I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 459 Ice Ice Cocoon

Chapter 459 Thousand Fantasy Ice Cocoons
In an instant, these immortal grasses and spiritual plants from ancient times, even more ancient, were revived in the huge spirit cultivation formation.

The seed fossils scattered everywhere began to shed their skins one after another, sprouting and rooting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the snow-white ground, which was originally empty and vast, was already covered with grass and flowers blooming like a brocade.

For a time, bursts of refreshing fragrance permeated the air.

Looking at the plants full of vitality, rare flowers and plants that had never been seen before, everyone in the audience couldn't help being intoxicated by it, unable to extricate themselves.

Preserved eggs in the air, looking down at the numerous spiritual plants adorning the giant formation, couldn't help being shocked.

With his hundreds of years of experience and vision, he only recognized a few of them, and most of the rest had never been seen before.

Immediately, Preserved Egg couldn't help asking:
"Master, are those exotic flowers and herbs all panaceas?"

"That's right, these are all immortal grasses that have become extinct in the Dharma-ending Era.

Although there are only some not-so-advanced medicinal materials, it is more than enough to refine some commonly used elixirs. "

Wu You smiled lightly, then looked at the verdant spiritual plants, and said with a light smile:
"However, even if these medicinal materials are ripened by the spirit cultivation array, they will have to wait for a while before they can fully mature and be used by me.

You must take care of yourself. "

"Yes, Master."

Preserved eggs respectfully took orders.

"Okay, don't be dazed, let's eat."

With a calm smile, Wu You turned around and walked towards the table full of various snacks.

Seeing this, everyone who was immersed in the fragrance of the ground came back to their senses.

Then they all followed Wu You and sat around the huge table.

I began to eat delicious snacks while admiring the exotic flowers and plants that I had never seen before. It was very pleasant.

For a moment, the arena was full of laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere was very joyful and enthusiastic.

I don't know how long it took, when everyone ate about the same.

Duan Jiaqi who was sitting suddenly discovered something, looked at Wu You with big blue eyes in surprise, and blurted out:
"Brother-in-law, you haven't changed the clothes I picked out for you, have you?"

Hearing the sound, Han Shuangyue and the other girls also looked over, only to notice that Wu You was indeed still wearing that black and red casual dress, as if she had never changed it.

Although the clothes on his body were spotless, they were no different from new ones.But it still makes people feel a little awkward, even pitiful...

"Brother-in-law, why don't we choose some new clothes for you later, my vision will definitely satisfy you."

Duan Jiaqi said eagerly.

Hearing this, the eyes of all the girls sitting around also brightened, revealing expressions of excitement.Shopping is the G-spot of all women.

Especially when choosing clothes for the unique man in their hearts, it makes them feel itchy.

However, under the eyes of all the girls, Wu You, who swept away most of the tables, looked down at his outfit, then shook his head and said with a smile:
"No need, I don't care about what I wear.

And this seat just got a treasure today, after having it, I don't have to care about those mundane things even more. "

Hearing these words, all the girls couldn't help but startled, puzzled.

"Master, what kind of baby are you talking about?"

Tao Xiaomeng asked suspiciously.

All the beauties also listened attentively.

"That's the thing."

Wu You chuckled and stretched out a jade-like palm.

The girls looked curiously.

But he saw only an oval stone with layers of raised ice-blue stones lying quietly on his palm.

"what is this?"

Tang Liangying asked in surprise.

The women in the audience also showed doubts on their faces.

"This is the Thousand Illusion Ice Cocoon, which was given to me by that woman herself."

Wu You pointed to the oriental beauty sitting not far away, and smiled playfully.

Hearing this, everyone also turned their heads to look over.

At this time, Yuan Qianxue was already blushing.

Where was the Qingning Stone given to him by himself, it was clearly taken away from him by him...

Immediately, Yuan Qianxue remembered the scene in the museum again, and felt extremely embarrassed.

Seeing the appearance of this oriental beauty, Han Shuangyue and the other girls immediately reacted, and their eyes became strange.

It seems that this oriental beauty must have been tricked by that pious guy...


Li Yinan glanced at Wu You, cursed secretly, and then tightened his shirt.

However, Wu You at this time didn't care about the strange eyes of the girls at all.Looking at the blue stone in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:

"This Thousand Illusion Ice Cocoon is a rare treasure in the early stages of cultivation. Its strength is even more extraordinary, and it is difficult to catalyze it with ordinary spiritual energy.

But in the hands of this seat, it is different. "

As he said that, a gray ball of light suddenly appeared in Wu You's hand, completely covering the Qianhuan ice cocoon.

But it is the Qi of Primordial!

Following Wu You's soft drink.

Under the astonished eyes of all the girls in the field, the gray light ball in Wu You's hand suddenly burst into an incomparably brilliant halo.

Through the dazzling light, the blue stone in the gray light sphere began to crack slowly!
And just a moment later, the gray light ball gradually shrank its light, and finally disappeared completely.

Look at Wu You's hand again, the oval blue stone has completely shattered!

And at the next moment, the gravel suddenly moved.

An ice-blue silkworm baby popped out of nowhere!
And then, under everyone's horrified and inexplicable eyes, the silkworm baby in Wu You's hand looked around, and then started to eat the blue gravel scattered around.

In a short while, I ate everything.

Then his originally weak body suddenly swelled a circle, and then he hiccupped in satisfaction, curled up on Wu You's palm, and stopped moving.

"Then, what is that bug?"

Seeing this incredible scene, Yuan Qianxue immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed.

She never thought that there was actually a bug hidden in the Qingning Stone that she had been wearing next to her body!
This, this is really disgusting...

"This heaven and earth spirit insect is called the Thousand Illusion Iceworm, and the blue stone is its cocoon."

Wu You smiled lightly.

"Master, is this bug a treasure?"

The gray-haired rabbit on Hu Yu's shoulder looked at the ice-blue bug and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, this Thousand Illusory Iceworm can devour and absorb all icy things in the world.

Thus spewing out the Thousand Illusion Ice Silk, which is regarded as a treasure in the entire practice world, is really a rare treasure. "

Wu Youfeng smiled lightly.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was surprised and didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Master, do you mean that the real treasure is the silk produced by this worm?"

The lake wanderer said thoughtfully.


Wu You smiled lightly and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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