doesn't know, that Taoist is simply talking nonsense!
"Hmph, it's really shameless, almost all the collections here have been in the hands of our teacher Qi.

You quack, do you know more about the things here than the old man?Bragging is not like that! "

A young student scoffed.

The other young people also showed contempt.

"How dare you say I'm bragging? It's really unreasonable!"

Hearing this, Hu Youzi is like a rabbit with fried fur, furious!

Then he turned his head and looked around, as if looking for something.

And just a moment later, he suddenly saw a sealed ebony brocade box placed on the table in front of Qi Heqing.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and he said proudly:

"Don't you think I'm bragging? That poor man will open your eyes now!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the brocade box on the table and asked Qi Heqing coldly:

"Do you know that thing?"

Hearing this, Qi Heqing and the others couldn't help being taken aback, not understanding what that wretched Taoist priest wanted to do.

"This is an ebony brocade box made during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is a cultural relic just unearthed from a well-preserved prince's tomb."

Qi Heqing spoke with a solemn expression.

"Isn't that nonsense? I'm asking about the contents of this box. Do you recognize it?"

Hu Youzi still said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Qi Heqing and several students couldn't help but frown slightly.

As soon as the ebony brocade box was unearthed, it was sent to the Liuzhou Museum.

And at this moment, they haven't had time to open the well-sealed box, how could they know what's inside?
"Archaeology is not magic. If you don't open the lid, who can know what's inside? You're not messing around!"

A young student said angrily.

Qi Heqing and the others also had sullen expressions on their faces.

"You don't know, I know!"

The lake wanderer said proudly.

Hearing this, Qi Heqing and the others were startled.

This newly unearthed brocade box has gone through more than 200 years and has never been opened.

How could that wretched Taoist know what's inside? Isn't this nonsense?

Not only Qi Heqing and the others were like this, but even Gao Qinghua and Yuan Qianxue at the side also showed expressions of surprise.

And at the next moment, I saw Hu Youzi standing upright, pointing at the ebony brocade box proudly, and said loudly:
"There are thirteen date pits inside!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.Who would have thought that this wretched Taoist would not only tell what was inside, but even know the quantity, which is really unbelievable.

"He wouldn't be talking nonsense, right? How could someone know what's inside without opening the lid, and there are still some parts."

"Yeah, can he still see through?"

"Mr. Qi, anyway, we were going to open this ebony brocade box just now, so let's verify it and see if this guy is talking nonsense!"

While speaking, the young students in the field all looked at Qi Heqing expectantly.

I hope that he can agree to open the brocade box, so that the incomparable charlatan's true colors can be revealed!
"Alright then, just open it and have a look."

Qi Heqing pondered for a moment, then nodded.

Immediately, under the amazed eyes of everyone, Qi Heqing, who was sitting in a wheelchair, placed the ebony brocade box that had been processed almost on the table in front of him.Concentrate on using the tool, carefully and slowly pry it up.

At the moment when the lid of the box was fully opened, everyone around showed shock and inexplicable expressions!

I saw that in the small ebony box, there were actually more than a dozen things that looked like date pits!

Count carefully, no more, no less, there are thirteen!
"This, how is this possible? How did he do it?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped and couldn't believe their eyes.

The things in this ebony box are exactly the same as that wretched Taoist said!
This, this is really incredible!
"Hmph, what's the matter, are you convinced now?!"

Hu Youzi looked at Qi Heqing and the others with their shocking and inexplicable appearance, and immediately yelled arrogantly.

Hearing this, everyone present reacted immediately.Immediately, those young students couldn't help but blushed in embarrassment.

"Here, this gentleman, no, this master, how do you know what is stored in this box?"

Qi Heqing asked in amazement.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were focused on that wretched Taoist priest, eagerly looking forward to the answer.

"How do I know? Because Pindao is a genius! Hahaha..."

Hu Youzi suddenly laughed triumphantly.

Seeing this, everyone in the field was ashamed, but no one dared to despise this amazing Taoist priest.

And at this moment, Gao Qinghua, who was also shocked, suddenly spoke.

Xiang Qi Heqing and others described in detail the miraculous deeds performed by this Taoist priest in the exhibition hall and reception hall.

After listening to Gao Qinghua's narration, Qi Heqing and his students couldn't help but be shocked and dumbfounded.

They could never have imagined that there would be someone in this world with such superb identification ability.

This is simply incredible!
(End of this chapter)

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